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Juggeling at school

Autor:  Ainsel
After I successfully convinced my teacher that juggling is a great thing the school wants to support with CAS (Creativity Activity Service) hours which you need to complete your IB diploma. The first step wasn’t too difficult as my teacher was in favour of my idea from the beginning on. I also could make it my project if I perform on the Christmas market of the school. Funnily enough she said that 4 tricks were enough and so I’m gonna “perform” on that Christmas market thing and make a fool of myself in the name of education. She also told me that I could not just get my service hours with the teaching part but also could I get activity or creativity hours for choice as I’m “practicing” for my “performance”.
Enthusiastically I then went to my head teacher to ask her about permission and some space. Her first question was what I was juggling. Fortunately I had my incredibly satisfactory, soft beanbags with me. Health and safety. As a facility she suggested me one of the sport halls and told me to find the PE teacher to ask her when one of them would be available. When I carefully asked her about my juggling clubs her answer was definite. There won’t be any clubs as they are way too dangerous. Health and safety. I couldn’t quite understand that. I was going to take part in the knitting club that very day. To me knitting needles are way more dangerous than clubs. Not only have clubs, other than knitting needles which have at least one pointy end, both ends cushioned with rubber but also do I not think that they are on the black list of some German doctors and hospitals. Knitting needles actually are. Then again you do can take knitting needles on the plane. And as you can’t take umbrellas I doubt they let you take clubs. But thinking of it, assuming that whoever creates the restrictions on what you can take in your hand luggage is capable of acting reasonable, that maybe is because of the limited space on a plane. I mean their water pricing is more dangerous than all my clubs and umbrellas put together. Somebody could dehydrate and die of a kidney disease.
But well she’s the authority. So I went to the PE teacher and asked her about the sports halls. Unbelievably one of them was free in the lunch breaks of the days I wanted to do the teaching. Unfortunately, despite all the advertising I did, nobody came. But well, what did I expect? It was lunchtime after all. No miracle the hall was free. I did manage to gather some people. The incredible amount of 4 people. All of them one year under me. Two of them I actually convinced to go juggling rather than taking part in whatever sporty activity for what to take part in they entered the sports hall in the first place. One of them took part even if he didn’t need CAS hours. Mainly because his girlfriend did. She again took part because she wanted to please him as she knew that I was a good friend of him. Or maybe I’m just an incredibly convincing person. Well I didn’t have any more balls anyway.
After I gathered my students I then was to find out that the sports hall IS used during CAS time, a time especially reserved to earn CAS hours. So we occupied the common room.
I try seeing it as a coincidence but after about 5 to10 minutes EVERYBOADY has left the room. Fleeing from 5 people with 15 soft beanbags in a corner of a, I’d say, at least 400m² hall.
Seeing that therefore the room maybe isn’t the best facility we decided to continue outside making me dependent on the weather.
What a fortune I’m in England.
Wish me luck.

English Summer

Autor:  Ainsel
I admit i do like all seasons and that it would be boring if there only was summer... but now that were running out of summer and it is starting to get older and wetter, i have to face that im stuck in England and that this place only is inhabitable in summer... has the greatest potential to be inhabitable in summer. While everybody else can grow some palm trees and gain some tent in the effect of global warming, i've been told that this island is actually getting colder. Starting an evaluation of weather i rather want to live the length of a human live in a place having 4 months you can actually claim to be living or if i want to spend however long it takes until global warming melts the rest of the world (everything but england. Logically one ay had figured that a way colder place such as the arctic had a real chance as well but there you go...where was i: spend an unknown amount of lifetime) in a place which is pleasant to live maybe 11 months a year or more, when i got told, that england is doomed as well. In fact were all gonna freeze rather than melt, the UK just seem to be a bit more realistic about that than the rest of the world.
Also they have winter time now which supposing is the standard time but which only proves that the UK is absolutely wrong in its time zone. its starting to get dark at 6 now thats two hours after i get home from school one hour after the poor ones having to take a after school lesson finish. If you then live at the end of the world as i used to do you end up leaving when it is dark and returning home when it is dark. So much for winter-depressions in Scandinavia.
This now questions what i am still doing here. And for a change there is a simple and logic answer to that. In fact three of them: Im stuck here as a student; I do quite like this island; and I dont know where else to go.
Also it isnt all bad: after christmas i still have about 4 to 5 month to look forward to something; and i should get a lot of schoolwork done as there is no point in leaving my room anyway... safely. Or maybe i rust ge really, really good at a computer game...
Im pretty sure i don’t have to juggle or unicycle or go jogging or running or climbing or bike into town or go for a walk all the year without ending up in front of the computer... i could... read a book... If i then install a tent at the bus stop... or maybe even go to the bus stop by tent, i have done more humiliating things... i believe, i think ive got a plan to survive the worst weather conditions of the year. Only about 7 month in England i believe. Only thing left to do is to purchase a tent... and maybe some books.


Autor:  Ainsel
hm.. das ann is nicht on und hat mir die charas zum nachtragen geklaut, ausserdem is mein block nich ganz vollstaendig, nja das sicherheitssysthem der schule verweigert mir die adminrechte und ueberhaupt... dennoch hab ich ne freistunde und will das nutzen um abzutippen...

Tja Tja

Autor:  Ainsel
Nja... diesmal ham wir den zettel nich versemmelt sondern den Block einfach mir gegeben, was bedeutet, dass es noch jahre dauern kann, bis ich nachgetragen habe...
wider nur rpg und wieder nich von interesse^^


Autor:  Ainsel
Tja... da uns (dem ann und mia) nen zettel, auf dem wir rpg geschrieben haben, entschwunden is und ich unkreativ bin, wird vorerst hier weiter geschrieben...
is also nich von interesse^^