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...and more?

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Okay, eine neue Story. Das passiert halt, wenn man in einer Logikvorlesung sitzt und den Text Satz für Satz durchgeht, anstatt richtig Verständnisfragen zu klären...mein Hirn geht auf Wanderung!

As usual: Enjoy reading, Marron Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Joah, nach dem schönen Kommi macht es gleich nochmal so viel Spaß. Allright, here we go.

As usual: Enjoy reading, Marron Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Jupp, neues Kapitel. Schon mal dran gedacht, was Robert alles durchzustehen hat? XD

As usual: Enjoy reading,
Marron Komplett anzeigen


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Starting from zero

"Oh no, not again!", the bitbeast of Robert Jurgens moaned, obviously frustrated with his partner. The young boy was arguing again with his teammate and so called friend Johnny McGregor. It was the third time - and they only had wednesday!

"Tell me about it", muttered Salamalyon in the same tone. "I think my ears will bleed if I listen anymore." Olivers unicorn bend her white head and looked at the other one. "Honey, do you even have ears?" Salamalyon rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean." They watched as Johnny cussed rather harshly. "Ouch!", they said in unison when Robert answered as hotly.

"At least they do something meaningfull", the last one in their round said now, "I don't know if my Enrico thinks of anything else than girls and dating. He could get more serious." Salamalyon grinned. "Wanna trade?" Amphilyon shook his massive head. "No, it was my decision, after all. But we have to do something. Now." That was true. The four boys surely understood the meaning of being a team - they just couldn't function as one. The roles had been given long ago and they reacted on them as often as they tried not to. And their bitbeasts were done with their bickering.

They tried to tell them. Really, but not reacting in a battle did not do the job. They just switched parts and thought that was the solution. Doing other movements then ordered was even more of a dumb idea. They laughed about each other - what soon turned into the same bickering again. So, that left them with one other option.

"I think you're right. At least then they will listen." Griffolyon sounded so sure like they already had the change done. "I do hope so", muttered Unicolyon, "Humans often tend to do something rather unexspected."

Robert was not sure, what this was about now, but he was positive that he dreamed the whole thing. Why else would Salamalyon, Johnnys bitbeast, stand right in front of him? In a room, too dark to see anything else but bright enough to clearly see the skintexture of that thing? He pulled his eyebrows together and waited. For what he was not sure about. Maybe this was another dream of their failing teamwork. The salamander looked him straight in the eye. "You're finally here", he wispered. At least he thought it was a he. How can you tell with all of that being not human?

"I am here", he answered. "What is this?" His question went unheard. "I have brought you here. It is my will that will hold you here." For a bitbeast which had chosen Johnny as his partner, the thing did know how to hold a speech! "Which means, I am asleep?", Robert inquired. He was not afraid. Usually, he was the one controlling the situation, he always was. Why would a dream be any different? And his dream on top of that. This could not be serious now, could it? "You're not", the bitbeast drowned on, "You are in a state between sleep and being awake. You humans call it coma, but I prefer the words on our side. You want to know what brought you here, huh?" Robert nodded, not knowing that his friend Johnny had just asked the same question.

"Because we are fed up with your endless fights!", snapped Griffolyon. Johnny McGregor, scottish member of the Majestics raised one eyebrow. So this was about him and Robert? Why did the bitbeast bother about his masters friends? "Isn't that something we have to figure out? Not you?", he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Little did he know that Robert demanded the same thing in the same second. Griffolyon rolled his eyes. "It is not. Do ya know how really annoying it is to listen to ya 24/7? I think one day my brain will burst!" That sappy tone and the way of talking did not fit for the big bird and especially since it was Roberts bitbeast. Johnny grinned, even snickered a little. "I think we would make great partners", he said. It was meant as a joke. You cannot count on a bitbeast that has nothing more in common with you than the talkingstyle. "You would want me to be your partner?", Griffolyon asked, absolutely serious. "Maybe, for a while until Roberts knows what you're worth", the Scott answered. After all, this was just a dream - why not make it some sort of fun? "Than raise your hand", came the instruction. Johnny shrugged his shoulders and did as he was told. The bird pressed his massive head against the soft hand and wind suddenly whipped around them. "Remember, this is my will, not yours. I am the one that began this, I will be the one to end this!" The wind grew that strong that the redhaired boy had to close his eyes. Than everything went black.

Robert asked himself for just one second if he had done a mistake. A horrible one. His hand was raised too, the fire around him blazing hot. He realized he had just given away any control of the situation. That was not acceptable, even for a dream! "Wait", he said, but he was cut of. "The thing is done, it cannot be undone untill I say so. Your will does not longer influence your life." The flames glistened that intensely that he had to close his eyes.

Robert awoke with a start. He gasped as bright light shined into the room. What had that been? A dream? Or something more? He ran one hand through his hair and sat up. "What a crazy thing to dream about", he muttered. He blinked, really confused. What had happened to his voice? It sounded quite funny, a lot higher than before. He decided to let it slide and got out of bed. Looking down he blinked again. Why was he only wearing boxers? He preffered to sleep in pjs all the time? Was that some joke of his team again? He sighed an looked around, trying to see if his friends were hiding somewhere, watching his reaction when he wakes up.

Hold on - this wasn't his room! Where was he? This room was not even half as big as his own room in the castle, the colors were different and he had certainly no big mirror in his bedroom. He sighed, ready to cut that joke to an end. He was positiv that someone was watching him from the inside of this mirror. Maybe that was a one-way thing like you see in this irrational stupid crimemovies? He walked towards it and looked. He froze, seeing but not seeing. Experimentally, he rose one hand. The person in the mirror did the same. He touched his face. That was copied, too. Robert opened his mouth and tried to speak, but his head was empty, as he struggeled to grasp the situation. His hand fell down again.

Finally, he managed to ask himself a question, too low for anybody else to hear, exept himself: "I...am Johnny?!"

Other one

In another country, the young Johnny McGregor was still sleeping.

"Master!" Until Gustav yelled with a voice so loud that he nearly jumped out of his bed. "What is it?", he snapped. The butler merely raised one eyebrow. "It is six o'clock. Your day starts, master." He turned and walked down, obviously maing breakfast for his sleepy boss. Johnny rubbed his eyes and yawned. Since when did Gustav care whether Roberts guests woke up or not? He shook his head. "First things come first", he muttered and wandered to the bathroom. How did he even get to germany? He remembered being in Scottland last night. In his beautiful bed, sleeping after a weekend full of training and fights. He snorted. It had always been this way, had it not? Alway and forever, Robert and he would be the ones to fight the most. He opened the bathroomdoor and got inside. Briefly looking at the mirror he turned around and got rid of his shirt.

Wait...what? Did his eyes betray him? Not that he was a slow thinker but six in the morning was not his time to be smart. He turned around again and faced the mirror. Yes, he had seen right. He was Robert. He took one step back, than brought his face closer to the cold glass. What was this? Did the german kidnapp him to try out some strange joke? Or was that a lame try from Sanguinex and his lackeys? They tried to curse them once. Johnny was never one to belief in magic much but he had a bitbeast at his side. A magical creature that he could actually talk with, so it was possible that something happened. He inspected himself closer, poked the nose which felt pretty real to him. He always thought about doing that...Roberts nose just invited him to do that!

