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Autor:  ButterFay
Wir sitzen am Freitagabend beim Vorglühn bei Martina, unterhalten uns über Kontaktlinsen und ich prahl noch schön rum, dass ich bisher nur ganze zwei Stück verloren habe.

Abend wird sehr flüssig, kommen erst gegen halb zwei überhaupt mal weg, leider nicht Donauinselfest wie geplant, sondern nur ins Stadl.
Schlaf dann bei Martina weils bereits so spät war und ich keinen Bock hatte mit den Nightlines durch halb Wien zu gondeln, hatte aber keinen Kontaktlinsenbehälter mit, und hab die Linsen deshalb in zwei Gläser gegeben, die ich aufgrund meines erhöhten Alkkonsums aber draußen in der Küche stehen gelassen hab.

Am nächsten Tag wach ich mit möderischen Kopfschmerzen auf, will aber gleich heimfahren weil ich lernen muss, geh in die Küche und merk dass Martinas Mitbewohnerin abgewaschen hat...

Da ich aber Gott sei Dank mehr Glück als Verstand besitze, hat die eine Kontaktlinse noch am Glasrand geklebt und die andere im Sieb der Spüle gehangen...

Tja~ Wenn Dummheit weh tun würde...

Pandora Hearts RPG

Autor:  ButterFay
Ich weiß, ich sollts eigentlich lassen, weil ich lernen und cosplay nähen muss... aber ich kann nicht anders XD
Gibts hier jemanden der Interesse dran hätte? Shonen-ai/Yaoi natürlich *_*

xxxholic Shunmuki 2

Autor:  ButterFay
Ja, ich weiß, ich sollte lernen, aber ich konnte einfach nicht anders^^;
Musste sie mir sofort ansehen >.<

Jetzt bin ich deprimiert, weil die xxxholic Endzeitstimmung darin auch schon zu spüren ist... und weil mich jeder Auftritt von Yûko dran erinnert, dass sie in den aktuellen Chapter gar nicht mehr da ist...

Ach Gott, ich wünschte, FavoSerien von mir würden einfach nicht enden T.T

Pretty X Power XD

Autor:  ButterFay
Grad zum Lernen aufgehört, und noch ein bissl Müll im www gefunden XD

Pretty X Power
by Sabriel-sensei

4Kids, well, to put it politely, doesn’t really understand anime. Somewhere up in that company, someone said, “To hell - heck, I mean - with this! Anything that’s a cartoon is for children, and should be marketed as such!” They then went proceeded to rip out (no, no erase) any traces of violence (this includes plot-essential points). Not only that, but they also did what I personally think is far worse - removing references to Japanese culture. This is what would happen if 4Kids got its hands on CLAMP’s artistic masterpiece, X(also known as X/1999)!

Edit Number One: X is an anime. Anime is animation. Animation is for children. Therefore, we, 4Kids, will market it to eight-year-olds.

Edit Number Two: X is about the apocalypse, as in the end of days. The bringing about of the destruction of mankind is dangerous to children. This series shall from here on be a magical girl story.

Edit Number Three: X is beyond way too violent. Nobody will ever be hurt in any way, and there will be no blood or guts. And Arashi’s sword will be a wand, and it won’t come out of her hand. It will be pink.

Edit Number Four: Oh, and there won’t be anymore death either. Everyone will ‘go to a happy place’ from this point on.

Edit Number Five: There are no homosexual relationships. Period. Seishirou is straight, no questions asked.

Edit Number Six: Oh, screw that last rule. There won’t be any relationships at all.

Edit Number Seven: Kamui is too girly, and will give children gender issues later in life. Kamui will now be the lead magical girl.

Edit Number Eight: This story now takes place in America, because Japan is evil and harmful to our children. The Diet Building, the Tokyo Tower, etc., etc., will all be poorly airbrushed out. Also, everyone will eat American food. No more rice balls. Rice balls are evil and want to indoctrinate our children into being Japan-lovers.

Edit Number Nine: Everyone needs English names. The Japanese names are scary and difficult to pronounce. The names will be as follows:

Kamui - Katie (He’s a girl, remember?)

Subaru - Sally (He’s also too feminine.)

Arashi - Amy

Sorata - Bob (He will become the bearer of bad jokes and even worse puns.)

Karen - Karen (She will be a nurse from now on. And not a sexy one.)

Yuzuriha - Kiki

Seiichiro - Edgar

Fuuma - Fred

Yuuto - Dan

Satsuki - Janet

Kusanagi - Rocky

Seishirou - James

Nataku - Natalie (Officially a woman now. No questions asked.)

Kanoe - Carrie

Kotori - Crystal

Hinoto - Ella

Edit Number Ten: This anime shall be marketed under the name "Pretty X Power."

