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GACKT Concert Yellow fried Chickenz 2011 GACKT - YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz 2011 EU Tour in Leipzig, Gackt, Konzert, yellow fried chickenz, YFC

Autor:  Nanashi_Shion
how have you been? I'm fine and was busy from 5th August until 10th August. I had do some arragment in Leipzig (Germany). But now is everthing finished and beside it's not the main point, that I want write.

During staying in Leipzig I also went to "GACKT Concert Yellow fried chickenz". At the beginn, when I heard that GACKT is coming to Europe Tour again. I was unsure if I should go or not. The one side is I wanted see him live on stage. The other side is that I dislike to crowed and loud places. But my dear friend Tee conviced me to go. (^_^)
So asked my mother first if I can go and my mother said at the beginn "No". The reason was depens when I have to search work, but at the end she changed her mind and told me to ask my father. So I asked my father and he said "Okay".

So on 7th august I went on GACKT concert. While I was waiting to get enter to the concert, a girl offered me her selfmade cookies and it tasted really good. I also made friend with her friends along. (the sentence sound so confusig @_@).
The concerst should started 7:30PM, but it started 20 minutes later. On background I heard few people complaine about the lateness and I only thought to those people "shut the fuck up or go home!" The Concert was half full and I was with the new friend place where not to crowed and squisy~. But I had still good view to stage, as long there was any person who was standing right front of me and who was taller than me. :,D
I had no experience of concert and it's my first concert that I went. When the concert started I thought I'm gonna def because of the loud music, but while concert I got used it. Since I'm really shy person, I didn't had a heart to run riot. But while thrugh the concert I wen in to the flow and at the end I run riot and screaming alound. xD Or atleast I tried to scream, which failed most time, since I have no voice for scream alound without get sore throat while screaming. Orz
The concert was really great. There was few new song and few old one. The duet with Jon was great and it was better than I thought. Someone throw a handcuf to the stage and Jon's reaction was cute. He put the handcuff to the guitarist Chachamaru.
Around the end of concert GACKT made a small speach in english with a lot swear. When he asked, if we want him again and all screamed "yes!", he got bit embreassed. That was somehow cute~ (^_^)

The concert was short, but I had really fun. Those feeling that I had while concert was pleasant and I will treasure it. If there is any chance to go on GACKT concert again, I will go again.

Summer Wars Anime Movie 23.8.2010 Leipziger Kino-Treff: Summer Wars (Anime)

Autor:  Nanashi_Shion
Today evening I went with my two friends Kanrei and Peti_t_angle to the cinema as Animexx-meeting. Official it should be 5 people ink. me, but somehow two didn't come. Be side I watched the Summer Wars allreday on Youtube, coz my friend from Malaysia suggested it. But watching with friends it bit diffrent again. :)

The movie was in japanese dub with german sub. The Cinema is really small and not many people where there. Few Japanese people and use where there. :P

Know about the movie:

I like the movie, the charakters and the network world OZ. OZ wolrd is sooo colorfull and I like colorfull stuff depens on my mood.
It fascinated me, when the big Familiy of the highschool girl tryed to fight against the monster from OZ Wolrd, who messed up worldwide and also supported the boy, who solved the math-genie hacking code.
I was also touched, when the worldwide poeple supported the avatar girl to defet the monster. At the end the could safe the world really tight. :)

PS: I was to lazy to write in german + I gonna post this entry in my blog, which is in english

Tragedy in Tibet!

Autor:  Nanashi_Shion

Today I read a Manga in Youtube about truth between Tibet and China. The story is really sad. At the end I was crying and was really touched. Q_Q I know from my Mother that China is target now Japan or Taiwan. I would like, that you know also about the tragedy in Tibet...

Hier is the link: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4F3B7345713389F4