After this close look he decided that his friend looked better than he intially thought. His skin wa clean and his eyebrows were perfectly plugged - not that Johnny minded, he was not a girl! (But well, looked to him like many girls would commit a murder to get this perfect skin.) He snorted. What was he thinking? At a time like this to top it of! He better find out what happened!

He flipped his phone open - actually Roberts phone that he had to fetch from his room - and called his own number. It was strange, standing here and calling himself. Maybe he would wake up in the second someone on the other end picked up.

"Johnny? ...Is that you there?", came the small voice from the other side. It brought him out of his revery and he nodded before answering. "Ah, yeah, it's me. So you noticed already?" "What happened to us?" Robert came straight to the point as usual, though his voice was a little squeaky. Or Johnnys voice which he heard for the fist time like this...gods, this was confusing! Who else could say that they had a talk with their own body over the phone?! "I...don't know", was the best answer the scot could give. "What do you think?" The german seemed to ponder that for a minute. "I...do remember a dream. It involved your bitbeast." He turned silent as Johnny yelled: "Me, too! I dreamed 'bout yours!"

"What did Griff say?", came the sharp-voiced question. Had he finally gotten an idea what was wrong now? "Uuh", he made a sound, "I think he mentioned somthin' 'bout switching bladers and stuff-" Johnny stopped when he heard a sharp intake of breath. "Same here", Robert said, "Salamalyon even said that we are not the ones to change this state but they are." "They?", the scottish boy asked, "I guess then they work as a team, huh?" He heard Robert groan. "I don't believe it. What have we done to deserve this torture?" His tone was that arrogant again that the answer was much colder than intended: "Well, not shit? Just think of it. All those fights, all those times when they dind't do what they were told...Guess, our bitbeasts are pretty much sick of us the way we are." Silence. Then: "I dont't believe it. It is not like Griff to do such a thing."

The scott groaned now. Sometimes, it was too hard to get anything into this thick head. And all of them said that Johnny was the stubborn one - Robert was more unwilling to learn from him than a lifeless rock! "Yeah, sure. I'm wrong and you're right, like always. So, what's you're explanation, oh perfect genius?" Again, he was greeted with silence. Johnny snorted. The german was even too proud to admit his lack of ideas. Just so like this him to crticize him! "What...are we gonna do now?", he asked. "Well, I think we have to live this day trough as normal as we can manage. I'll try to get to you as soon as possible. Just try not to embarras yorself - or me, in that case." Johnny snorted, then grinned as an idea popped up in his mind. "Sure, I'm gonna meet the materia then." "Huh?" He looked at the mirror. "I'm in your bathroom right now. You mind if I take a look?" "Johnathan McGregor!" He laughed and slid the phone shut. With quick movements he began undressing himself. It was time to take a closer look on this normally all-time-covered body of his captain!

First surprise

Johnny looked down, flabbergasted. How in hell did this happend? He never knew his captain was such a secret-keeper. His fingers ran down his back and to the inner side of his thigh. The black and darkpurple lines didn't feel that different to the rest of the body. But it stood out. Since when did Robert have a tattoo?

The bird was etched into a particular sensitive part of the body - that must have hurt, though it was a beautiful work. Clear lines and just the right dose of colour. It looked pretty new. And this was clearly meant to be Griffolyon. Was Robert that much font of his bitbeast? Did the thing know that?

If yes, then why did he do that to his master? Robert showed that he was willing to take his partner wherever he was going. It was a part of him. Not that Johnny didn't feel the same way about Salamalyon, but the strenght of the comittment impressed him, he would never go that far.

Sighing, he got into the shower and turned on the water. The first droplets reached the tattoo and he flinched, cussed rather loudly and turned the water off. The damn thing seemed to be brand new! And he had no idea how to treat a tattoo right so that it wouldn't get infected! Damn Robert. He wrote a short message:

When did you intend to tell me that you got some art on your body?

Roberts reply was equally as short: I did not intend to ever tell you. Use the things in my bedside table to take care of it.

So, he was not fond of anybody knowing what he had done? Great. Were there more secrets to be revealed? A little help would have been nice since Johnny felt very nervous about pretending to be his teamcaptain. Belatedly, he realized his major problem: He didn't speak a single word of german! How could he pretend to be a german when he wasn't even capable of saying who he was?! He groaned and dialed Roberts number - eh, his own number - again. His friend picked up after several signals. "What is it now?", he growled. "Robert, I don't speak german." There was a stunned silence at the other side. "Crap", it sounded through the line, "I forgot that. Well, anyway, it is englishday after all."

Johnny took the phone off from his ear and stared at it, utterly confused by his friends words. He put the other one on speaker. "Care to explain what you mean?", he asked. A sigh made the line rustle. "I have more languages that I learn. So every now and then I tell my whole sorrounding to speak only that language that I am about to master. So, yes, today all of them are instructed to speak English. Lucky you." He added the last part with a hint of sarcasm. Johnny on the other hand smiled and heaved a reliefed sigh. "God, you had me worried for a bit!"

"You had me worried what you would do to my body", came the dry reply, "I thought you would do something rather...inappropiate."

The scott blinked several times before he understood. "Ah, you mean sex." "Johnny!" Huh, who would have guessed that Robert was such a sensitive one on that topic? The redhead smiled. "Would it bother you if I did it while being in your body? Surely, you have a great range of women to pick from, eh?" "That has nothing to do with you. Or the chance of being able to pick. Focus, Johnathan, we have a task to do." That wasn't an answer to his question, but he let it slide. Something told him that Robert was not in the mood to talk about that. "So, what do I need to know?", he asked and they started to explain shortly how the day was supposed to be.

Robert slid the phone shut and sighed. This was not going well. First was the tattoo. He did not want anyone to know that. It was meant as a special surprise for someone special - and it was only three days old! How was it posible for him to not be able to keep a secret for three days?! He ran his hand through his hair and realized that it felt different. Johnnys hair was as unwilling as his character was.

He lowered his hands and looked into the big mirror. Turned this body and looked. Just a little, he thought. Johnny had already gotten a close look so who was he not to do the same? And he had to admit that his scottish friend wa well build. Slender, yes, but muscled nonetheless. His bright eyes fit into that nice rest, he had to admit. No wonder the redhead was so fond of all his achievings in his love affairs. A lot of girls would swoon over seeing this. Maybe a lot already did.

Robert sighed and shook his head. It was time to dress, he was already incredibly late in his routine. He opened the large closet and took out the first two things that came to his hands. Johnny said that he did not care on days like this what he was wearing and Robert intended to behave like his friend. He got a pair of blue jeans and a dark purple, almost black shirt. Yeah, that wa usually his attire when he turned up at his friends places. He quickly got dressed and decided that he could use a good breakfast. How did this work again with Johnnys family present? They only had visited each other when they were just themselves. No family, no siblings or other friends. It was meant as a rule to bond as a team.

The door flung open and a man emerged from the other side. "Johnathan, son, why are you so late? Did you forget what day it is?" Robert jumped and looked at the person right in front of him. Clearly, he knew now were his friend got his looks from. He inherited not only the wild hair of his father, but moreover the harsh voice and the character as well. How was the other one suppoased to learn how to behve when his attemps were ruined by his parents?!

