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Leeeeeecker >.<

Autor:  Tsukasa_Yui
Ich habe mir am WE ein Backbuch gekauft...und darin war dieses Rezept das ich heute ausprobiert habe...himmlisch *drei Meter über den Boden schwebt*
Ich glaube, das sollte ich allen, die hin und wieder mal in meinen Stecki, bzw. Weblog gucken nicht vorenthalten...aaaalso tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sticky Chocolate Pudding

These individual pudding always look impressive at the end of a meal


125 g/ 4 ½ oz/ ½ cup butter, softened

150 g/ 5 ½ oz/ ¾ cup soft brown sugar

3 eggs, beaten

pinch of salt

25 g/ 1 oz cocoa powder

125 g/ 4 ½ oz/ 1cup self-raising flour (ich denke mal Mehl und Backpulver gemixt...)

25 g/ 1 oz dark chocolate, chopped finely

25 g/ 1 oz white chocolate, chopped finely


150 ml/ 5 fl oz  double (heavy) cream

75 g/ 2 ¾ oz/  soft brown sugar

25 g/ 1 oz/ 6 tsp butter


1 Lightly grase 6 individual 175 ml/ 6 fl oz/ ¾ cup pudding basins (molds)

2 In a bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy (ist die Sauce...kp, warum die die am Anfang schreiben). Beat the eggs a little at a time, beating well after each addition.

3 Sieve (strain) the salt, cocoa powder and flour into  the creamed mixture (also die eier, NICHT die Sauce!!!) and fold through the mixture. Stir the chopped chocolate into the mixture until evenly combined.

4 Dividenthe mixture between the prepared pudding basins (molds). Lightly grease 6 squares of a foil and use them to cover the tops of the basins (molds). Press around the edges to seal.

5 Place the basins (molds) in a roasting tin (pan) and pour in boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the basins (molds).

6 Bake in a preheatet oven, 180°/ 350°F/ Gas Mark 4, for 50 minutes, or until a skewer insert into the centre comes out clean

7 Remove the basins (molds) from the roasting tin (pan) and set aside while you prepare the sauce (häää? Haben wir das nicht schon bei schritt 2 gemacht? Die wissen auch nicht, was sie wollen...die spinnen, die Australier!!!).

8 To make the sauce, put the cream, sugar and butter into a pan and bring to the boil over a gentle heat. Simmer gently until the sugar has dissolved. (okay...doch nicht...was haben wir dann bei schritt 2 gemacht? Ich Blicke nicht mehr durch, it’s so confusing)

9 To serve, run a knife around the edge of each pudding, then turn out on to serving plates. Pour the sauce over the top of the puddings and serve immediately.

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