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You´re beautiful

Autor:  ButterFay
Ich weiß, ich geh damit allen auf den Keks, aber schauts euch an, dann wisst ihr warum *-*


Es ist so TOLL!


Go Mi Nam: Oh, how pretty!
There are so many stars!

Hwang Tae Kyung: I can barely see you here, do you think I can see the stars?

Go Mi Nam: Then can you see the moon?

Hwang Tae Kyung: It´s over there.

Go Mi Nam: The only star you can see is the moon.

Hwang Tae Kyung: The moon is not a star.

Go Mi Nam: The brightest thing at night is not a star?

Hwang Tae Kyung: It´s only reflecting the light of the other planets.
Only something like the sun that emits its own light is a star.
It´s shining using the light of other stars.

Go Mi Nam: Even if it is using the light of other stars the moon has its use.
More than the wasteful light emitted by the sun in the day, isn´t the moon lighting
the way in the dark more useful?

Hwang Tae Kyung: Go Mi Nam. The reason why the day is bright is because of that useless sun.

Go Mi Nam: Ah, that´s right.

Hwang Tae Kyung: Night or day the sun is the star.

Go Mi Nam: Then I must be something like a moon using the light of a star like you.

Hwang Tae Kyung: But a moon is not completely useless.
No matter how many other stars there are at night, the only thing I see is the moon.

Go Mi Nam: Hyung-nim, I can only see one special star right now.

Hwang Tae Kyung: What? You said there were a lot of stars.

Go Mi Nam: There are, but only star is twinkling so handsomely.
I can only see that star.

Hwang Tae Kyung: There is a star like that?

Go Mi Nam: Yes, it is a star that many people love.
Do you think it would be wrong for me, to be one of the many people that like that star?

Hwang Tae Kyung: Do you really need permission to like something like that?
Ask the star. I´m sure you can see it.

Go Mi Nam: Yes. I am looking at that star. Would it be okay to like you?

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