"Well! Son, wht's up with that confused look, heh?" He realised that he must have looked pretty dumb. He shrugged and raised one eyebrow. "I seem to have forgotten. What day is it again?" Right when the words were out, he realised belatedly that he was much too polite. Johnny never talked like this. So he shrugged again and added: "Not that it's that much of a importance." Marc McGregor blinked several times, before he broke into a startling loud laugh. "As nice as always. I know you hate being woken so soon but it is our tourday. Come on, get awake, son. We have lots to do!" He turned on his heel and left, leaving the bodychanger behind, utterly confused. What was that suposed to mean?

He sighed deeply again and followed closely. Maybe this would get better if he just got this day trough with.

He got out of the house, and stopped right in front of a car. Well, a beast of a car was the better description. How did anyone climb into that? And were did they even head to in this? He inhaled deeply. Johnny was a sportjunk, right? This should be easy for him. As long, as this body was able without the experienced soul in it. He bend his leg and sprung up. Maybe he misjuged because he got even higher than he wanted but he played it over with getting into the car. He got ready and looked out the front shield. "And where now?", he asked, sighed and tried his best to sound like his friend. Luckily, he succeded. Bad for him the older one just chuckeled and started the car.

One day later

This day sucked. Royally. He never knew that Robert had so much to do. Thankfully, he had postphoned most of the stuff via e-Mail. But this didn't mean that he was of the hook. He had tons of papers to sign. Was it illegal, if his signing was not that different from Roberts but not the real one? Or was it okay, if the german didn't tell him to stop? He shook his head. Why was he even thinking about that stuff now? He had more on his mind than that.

After two hours, a rather strong storm had given him the opportunity to stay inside and to see what was in the room that Robert so casually called his working cell. Not many pictures. Three, to be exact. One was his father - he had inherited the strong cheekbones and the jawline. The other one seemed to be his mother - though the blond locks did not help to guess. She looked far too beautiful to be compared with Roberts features. Far too fragile to be the mother of a child so rational and so strict. Was she a tender mom? He had wondered and tried to call his captain, but to no avail. Then he had remembered. Tour-day. Of course, he was out and it would have been bad if Johnnys father heard the topics of their talks today.

After the sorm had gotten weaker, he was asked to examine the damage it may have taken. He rounded the castle, totally clueless what to look out for. He even stopped right in front of a trap and Gustav - good old Gustv - warned him not to fall into the pit. He had looked down and had seen the sharp splinters of metal - that would have hurt, if he even turned out to be alive after a fall. He had excused himself and had gotten into Roberts private rooms. There, he slumped into a chair and sighed deeply. Johnny wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep untill everything turned back to normal. Untill now, he never wasted a thought about Roberts life. He never listened because he was so damn sure it was the same as his. Not he knew, he was being naive.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he took it out. Robert called. He accepted and heared a rather groggy voice say: "How on earth does your father do this?" Johnny smiled, knowing full well that it was even for him a bit of a challenge to keep up with his dad. "Done a lot?", he challenged, snickered even. He was greeted with a groan. "I'm completly done for today." Now the scot laughed out loud. "So am I. How much papers can you sign in one day without your hand falling off?" "Quite a lot." It was strange to talk like this. So normal, so peaceful. No harsh words, no ironic tone. Just them, discussing their day.

"Hey", Johnny said and stopped, slightly unsure. "Hm?", Robert made a sound, "What is it?" "Uhm, I'm just...where are your parents?" He whirled around and took another picture from the desk. "And this gorgeous blond woman? I haven't seen them ever." He stooped when he heard an intale of breath. "Robert? You okay?" There was silence on the other end.

"Right, I didn't tell you guys." It sounded like Robert was sad. Was that grief shining through? "My parents...are dead. They died in a car accident when I was ten." Johnny felt how his fingertips turned cold. "I'm sorry. I am. I didn't know-" "Yeah, I know. I never told you, it's not your fault." The german took a shaking breath. "And for the other girl...that was my sister." The redhead noted the past tense. "Don't tell me..." "She didn't take it that lightly when our parents died. She was old enough to go her own way and so she did. Only after three years she delivered me a message that she was going to get married. I told her to come to me before so we could talk. Her plane crashed over the ocean."

That was the most horrible story Johnny had heard in years. "I...gosh, that is more than...I don't even know what to say. I am sorry, I truly am, Robert." Now he looked at it all with a totally different perspective. That was why Robert was forced to grow up much quicker than everybody else. How he wished to hug his teamcaptain right now!

"I know, Johnny. And thanks, it's been years since I have talked about them. It feels good to do it now." The german laughed a sad and shaky laugh. "And you have a wonderful dad, I can guarantee you that." His eyes were full with tears. "Yeah, that is absolutely right. My dad rocks." He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Did he notice?" "Uhm", Robert was thinking again, "I don't think so. Well, at some points he looked ready to ask something but he remained quiet. I can't really tell, I do not know him enough for that." Meant that maybe he screwed up big time. A knock on the door made him halt. "Uh, I gotta go, there's someone out htere." He slid the phone shut and got up. When he opened the door, he almost closed it again.

The man in front of him was tall. Taller even than Robert, had green piercing eyes and blonde-reddish, messy hair. His beard was clearly at least three days old and his dark clothes looked pretty vintage - or just worn out. His posture had an agressive undertone and the little smile was rather creepy. "Hello there", the stranger greeted. "Glad to see me?" There was an ironic edge to that statement and everything about this guy screamed bad boy. Johnny gulped. "Uh, no?" Who was this equally intimidating and attractive hunk of a guy? Johnny felt a little bit of fear starting to build in his chest. HGe needed to get out there, quickly. So, he took two steps around the man. "Excuse me", he started and only this two steps he was gripped harshly. He whirled around, ready to say Let go! but the words died in his throat. The eyes that were in the littlest bit tender right two seconds ago were now cold as ice. "You are not Robert", the man threatened him with a voice like a knife, "I know every cell of him and you are not what I exspected to see. I did not come all this way to be fooled. Where is he and what have you done to him?"

Johnny flinced, absolutely taken aback by the sudden intensity. He found himself unable to speak. "Where is he?!", was the demand. "Not here", he choked out, "I mean, who are you?" "Is it for your concern who I am? Just tell me and I can get rid of you." "Wait", Johnny said, took a couple of steps back and took his phone out. Praying internaly that Robert was alone amd able to talk he dialed his number. "What is it?", was the answer to his prayers. He was never so glad to hear his own voice ver again. "Uh, Robert? I think, we have a problem here..." And he handed the phone over to this mysterious stranger.


The unknow guy snatched the phone from Johnnys hands. He put it on speaker and placed it in his palm. "Knock, knock", he spoke mockingly, "Who's there?" A groan from Robert. Then, his rather hissy voice: "Nathan! If you do anything to Johnny, I swear to every god above-!" "All right", the man interrupted, "It is you. I think I'm alsmost convinced." He gave Johnny a lopsided grin, which the currently german found himself blushing at. "Another voice, but definetly you. Where are you? I came all the way to see you."

"I'm far away from you. I won't be there until tommorow, so stop bothering my friend.

I assume you won't go now?" The stranger chuckeled. "Nope. Come to me, little one. And be quick about it!" He threw the phone at Johnny and turned around. "I know my way to the guestroom, don't feel the need to show me." With that he walked out the door and rounded a corner right before the door in front of Johnny shut close.

The scot found it hard to stand any longer so he allowed himself to sit down on the edge of the table. "What..was that?", he asked, absolutely irritated. He heard a sigh. "That was Nathan. Just ignore him for today, okay? He was always trouble, I'll explain tommorow. I will be there about noon. I'll take a taxi, you stay there and make sure he doesn't steal anything. Please, Johnny, have an eye on him." The line went dead and Johnny questioned himself for the rest of the night who this guy was and why he was so damn sure he was Roberts boyfriend.