This concludes the edits to CLAMP’s “X” anime. 4Kids is not responsible for any seizures, death, spontaneous pants wetting, crack!Fics, and/or rabid fangirl attacks.

And really, Seishirou is straight.


Autor:  ButterFay

Das Konzert war einfach nur toll, auch wenn der Club zu wünschen übrig gelassen hat und uns das zierliche Persönchen fast auf der Bühne zusammen geklappt wäre...
Aber einfach gigantisch was Kokia für eine Stimme und für eine Ausstrahlung hat *-*

Bin jetzt allerdings total kaputt, kaum geschlafen, dann knapp neun stunden zugefahrt und anschließend noch gelernt =.=

ausführlicheren bericht gibts sobald ich zeit hab... vielleicht... XD

Travel Companions (X, TRC Crossover)

Autor:  ButterFay
~by Elihice


“There’s another thing.”

“Is the eye not enough?” he asks, still getting used to the difference. He can feel the power on his right eye. The prize seemed fair enough.

The witch of dimensions smiles and walks towards one of the doors, not bothering to look if he is following her “I want you to travel with another person. Your meeting was destined to happen”

Before he can reply, she opens the door allowing him to see a slim figure clad in black and white. The other’s eyes open in surprise, Seishirou gives him an astonished look before quickly getting hold of himself and smiling politely.



There are so many interesting differences in this Subaru; observing his travel companion is quickly becoming one of his favorite ways to pass the time.

The first thing he notices is that this Subaru is strong. Of course the one Seishirou is looking for is strong too, but it’s a different kind of strength. The Subaru crossing dimensions with him has the eyes of man who has nothing left to loose.

While Seishirou has made a choice long ago to pay whatever price this journey costs him, he values his life. The dead cannot find what he is looking for. Subaru throws himself into danger in such a careless way that it’s almost as if he welcomed death. Yet death does not touch him, leaving only traces of blood on his clothes that Subaru doesn’t bother cleaning until Seishirou gently reminds him that they’re scaring the locals.

The world they are currently in is nothing worth of mention, except for a few scrapes of information and fairly good food. Is like nothing he has ever tasted but Seishirou enjoys the new experience while he continues to observe the man in front of him. For all the way he acts, Subaru is human, obliviously mortal, and sometimes he does fall. It’s rare, but he has seen the other defeated by sleep or hunger. Seishirou pushes a second plate in front of Subaru and knows that this is not the first time- and won’t be the last- that he has to remind his companion of eating.

The stare Subaru gives him before taking the plate in front of him is an odd mixture between longing and anger. It last only for a second, but enough for Seishirou to wonder just how different were things for the other Seishirou and this Subaru.

Maybe not that different.

“Eat, Subaru.”

They call each other by first name only, no honorifics. There’s really no sense using them: their ages are too similar for one to call the other -san and Subaru nearly hisses the first time Seishirou tries to call him “Subaru-kun”.

Those names belong to someone else.


It was bound to happen someday, the witch of dimension had warned him of such eventuality but he had never given the notion much importance before. Maybe Subaru has thought about it, because he is extremely still, barely making a sound as he breathes.

Blooming trees hide them from stranger’s eyes while they stare at a couple on the other side of the park. If Seishirou has ever found weird to travel with a Subaru, staring at another Seishirou is even weirder.

There’s a Sumeragi Subaru in this world- a veterinarian- and a Sakurazuka Seishirou- older, a lawyer-. There’s even a Sumeragi Hokuto and a lot of teasing involved in the affair. Fate, although often cruel and ruthless, likes irony. Of all possible versions, the first one they meet is this one.

This Subaru and this Seishirou walk under the sunlight, holding hands and discussing dinner.

The couple eventually disappears after rounding a corner in the road and for a while neither Seishirou, nor his companion, say a word. The witch’s words linger on his head. Bound souls.

“What we are looking for is not here.” Subaru finally speaks and Seishirou knows it’s his way of saying ‘let’s go’. It’s funny how it’s not until the world twirls and disappears that he realizes that this Subaru and his have something in common, besides the obvious.

They’re both terrible liars.


Autor:  ButterFay
... Wieso schreiben manche Fanfic Autoren nur so gruselige Sachen?
Und wieso zur Hölle stolper ich in den letzten Tagen reihenweise darüber?
Subaru als Seme (bei Seishirô!), Kamui als Seme (bei Subaru!), Seishirô ohne Beine (ja, nach dem Vorfall auf der Rainbow Bridge stirbt er nicht, stattdessen werden ihm beide Beine amputiert... Aber netterweise funktioniert seine Libido noch...)

Ich fahre jetzt zur Uni, hock mich in die Bibliothek und hol endlich meine Bücher fürs Proseminar... Die sind zwar langweilig, aber verursachen keine Albträume XD