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False Friends

Autor:  Flitti
You think they like you
You think you're not alone
They say you're importent
They want to know what's wrong with you
But then comes the day when you realize that it's all a lie
They say it's not because of you
They say you're a good human
But can you believe it?
You can never trust someone again
It's forever in your soul
In your mind
And in your heart
No one can heal it

Broken Life

Autor:  Flitti
I don't know what I should do
Please show me a way out of it
I can't find a solution at myself
I need your help
Can you show it to me?
Can you tell me what to do?
I only want to be happy like you

This World

Autor:  Flitti
Why can't I be like you?
Why can't I smile like you?
I want to be happy
I want to feel love
I only want to be a human like you
But I can't
I can't break the cage
I can't escape this world
I'm a slave like everybode


Autor:  Flitti
immer wieder macht man doch mist
und was soll man dann machen?
hilft es eigentlich noch, wenn man es zu oft macht?
wahrscheinlich nimmt es die andere person nich mehr an
und dann?
hat man wohl alles verloren ...


Autor:  Flitti
Can you see what happened?
Have you erver seen it?

No one of you opened the eyes
Can you see the tears?
Have you ever recognized them?
No one of you done something against them
What can you do?
What can I do?
How long should I suffer?
How long would you only watch?
When would it have an end?

My Life

Autor:  Flitti
Changing myself for everybody
To be how they want me to be
Playing a role in their lives
An act in everyone's theater
But who let me be free?
Let me go?
Realize how it is
It's not only your game
I break these chains
I escape from you
Only want to be free