The next morning was awkward. Johnny sat in the usual chair Robert always occupied and Nathan sat across the table on the other side. Every time Johnny looked up, he was greeted with an amused stare. "What?", he asked after another glimpse and raised an eyebrow. "How did you ever intend to portray him? You resemble his behaviour as much as an apple." He bit his lip. "Well, excuse me for being another person", he snapped, "But I'm not a copy of Robert!" His guest laughed at that and that was the end of their converstaion.

Robert arrived pretty much after noon and was eager to clear this mess up. He came into the room - the same one as yesterday, Johnny was not willing to stay in another one - and strode right over. He placed himself between his friend and this stranger, a glare on his face. "Nathan", he greeted in a flat tone. "Robert", the other one answered ironically. Robert straightened up, like he wanted to look taller. "Why are you here? I thought you where halfway to Spain, bothering somebody else. Molesting somebody else." Johnny cocked an eyebrow. Seemed like Robert was pretty pissed and clearly not in love with this hunk. "I was", the guy admitted, "But then word travelled to me about you being ready to have another relationship and I can't let this happen, now, can I?" He paced back and forth in the room, looking completly at ease. The german growled.

"I told you to stay away from me!" Nathan stopped, turned around since he had been facing a wall and looked at the currently scottish man with a glint in his eyes. "Ah, so you're ready for another one! Who is it?" Johnny watched as Robert pinched the bridge of his nose and crossed his arms in front of his chest afterwards. "I'm not having this conversation with you", he stated, "We are not in the Vampire Schmiaries and you're not Klaus Mikaelson!" Huh, the redhead knew the guy resembled someone! Now he saw it was obvious where he got his inspiration from. Nathan took a step and layed one hand on the germans arm. "Aren't we? I thought you and I were havin a thing?" Robert stood his ground and looked him straight in the eye. "We do not have a thing. We are nothing." His jaw clenched.

"Ha!", Nathan snorted, "And that one night? You, all too willingly lying under my very capable hands..." He raised one eyebrow, "Was that not the best fun you ever had?" "No! I said: Go! Now." He never heard Robert like this, with a glare that could freeze the sun, a tone so cold, so agressive like a wild animal. Lethal.

The two guys stood, only centimetres away from each other, glaring in the same intensity at each other. The air in the room felt thick. "I stay", Nathan challenged. "No", Robert answered, "And that is my last word." The guy started to say something else when Robert added another question which stopped him dead in his treaks: "Does your brother know where you are?" Silence for almost three minutes.

Than: "He, what do I care?" "Out", through his teeth, "Now." When the guy took a step and reached out again, a strong wind whipped around him, forcing him backwards. Johnny jumped up and showed the best glare he could muster. "You heard him. Get out of here." The temperature in the room dropped, every candle in the room was magically lit and the flames burned blue. They were not blown out by the wind which was still there, blowing the guy straight to the door. Looked like their bitbeasts were at least not font of anybody hurting them. "You have not seen me for the last time!", the guy yelled, than he disappeared. The wind and the flames stopped as all turned back to normal. They heard a car driving off.

"Who was that?, Johnny demanded the second he found his voice again. He gestured around in his little rant: "I mean, he just showed up here. Talks about you like he owns you. And all of this crap right now, what is this?" Robert put up one hand while he tried to breathe steadily. "Give me one minute", he pleaded, seemingly worn out by this encounter.

After one minute of qieting down he finally explained. They were sitting on the sofa now, Robert with a glass of water in his hands. "Nathan is the younger brother of Ralph, a CEO of another company. They have had some misjugdement in money and asked me if I wanted to work with their ideas. They had not enough money left to visualize them. I said yes because it was a great chance for me to show that I'm more. That I'm not just a little boy in his fathers shoes.

So, I met Ralph a couple of times and he always talked about Nathan. Many times in a bad mood. Nathan means trouble, whereever he goes. I met him at the last day of this cowork. He was polite, even a little flirty. I can't say I didn't enjoy that." He grinned a little helpless. "But if I had known what it meant to not ignore Nathan Smith, I would never even have looked in his direction!

After this meeting, he called. He wanted a date. I told him no. He answered he was in charge of the documents and if he saind a thing, his brother would quit his work with me. I was sure that this was an empty threat but I did him the favor. He acted kinda nice. Tried to cover up the negative line, I guess. When I got my papers the next day, I told him to leave me alone. But he insisted...and I failed to make myself clear." Robert looked away, clearly ashamed of his weakness. "You haven't seen him when he wanted to impress me. He can be such a charmer. But I knew it was not good.

When I started seeing other people, he came to me again. Behind my back, he drove everyone away, exept for you and Oliver and Enrico. Maybe he didn't want to mess with your parents. I only know that he orchastrated a drama to which I fell.

It was the day of my sisters death annyversary. I was drunk and had a terrible fight with my last sibling - my uncle, who was in charge of me when I was a minor. It was the day when I had that fight with you, too. Remember? The one where we stopped talking to each other for over a month?" Johnny nodded. "Yeah, I almost thought that I lost your friendship back then." Robert reached out and squeezed his hand. "Me, too. But Nathan took advantage of that. I am ashamed as hell, but I have to admit that he got his wish. He seduced me pretty quick. The next day, I knew I made a mistake. A horrible one. But out of options I called his brother, who was so mad he didn't even find words for it. He had sent Nathan away, to Spain. Guess, the idiot rethought his idea of following his brothers instructions."

He sipped his water and looked away again. Johnny contemplated that, considered what it all meant. "You did seem edgy at some times. Stressed out. Now I understand why." Robert nodded. "Yeah, sorry."


They had spent the whole day with talking. Johnny had heard every tiny detail about Roberts trip with McGregor senior. The older man had dragged his son all around the island the family owned. The farmers had rented the land like in old days and the McGregors were the ones to make sure everything went smoothly. So, they checked the flora and fauna, as Robert called it. The currently german boy was astonished that his friend was interested.

"You really want to do that again?", he asked for the third time, "I got bored after the second visit, but dad keeps on dragging me out." "Sure do", was the rather sloppy reply, "I am interested in stuff like that. Scottland was always something I wanted to discover. Do you not realize at what beautiful place you live?" Johnny had raised his eyebrows. "And your castle? That impressed me much more the first time I came here. And it still does." Robert had blinked then and a small smile had graced his lips. "So you like my home?" "Uh-hu", was his best answer to that. He still did not know why he had that fluttering feeling in his stomach every time he thought about that tone of his best friend. It got even more confusing because it was his own voice - which he didn't know of being able to sound like that.

Now he was sitting in his bedroom - eh, Roberts bedroom, to be exact - and was thinking. He seemed to do that a lot when it came to his friends. He had just realized that he had no idea of Enricos or Olivers lifes in their own countries. He had made the decision to change that. As soon as this thing was over, he'd attempt to talk more with them. And to actually listen.

Gods, he couldn't sleep! The thought and pictures of todays events kept bouncing in his head, back and forth. They were stitching him with new found knowledge. One: Robert was not as stiff as he had thought.

Two: He had some serious trouble that was not over. And he needed help.

