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Einzelposting: Resident Evil Archives (Buch)

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_143394/-1/11589281346613/

Von:   abgemeldet 22.09.2006 14:31
Betreff: Resident Evil Archives (Buch) [Antworten]
Juhu...endlich draussen und ein ganz schön schweres Teil!!! XD

Hier für alle nochmal 'ne Erklärung worum es in dem Werk geht:

Sum up the Biohazard / Resident Evil-series since 1996 on Playstation. Introduction of characters & creatures, stories, setting collection, works, that are in Biohazard 0, 1, 2, 3 and Code Veronica.
A 350 page archive about everything Resident Evil related. It starts off with story shots (small images which show cutscenes from the beginning to the end of a game) continues with Character Information, detailed enemy sites with great artworks, all files, a chronological table of the series, concept artworks, Weskers Report analysis and much more tidbits.

Quelle:Groberunfug.de--> Artbooks
"My Heart's a Battleground"

aus dem Openingsong zu Kingdom Hearts 2!!!XD

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