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Thank you

Autor:  -Hansen-
... for crushing into my waves ... <3

Datum: 18.04.2009 01:34
Nein, ich hab DIR zu danken! Q____Q

For being with me for all this time... even after certain affairs and arguments! ♥


And for answering those ever unspoken words... I do... and I always will :3

...jetzt hast du's geschafft D:
JACK FROST sitzt sobbend vorm PC und winselt sich eins TT^TT
Hansen ist eine riesige, vertrocknete ARSCHKACKWURST!!! Ò____Ó
Datum: 18.04.2009 01:39
Frosty... don't cry
*giving him a handkerchief with little babykittens printed on it*
: D
I will go and make you a gooood and niiiice and tasteeeeeey coffee and then you will drink it and feel better and then we will go to bed, take a nap and be cuddling all night <3
Jack Frost stinkt bis zum PIMMEL nach Urin Ò___o!!!
Datum: 18.04.2009 01:43
Yeah... cuddling seems to be so nice, since I know and eat you~
*takes a big bite out of him*
*leaves some love-marks on his chest and neck*
*and nuzzles into his chest*
no coffee tonight...
just cuddling... and kissing... and making sweet sweet love so we can have even more puppies <3
Hansen ist eine riesige, vertrocknete ARSCHKACKWURST!!! Ò____Ó

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