Three: There was another secret that was there. Like it was lying under the surface, right i front of him to be discovered. Johnny just didn't know what it was now.

And four, the most important one: They were not that different. Not at all. Robert had a great sense of books - back in the old, normal days, Johnny had not believed his friend knew of the word comic, but he had a small stack of classic ones in his personal room. The scott couldn't believe his eyes when Robert had showed him the very first edition of Spider man, neatly kept in a special box. He had seen other titles, too.

Then the DVDs. Robert had every season of TVD, including the bonus things. Johnny'd remembered his attempts to get those as a christmas present and how he had failed miserably. It sure was good to have a friend with the same taste, who was able to just buy that without the need to ask anyone for permission. They even watched some of the episodes today.

The greatest discovery for him was that his friend had actually seven languages, he tried to learn. Seven! How could he handle that in between all of that work? He had to find out someday. German - if that counted -, english, france, italian, gaelic (big surprise there!), spanisch and even japanese. The german had to be a superbrain to keep all of that straight.

Johnny had dropped out after two years of learning german. Until today, he had only been able to say Hello and I don't speak german, which was pretty embarrasssing. Now, he had heard a lot of german when Gustav had come. The butler had merely looked at the two of them and had bowed like usual. Only now, he had done that in front of Robert, not Johnny. "Welcome home, master", he had greeted as if it was any other day. The german had merely raised one eyebrow. "Uhm, you know...I'm not-" "I recognize you everywhere, master. I serve you since you were born, so do not underestimate me. I may be an old man, but I know you." With that, he had asked if Robert wanted to sleep in his own room or not and when the german had denied, he had shrugged his shoulders and left. Johnny admitted, he was a bit jealous that his own family seemed not to have noticed it wasn't him that day.

He groaned slightly and looked out the window. The dark sky was nice, but the stars were hidden behind the clouds. What a shame, he loved the nightsky. And he went back to the scene with that guy. Bloody hell, he was thinking about that again! Why couldn't he let it be? Why?! Was it, because Robert had looked so shaken after this encounter? Was he worried about his friend? Well, yes, of course he was. But there was more to it. His feelings had morphed into something different from before. For a second, he had applied the word sexy to his friend.

The door opened just in time for the intruder to see how Johnny threw both hands into his hair and ruffle it in an attempt to clear his thoughts. "You might as well stop that, Johnny. I do not intend to get bald so fast." Roberts voice cut through the air, alsmost like a lifeline to cling to. Johnny found it a lot easier to focus now. "You? Bald? Like this would ever happen!" He chuckeled nervosly. Robert was in his pjs again and strode right towards the bed. Without any explanation he slid into the giant bed, right beside his friend. Johnny looked at him, boggle-eyed. Robert hesitated for just a second. "It has been a horrable day, I could not stop thinking until now and I assume you are the same. So, here I am, hoping to find some sleep. Good night, Johnathan." And with that, the german fell asleep and he even snuggled closer - a tad bit.

Johnny, on the other hand, lay awake and looked down at his best friend who was now causing him the most emotional trouble he had ever felt in his life.


The next morning came faster than the two boys had imagined. Surprinsingly, Johnny was the first one to wake up. He stirred a little and tried to sit up, but was tugged back. He got a glimpse of the why: Robert had snuggeled closer in the night and one hand was tightly balled into a fist, his whole arm lay across Johnnys chest. He was trapped under his best friends weight and if he tried not to wake him, he had to remain still. He sighed slightly. Well, it was no use and he was a little tired. He couldn't sleep till early in the morning. The thoughts were not the problem any more, it had been the warmth that he had felt right beside him. He and Robert had never shared a bed, not even in the most desperate situation! Why was the german so close so suddenly? And he wasn't talking about physical distance...

He got one arm free and rubbed his sleepy eyes. And he began to wonder again. Was Robert even aware of all of this? Was that normal behavior for him? Or was it just because he was in Johnnys body? The scot knew he tended to snuggle when he was insecure and fell asleep with worries. Could it be possible that his body influenced Roberts feelings? Or the germans body his own? He felt a sting in the head, a headache was coming around. Sighing again he let his arm fall down with a soft sound and looked at the face he knew all too well. It wa strange to see himself. Not in the mirror, not in the same way like he saw himself, but as another person. Where would all of this lead to?

Unknow to the two boys their bitbeasts were not so quiet now. "I told ya they would realize!", Griffolyon spat and flapped his wings. Salamalyon rolled his eyes. "And? So they noticed that we were behind this. It won't help them until they do like we wanted them to." The salamander shrugged his shoulders, what looked pretty funny. The bird picked at his side - only lightly, he did not intend to upset his friend. "I meant them, not their teamwork! Don't ya see what is about to come?" The asked one took a closer look. "They share a bed. And?" Griffolyon laid one wing over his head and goaned. "No wonder you took Johnny as your partner. Ya see nothing until it bites you from behind." He sounded pretty frustrated. Salamalyon looked completely clueless. "A..ha", he muttered, "I really wish Unicolyon would be he so she could translate your glibberish." The bird gave up. "You will see, I think, soon enough."

Robert woke up in the meantime and stared at Johnny with a look of sheer surprise. "When did this happen?", he asked, sounding perplexed. "You mean you snuggling with me half of the night or you slipping in my bed the night before without so much as a `I'm tired` of an explanation?", his friend asked mockingly. He enjoyed seeing Robert off. His all too collected friend was now scrambling to explain. "That was not my intention...I was...uh" He broke off and sighed. "Let's just get up", he muttered and sat up to start the day. Johnny caught his wrist, clearly having the fun of his life. "You were what, Robert? I'm not letting this slide, you know. Tell me!" A blush kept creeping up the other ones face. "I was just...alone, okay? And I was not willing to endure that, not yesterday." The way he said it made clear that he was having lots of nights where he was lonely. Johnnys smile faded. "You knw, you can just say so. I'm always willing to come over." Robert actuallly smiled at that. "I will pin you down on your word, Johnathan." They smiled at each other, knowing they got a little closer now.

Dressed and clean they were ready to go out. Robert had some business in town that he was unable to miss. They had barely made it to the car that was parked in front of the castle when Robert heard Johnny groan in pain. He whirled around, ready to help his friend when he saw a shadow of something massive coming closer with great speed. Everything turned black and he only heard a familiar voice saying: "I told you it's not over..."

Awakening II

When he came to his senses, Robert felt a sharp pain in his head. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. What had happened? All he remembered was a great hit on his head. "Robert?!" He got up and the world started spinning. "Uh", he muttered as he fought back the dizziness. He felt like he might puke. "Johnny?", he asked, eyes shut and his head between his knees. A soft and warm hand apparead on his back, strocking it lightly. "I'm here." "What happened?", he asked and got the answer. "Nathan happened." Robert looked up then. He was still beaten with a terrible headache but he tried to see clear. "He attacked us. Knocked you unconcious and tied me up. Take it slow, you might have a concussion." He tried to nod, but felt his stomach heave. The breakfast found its way onto the floor beside them.

"I think I have one", Robert sighed when he had an empty stomach. "Where are we?" He found it was best to start reacting, not to dwell in his misery. "Uhmm", Johnny sighed, "I don't know. Lokks like we are still on your ground, but I'm not sure." Robert forced himself to look around slowly. The cell semmed pretty familiar. "We are still in the castle", he sighed , "This cell was last used in the inquisition. Rather dark chapter of my families history." Johnny cocked an eyebrow, but remained silent.

