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Einzelposting: 異星人 $-e-p-h [\_=('Ò.o')=_@] wird 2.0 異星人 [[WÜRDIG]]

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_185850/-1/11938315728187/

Von:    Schokoladentod 31.10.2007 12:53
Betreff: 異星人 $-e-p-h [\_=('Ò.o')=_@] wird 2.0 異星人... [Antworten]
Sieht schlecht aus. Glaube nicht, dass ich kommen kann :(
Can't you see you are what I want my life to be
Oh can't you see you are me, can't you
You are me, dear god please
I don't wanna be everything that this god has planned for me
Can't you see you are my everything

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