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Back from Nirvana mental illness, personal, Trigger-Warnungen: Depression, Psychische Erkrankung

Autor:  Yutaki

Hi everyone (^0^)/

As the title suggests: I’m back online^^

And before I hit you with long-winded reasons and stories I want to first say that I’m sorry. Sorry for just vanishing, not keeping in contact with my friends here and on other online sites and not even leaving a quick post to show that I’m still alive. I felt incredibly guilty for this and not responding to messages and soon enough didn’t log into my websites anymore at all, even though I missed my friends.


So what did I do while being offline for the last… 1 ½ years?
Not much really. I had planned to sort out my life since, as many of you know, I suffer from a bipolar disorder, social anxiety and other smaller health issues. However isolating myself did not help me improve and instead made things worse, as one actually could have guessed. Instead of having more time to learn and draw I ended up with bad episodes, not communicating much at all for months and at the same time convincing myself that everything will improve if I just try a little harder.


Finally, a few weeks ago, I had a moment of epiphany. I can’t and don’t want to keep living like this, I have to change something. So now I’m on a new medication, am going back to therapy and most importantly want to reconnect with my friends and acquaintances online and offline!

It still took me quite a bit of time and courage to write all this down, especially since I don’t want to make it sound like I’m trying to gain sympathy or pity or even use this story for attention.

I just want to tell those who care the truth in as few as possible paragraphs. To have this out of the way, for them and for me.


Yes… I think that is it. I will write some personal messages to try and start talking and communicating again with everyone I missed (and actually feel confident enough writing an unprompted message) <3 If I don’t write you always feel free to strike up a convo! I either forgot because I’m very scatter brained on my new meds or chances are even higher that I was too shy, haha^^”

Every message means the world to me, but if you don’t feel like writing or even answering that is totally fine too of course, after all I’ve been gone for so long!

I’ll start writing messages and answers tomorrow, this post sadly already took all my energy and courage to make and post plus it’s already late.

So see you tomorrow!


Love you all!

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