"So, there is no way out?", he surmised. "Nope", came Nathans short reply from outside the bars, "That's why I chose this place." "Nathan!", the scot hissed. The man bowed mockingly. "In the flesh. Did you really think I was crawling back to my brother? How naive." Johnny got up, banged against the bars with his hands and stared at the guy, totally upset. "Don't you dare smile now! Can't you see what you're doing to Robert?!" A grin. "I didn't do a single thing to him. It is your body which is pretty beaten up. I wouldn't dare to touch my love like this." "You don't even know the meaning of the word love", Robert commented, "Or else you wouldn't have gotten us here."

"It is easy, love", Nathan beagn, completely ingnoring the sentence, "I brought you here so we can figure out how to get you back. Into your real body, you know? And while this happens, I have enough time to win you back. Isn't that convenient?" He chuckeled and his look got tender. "Once you realise how great I am, you will be that much more eager to be with me." "You are one sick person", was Roberts only answer. Nathan dropped his grin, snorted and muttered. "We have time, we have time." With that, he left.

"Okay, what's the plan?", asked Johnny and inspected the german. "I don't have a plan, okay? Please, Johnny, do not rely on me." All he could feel was the pain in his head. "What about Salamalyon? We could brake free?" Robert laid down - his stomach behaved much better when he didn't try to move. "Do you have your blade with you?" The scots thoughts flew back to the morning. He and Robert had left in such confusion that they had left their beyblades on the board. "Shoot, I don't." "Me neither." So, they were trapped, helplessly forced to go along with Nathans sick ideas? That was gooing to be one hell of a day!

Thinking - and acting

Griffolyon sighed, deeply dissatisfied with the time they had alone. Where are you, Robert?, he wondered. It had been hours since the two boys had left the room and the bitbeast started to get bored. He had never been apart from his partner for this long. "It has been more than a few hours", Salamalyon said. The big bird looked his way, cocked his head to the side. Clearly, a question in his eyes. "You totally screamed Robert with your face", shrugged the salamander, "I just wanted to point that out. Stop drooling over the guy." The wind grew stronger in the room as the other one got mad at his friend. "I am NOT!", he snapped, "I have Unicolyon, that is enough!" The wings flapped and nearly brushed the walls.

"Did you just agree with me that you are infatuated with that horse?", Salamalyon mocked, a grin on the small face. He had finally gotten his friend in an unexpected situation. Griffolyon stuttered a few steps back, looking shocked. "You only wanted to know that, right? Didn't ya?" Salamalyon snickered, completely fine. "Yeah." They stared at each other, analyzing the next move like in a battle.

"And you?", asked the bird, "What's with you? Do you think anyone is worth your time?" Salamalyon shrugged, his face turned thoughtful. "Well, that little bird from Kai is interesting. I mean, she did beat me that one time. But I think they all have to learn more before they are ready to deal with someone like me." The other bitbeast put one wing over his head. "Cocky much again, aren't we?", he muttered.

They got interrupted by a person, walking into the room. Griffolyon turned around and controlled the wind immediately, not wanting to reveal himself. The person was Nathan. He looked around, checked the room and opened various things. "What is he doing here?", asked Salamalyon, "I thought him long gone." Nathan got frustarted more and more the longer he found nothing. Finally, he threw everything he had in his hands on the ground and growled loudly. "Where is that damned thing? I have to get rid of this toy before he is back in his body. I have to." The bitbeasts looked at each other, since they understood he was talking of Griffolyon. He had tried to throw him away one time, now he was trying again?

Nathan pressed one hand onto his lips. "Well, first things first. Let's try and make the other boy vanish." He turned away and left the room in a complete mess.

"He's not talking about what I think he is talking about, is he?", asked Griffolyon. "Not if we have a say in this!", growled the other one and flames appeared in his eyes. "Concentrate your energy, this is a serious thing. We have to get Unicolyon and Amphilyon now!" As usual, the salamander was taking the lead. The bird just plainly obeyed, knewing this was really serious. "I will do my very best."

On another continent - in paris, frace, to be exact - two bitchips glowed massively. Enrico turned to his beyblade and raised his eyebrows. "What is going on with the two of them?", he asked, interrupting Oliver in his sentence. Olivers head shot up and then around, a look of confusion on his face. "Unicolyon and Amphilyon are strange, huh?", he muttered as he got up. Laying the recipe away he walked over to his beyblade. He took the thing in his hand and strocked over the bitchip. "What's the matter, hm?" Enrico shrugged. "Maybe they want a battle", he snickered. It had only been days since the last time but he had learned his bitbeast was fond of battles against Oliver. "Sshh", murmured the french, closed his eyes and listened, "I don't think so." He listened as his bitbeast talked to him. Olivers eyes shot up and he whirled around. "We have to get to germany!"

It had been two days since the body change. Day three was just starting and Johnny already had enough.

The whole night he had laid awake and had looked down at the sleeping Robert. Would anything happen, he could call out to Nathan. Whether the crazy one would've seen the danger in a concussion was the question. Would he told him to shut up? Or would his obsessiveness drive him to call help? Maybe he should have tried this method, but he was not so sure that the guy could not tell if it really was that serious. And if he knew Johnny tried to lie...He had shuddered away from that thought. Better not to push it, right?

Robert stirred in his sleep and brought Johnny out of his reveriy. "Rob?", he asked and reached out cautiosly. "You awake?" Really, the eyes of the now scotish man fluttered open. "Ow", he muttered, "My head's killing me." He rolled onto his back and put one hand onto his forehead. Then, his eyes landed on his friend. "What time is it?" "Do I look like I have a watch?", was the sarcastic retort, "I'm alway called downstairs by you, so forgive me if I do not care what time you decide our training should be!" He snorted even, frustrated with the simple question, the situation, the crazy one out there...

Robert got up and sat across him now. "Angry much?", he mocked, raising one eyebrow, "At least you're not the one he's after." Johnny scratched his cheek and looked on the ground. He was ashamed to snap like that. He knew Robert was not the reason why he was here now - a small part noticed that it soehow was, but he ignored it - and he should hate Nathan for this. But what was he supposed to do? Stay put and let the man have his way with them? Certainly not. He was not comfortable in this situation - heck, who would be? But it was no reason to punish his best friend, he knew it, he just couldn't help himself. And hence he snapped again.

But now there was no way he could just storm away and flee from Roberts retort. He sighed as he tried to make at least one thing right. "Sorry, that was unfair. You have it much worse than me." Silence, than, as he looked up, a totally astonished face. "What?", he asked. "You really apologized for that?", was Roberts question which confused the now german greatly. "I should be the one to apologize! If it were not for me, you would never have been in here!"

"Sure. Like you knew this was gonna happen", he said sourly and looked away. Now Robert was being the selfless one? A hit in the head was all it took? He should have known than much sooner. Drawing himself from this pleasant and ironic thoughts he listened as the door to the cells opened and Nathan stepped through it. "Oh, already awake, huh? Had nice dreams and all?" His voice sounded not like the guy was happy. More like he tried to supress his anger. "Let me see if I can make this any more pleasant", he grumbled and wlked over to Johnny, fixated the jounger one with his stare. "Change this. Now", he ordered. Johnny blinked. Once, twice. Then Robert snorted. "It's not that easy." Nathan threw him an angry look. "It better does or I'll make it happen." Johnny shook his head as a starteld laugh built its way up his throat. "Not the whole world is centered around you, you crazy. It won't work without our bitbeasts."

