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He was a prince who loved his brother...

Autor:  Persea

Ich war unterwegs auf Tumblr, als ich diesen wahnsinnig traurigen Eintrag gelesen habe! D:
Leider hab ich keinen Account, also konnte ich ihn nicht irgendwie favorisieren, oder was auch immer man auf Tumblr nunmal so machen kann.

Trotzdem wollte ich ihn hier mit euch teilen:

So this confession gave me a lot of Thorki feels last night, until I realized something:

The thing is….this confession WAS true.

Loki WAS Thor’s favorite…..until Jane.

I love that in the first film, the final breaking point for Loki was him asking Thor, “What was it that made you so soft?…don’t tell me it was that WOMAN.”

And seeing the resignation and guilt and admittance on Thor’s face—that is when the dam breaks, when the tears come, and Loki just loses it.

No, he wasn’t jealous that Thor got himself some Portman pussy. He was angry, hurt, and betrayed that Thor could change, become a better person—become the person that Loki had always wanted Thor to be—for a woman he had known for only a couple of days, instead of for his brother who had been there for him his whole life.

Thor and Loki’s story is essentially a story of betrayal—Loki betraying Thor by turning his back on his family and attempting to destroy Jotunheim/Earth, becoming a supervillain, etc…..and Thor betraying Loki by not loving him anymore.

And it’s true…all his life, Loki had known nothing but disappointment. He was the second-best ruler, second-best son…and the only person who had ever thought of him as “best”—the only person who had ever really loved him—was Thor. But when Thor “trades” his brother in for Jane, Loki officially becomes second-best in everything—second-best to Asgard, second-best to his father, and most hurtfully, second-best to Thor.

And that is when when the betrayal hits, that is when Loki’s self-esteem shatters, and that is when his heart breaks.

I love that Tom Hiddleston said before that Loki was motivated by heartbreak. Not by anger, not by jealousy, not by revenge….but by heartbreak.
Datum: 30.06.2012 13:03
Wow... Da fehlen mir echt die Worte.
Aus vollem Herzen: Danke fürs Teilen!
2012 Weltuntergangsoptimistin
Dabei sein ist alles!

"It's got my name written all over it. Well, not literally, but give me time and a crayon!"
Datum: 01.07.2012 10:05
...love is the strongest force ever.. and if love breaks hearts, the worst things ever happens..

...das is so traurig.. Q____Q
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
Was blind but now I see.

Datum: 01.07.2012 14:20
Sehr gerne!
Freut mich, dass es Leute gibt, mit denen ich sowas teilen kann! <3
Datum: 01.07.2012 14:21
Ja, es ist wirklich traurig!! D:
Datum: 01.07.2012 21:31
Mein inner Thor fühlt sich grad mies und möchte sich mehr seinem Loki hinwenden... ._.
♥ ~ * ~ Ahuuuuuuu ~ * ~ ♥
Datum: 12.12.2012 12:09
Oh my god! You totally right! Q_Q

Ich mochte Jane noch nie.
Und durch die Avengers und 100te Male von "Thor" habe ich sie irgendwann abgrundtief verabscheut.

Ich fand schrecklich, wie Jane mal kurz in den Avengers "aufgetaucht" ist.

Die Szene von den Gifs finde ich so unbeschreiblich berührend.
Ich kann Loki/Tom einfach nicht weinen sehen.

Danke, für das "mit uns teilen" ♥

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