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OMNIA... Eine Band die mir aus der Seele spricht... Free, I don't speak human, Omnia, Toys in the Attic

Autor:  Amazone_Elenya

"If the animals and the earth could talk... this is what they would say..." - Steve 'Sic' Evands-van der Harten [MPS Köln 2012 | Omnia - Live on Earth]

"Du hast einen Vogel!" - Steve 'Sic' Evans-van der Harten [MPS Köln 2012 | Omnia - Live on Earth]

"This is a song about to think and to live out of the Box. We called this song... Free..." - Steve 'Sic' Evans-van der Harten [MPS Köln 2012 | Omnia - Live on Earth]

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