Nathan balled his fists, brought his arm right in front of Johnnys face. "Than make it work without them!"

"Nope, he won't", called a new voice and Johnny thought his ears decived him.


Nathan merely glanced in the direction of the voice. Indeed, Oliver was standing there, his hands balled into fists and a look on his face like he was ready to kill him. Johnny cocked an eyebrow. How in hell did the france boy know what was going on?

"Leave", was the dry reply from the one who held them hostage. He focused again on Johnny, which tried to scoot away. Nathan narrowed his eyes, his jaw clenched. "No, you will not move!", he snarled, raised one fist to hit him.

It was then that Robert practically flew to him and smacked him across the face. Nathan stuttered backwards, shock the most evident expression as he scratched his cheek. He looked at the blood from his cut lip and pure rage filled his eyes. "You!", he spat and the words echoed back from the walls. "I would have given you everything!" "No, thank you", was the dry reply, "I already have everythig I want." They heard a sound like a beyblade was readied. As Johnny looked past the enraged man he saw Oliver holding up his starter. "Leave them alone!", the greenhaired said and tried obviosly his best not to sound self-concious. Nathan spat at him: "What could you possibly do with that toy?"

He was sorry to ask that the next second as Oliver launched his beyblade, Johnny thought. The thing he so nicely called toy flew between the bars, hit him on his neck. Right on the side where the vein was pulsing under his skin. A knock out point if pressed enough. Nathans hand flew to the hit, he stumbled as his sight got blurry, sinking to the ground in an attempt to fight the obvious. His hateful look remained on Oliver for as long as he could.

Robert sank to the ground once again. "Here!", they heard Enricos voice, "They are here! Hurry up!" The italian and a few paramedics ran into the hall and policemen followed. "This is the kidnapper", Oliver saind as he pointed to the unconcious Nathan, "Would you be so kind to arrest him?" Enrico was already in the cell and helped his friends up. "Are you okay?", he asked repeatedly, "He did nothing too serious?" "We're good", Johnny said out of reflex. He saw Robert flinch as a hand touched his head and added: "Well, he got a pretty bad hit on the head. Maybe a concussion, but otherwise, we're okay." He let them have their way with everything, all he wanted was to get out of here and into a nice, warm bed.

Speaking of warmth..."Where is Salamalyon?", he asked, "And Griffolyon?" His two friends looked at each other. Enrico shrugged. "Why not? If he wants them with him?", he asked and handed the two beyblades over. As soon as Johnnys fingers touched the beyblade, he heard the deep voice of his bitbeast: It is done. Finally, you know what a team is. Treat this knowledge with care. A flame seared up his arm and he lost his sight as his world went dark.

"Johnny?!", a voice said again and again. Fingers on his cheeks. A heavy pain in his head. What was going on? He held still, thinking of the last time he woke up. The voice sighed. "Maybe in a few hours", he mumbled and finally he could recognize it as Roberts. His eyes fluttered open. Everything was slightly blurry. He squeezed his eyes shut again and groaned. "Ow." "You can say that", was the sarcastic reply. "How do you feel?" "Ready to kill someone", Johnny sighed. He streched and felt his body protest. "What happened in there?", he asked. "That's a long story", started his friend to say. "And we have all day to listen to you", said a rather serious sounding Enrico from somewhere behind the german. So, Robert started to explain it.


"What happened after that shot?", asked Johnny, his voice barely above a whisper. Robert sighed. "That will take more than a few minutes to explain." Oliver rolled his eyes. "Just talk", he instructed, "Or I will."

The look Robert shot at his french friend was priceless. "You suck at summaries." Oliver nodded and the german turned to his redhaired friend again. "Well, after Nathan was captured, you blacked out. I did, too. When I woke up again I found it that we were back in our bodies." Here, he was interrupted by Enrico, which had been quiet all the time. "What does that mean?" Robert ignored him. "And then we where with the police. I made sure a doctor saw you. It really is just a light concussion. I promised him to take care of you." He smiled slightly, waited if Johnny protested. But the injured boy remained silent. Raising an eyebrow at this he continued: "And well, the police left and i was forced to explain everything to our friends. And your family."

Johnnys head shot up. "My family?!" Robert put him down again, a look of worry on his face. "Don't move! Your mother is here. Seems like your father noticed my strange behaviour and they were worried. It's okay, she is fine. Take it slow. Please, Johnny, you need to rest." One finger caressed the side of Johnnys face with the lightest pressure possible. "Police will be here again tomorrow. You've been out for almost three hours." Only then, he seemed to realize what he was doing and he removed his hand. "Well", he said, somehow sounding awkward, "I'm gonna get you something to eat." He got up from the bed and left the room.

"Hey, why is Johnny the only one to get a meal?", Enrico wailed, scooting after him, "I want something, too. I don't want to be left out!

What is the thing with what Nathan talked about anyway? What was that about you being Johnny and Johnny being you? I want answers, Robert!" And so on and so forth, Johnny could hear the italians voice untill the two boys were too far away to be heard. Johnny rolled his eyey - what he regretted only seconds afterwards. His head thought it to be funny to make him feel nauseous. He sighed deeply.

"Looks like Enrico was daydreaming again through Roberts explanations", Oliver murmured, "I listened.

So, Salamalyon and Griffolyon switched your bodies? That is something I never exspected." Johnny groaned. On the one side, he was glad that Robert had done the talking, on the other hand he did not know what exactly had been the things his friends knew now. "Yeah, I was pretty surprised, too." That was a good start. "Well, what did he tell you?" The greenhaired sighed and looked around, seemingly trying to remember everything correctly. "He said something about a dream he had. A strange one with your bitbeast. And that you two woke up like this. You in his body and he in yours. He said you two met and tried to understand what was going on until Nathan interrupted."

"What did Nathan do with us, anyway? I don't remember!" Oliver chewed his lip, deeply lost in thought. "He was screaming a lot when the police interrogated him. Like, he was not the guilty one. He only hit you two in the head when you tried to get to Roberts car. And he drove the car away. Explained to Roberts butler that someone from outside kidnapped you. Since the porsche was missing, they believed him in a second and searched for you outside the castle. He was even proud of that idea." Johnny made a face. "This guy is nuts", he commented.

"And Robert's in love with you", shot Enrico back, standing beside Robert in the doorframe and grinning like he opened a present. Johnny shot up, cheeks flaming. The german stood still like a stature. A shocked look directed at the italian, which didn't see it. "You know, he is not that hard to read. He has no pockerface like Kai." The blond chuckeled. Seconds later, the meal for Johnny was shoved into his hands and Robert fled from the room.


Surprisingly, Johnny was the first to react. He tried to get up and cried after his friend: "Robert! Wait!" Olivers hands pushed him back again rather quickly. "Stay down!", he ordered and looked at Enrico, "You will stay here. Make sure he gets some rest. I will go after our captain." With that he left the room and left the blonde and the injured teammate alone in an awkward silence.

