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Einzelposting: Toshi

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_126492/-1/11714880250175/

Von:    Tofa 14.02.2007 22:21
Betreff: Toshi [Antworten]
Wundert mich,dass das hier noch keiner gepostet hat. am 10.02.2007 hat Toshi was neues in seinem blog geschrieben. die englische übersetzung davon:

Everyone, how are you doing? About half a year ago, with the former president of X Japan’s management office, a kind employee of the music industry who supported me when I was going through difficult times, came to me and said, “I would like you for you to listen to my idea.”
Until now, many people tried to talk about reuniting “X Japan”, but I wasn’t interested at all, and refused all such proposals. Although I had gone through financial troubles in the past, I was happy… but they came to me again and again, even though I shouted at them, kicked them, and still they came. That’s why I started to seriously consider the proposal.
He said to me, “Other members are willing [reunite], how about you?” He asked me again and again. So, I asked Yoshiki whether or not this was true, and Yoshiki said yes. The mutual friends of [X Japan] are cheering us on and we are proceeding with the proposal.

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