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Einzelposting: Ein interessanter Artikel für die Digimon Adventure Fans...

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_238617/-1/12489817528556/

Von:   abgemeldet 30.07.2009 21:25
Betreff: Ein interessanter Artikel für die Digimo... [gesperrt]
Ist zwar über Transformers, aber ihr solltet ihn trotzdem lesen, da er auch ein paar interessante Sachen enthält, die sehr wohl auch für das Digimon Fandom gelten...

GEEWUN is a snarky fan term for people who seem to have knee-jerk negative reactions to, and continuing difficulty in tolerating any of the post-Generation 1 (aka "G1") incarnations of the Transformers property.

It is not, as is sometimes believed, a catch-all nickname for anybody who likes Generation 1, even when it is used as a catch-all nickname for anybody who likes Generation 1.

The earliest recorded use of the term "Geewun" (spelled as a normal word, not in all caps) originated with a TFArchive.com user named Cliffjumper, who first used it in January of 2003.[1] Since he has a tendency of coming up with mocking puns based on existing names and fandom terms, it's possible that he did indeed coin the term. The term didn't see widespread use until 2004, when it was apparently spread to other parts of the fandom (including alt.toys.transformers) by Nevermore, himself a regular member of TF Archive.

While the phenomenon of placing Generation 1 above everything else is nothing new, when the 2007 live-action movie was in production, the fandom experienced an ongoing influx of mindlessly angry "Generation Y" members who seemed to regard "Transformers" not as a still-evolving cultural institution and business property, but as a sacred relic of their halcyon, Reagan-era childhoods. These bitter young people made their voices heard by preemptively denouncing the movie... not because it would ruin Transformers forever, but because it would "rape their childhoods" by deviating from their rose-colored—and often incorrect—memories of the first two seasons of the original cartoon. The singularly unfortunate phrase "[so-and-so] RAPED MY CHILDHOOD!!!!!" quickly became one of the more memorable used by this group, and used in criticism by this group's detractors, in which it seems to have taken on a life of its own and overtaken the original usage... so it goes.

For some reason, many GEEWUNNERS were particularly incensed by the fact that Optimus Prime (the truck guy, not the tape guy) had flames painted on him, a detail that Michael Bay claims to have received death threats over. It probably would have been okay if the flames were burning down some forests, though.

Alas, the term is often trotted around to support the persecution complex of said people, who usually misconstrue the term to make it appear worse (i.e., claiming that people that use the term hate Generation 1 and everyone who likes it).

Edit: Na toll, jetzt hat man den ins Transformers Forum verschoben.
Mit Digimon Adventure fing alles an? Das seh ich nicht so!
1995 Beginn des Digimon Projekts
1997 Digimon V-Pets und C'mon Digimon Manga ( One Shot )
1998 Digimon V-Pet Version 5, Pendulums und V-Tamer Manga
1999 Digimon World und Digimon Adventure Anime.
Zuletzt geändert: 31.07.2009 15:10:27

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