"Sorry", Enrico was the first to brake it, "I wanted to help." He came to the bed and sat down on a chair on the right side. Frustrated, he ran one hand through his hair, ruffling it in the process. "I thought...Well, it was pretty obvious that Robert liked you. But..I dunno...he never said anything. I was not able to stand by and watch any longer. I know that you two will give me a stern lecture for that right now but I am willing to take it if it means any good." He shrugged his shoulders. Johnny looked at him with new eyes. It was like a mask had slipped from the italians face and he was seeing the real Enrico now. A man which can be serious and perceptive. And with a good heart, not that he was not aware of this before this second. He always knew Enrico was a good guy. "Nice", he commented ironically, "Not that I don't appreciate your concern about my love life, I'd rather have you overlook it from now on." His blond friend nodded. "I'm not that interested to know about anything specific anyway", he joked, earning a soft snort from Johnny. He knew it was equal to a laugh. "Now rest", he ordered, "Or I will get it from Oliver, too."

Johnny obeyed without any complaint and closed his eyes. He was sure leaving it to Oliver was a good thing.

Down in the hall, Oliver finally caught an arm of Robert. "Wait!", he panted, "I won't say it anymore." And thankfully, the teamcaptain stayed still. "Why did you run away?", he questioned the german. Silence. "Robert!" He shook his friend. Again, only silence. Frustrated, he threw his arms up in the air and blew air through his lips. "I don't understand you at all! Johnny didn't scream at you, right? He didn't tell you that you're friendhip is over or stuff like this? So, why do you flee?!"

"Because I'm scared", was the low answer, "I don't know what to do." He turned around, facing Oliver fully with a look of sheer fear and panik in his eyes. "What should I do?", he said nervously, "If I take the risk...what if it doesn't work out between us two? What about the team then?" He looked away and was clearly nervous. "And I'm...not one to give into it. I...if I come any closer to Johnny, emotionalyy, and if I loose him..." He turned silent again and sighed. After a minute in which Oliver waited patiently, he sucked in some air.

"If I loose him, I don't know if I could survive it", he admitted almost in a whisper. Oliver stared. For a couple of minutes he was unsure how to start.

"I understand how you feel", he finally said, "But...don't you think some things are worth the risk? Just think about all the good sides." Robert did not turn around to him again. "Robert", he said again, "You can't control everything in your life. People you care about will come and go." That struck a cord in the german. "I know. Please, leave this to me, okay?"

"Leave what to you?", asked a new voice. Robert turned around. "Mrs. McGregor", he said in a subdued tone.

Mrs. McGregor looked at Robert with a stern expression. Then again, she could also be worried for her sons health. "How is Johnny?" The german sighed slightly. "He's okay. A light concussion and a few bruises. Nothing too serious. I'd like him to stay here for a couple of days though. He can rest." She nodded, one fast jerky bob. "And you?"

"Me?", Robert repeated, not sure of what else to say. He blinked. "I'm okay." Her expression softened to a light smile. "That is good to hear", she heaved a sigh of relief, "But what if you get worse? I think it's best if you two come with us. We can give you some time to absorb everything in a safe place?" He blinked again. "Uhm, that is a nice thing to say, but-" "Don't do that, Robert", she interrupted gently, "Don't say what you think I expect you to say. Tell me what you want." She stepped closer and put one hand on his arm. The warm touch was like she reached him inside his shell of manners and he flinched.

Robert bit his lip. She was right in a way, he did not feel safe right now. Not in the same place where he had been attacked. Some part of his brain was sure that he would feel insecure and afraid as long as Nathan was not behind bars. He swallowed hard and made a decision. "I'd love to see your home, Mrs. McGregor, thank you for your invitation." He smiled because it felt good to know that there would be someone to take care of him. And he was near Johnny, too.

"Call me Marian. Friends of my son are like my children anyway." Olivers mouth hung open for a second. "Ahm...yeah, that's quite...nice?" His sentence ended in a question because he did not know how to name this. Clearly, they were not used to this kind of behaviour. "Oh, you two can come as well, young boy. You must be Oliver? I've heard so much of you. Johnny never stops talking about his team." She laughed and involved the stuttering frech into a conversation. Robert looked at the two for a second before he decided he had to face Johnny again. If he's awake, I'll talk to him. If not, I have some time to think, he thought in the second, Mrs. McGregor held him up again. "I have to say one more thing: Thank you, Robert. You protected my son when I wasn't able to do it. You helped him and you are even now taking care of him. I cannot say how grateful I am that he has friends like you." She winked at him. "Now you go and clear all this up. I don't think he will feel any different."

Robert blushed deeply, nodded and turned around. On the one side it was good to know that Mrs. McGregor...ehr, Marian, was so pleased. On the other side he was totally ashamed that she had caught sight of his feelings before he could tell Johnny. He took a couple of steps to the door where Johnny was behind and stopped. Could he do this? Now?

He felt a soft breeze and the words If not now, when ever? echo through his head. He grumbled something that sounded like "I get it, Griff" and took a deep, calming breath. Than, he rapped his hand on the door and got inside.

All his panik was for nothing - Johnny was asleep. But Enrico was there. "Hey", he greeted the blonde. "Oh, hey", was the reply, "You're back again." "Yeah." It was all he could say. He stood at the door awkwardly and looked at the sleeping form in the bed. "Is he okay?" "He's allright. He sleeps since some minutes. It's all good, Robert." Enrico smiled and got up from his seat. "I think this should be your place", he said, grinned and left.

So Robert sat down and started to watch the sleep of his best friend so far.

When Johnny awoke, he found himself feeling much better. His head was only a dull ache now, not nearly what it had been hours ago. Had it even been hours? How long did he sleep?

He opened his eyes to confirm the time and found the sky set into the darkness of the night. He sighed. "Gosh, what time is it?", he asked himself. To his utter surprise, he got an answer: "It's six in the morning. You've slept through half of the day. Well, nearly." Johnny jumped, whipped his head to the side and stared goggle-eyed at his teamcaptain. "Robert!"

"I know my name", was the dry response, softened only by the sligh smile that graced the germans lips.

"You are here?", Johnny asked after a loaded silence. He was aware of how the conversation - if Robert had ever been part in it - had ended. His friend had fled the room. How was he supposed to act right now? At least the smile was a hint into the right direction. Right? He pouted. "Since when are you here?" "Couple of hours." He pouted more when he realised that his friend had watched him in his sleep. "Enjoyed the view?", he asked rhetorical. The scot did not expect an answer that was honest, but he got one: "Yes." He rolled his eyes and tried to shrug off the feeling that crawled up upon him. "Because I look ridiculous, don't I?" There was another pause while the teamcaptain gathered his thoughts.

"Now, it's not that. It's...I like it." He shrugged like it did not bother him to admit that. The blush on his cheeks gave him away however. He looked to his right and did not face Johnny, who was sure in this very second, that his friend was as nervous, as he was himself. "Ah", he muttered. "Yeah." Another two minutes of dead silence.

"How is my mother?" "Oh, she's good. She invited us over to your house. All of the team." A loud groan escaped his lips by the idea of Enrico meeting his family. "Mom!" It was directed to no one in particular since his mother was sound asleep in another room. Robert chuckeled. "Give her some credit. I was the one who she wanted to have there the most beside you. Oliver happened to stand beside me and it would have been extremely unpolite to ignore him. So - she invited all of us.

And Enrico had some worries about your condition." This reminded the redhead of the short talk he had with the blond earlier. He remained silent and nodded simply.

"And you? Why are you here and not asleep, too?" Roberts head whirled towards his eyes. Blue met brown. "Because we have something to talk about." He drew in a deep breath and hold it. Then, with sure precision as always - but a slight nervous edge - he began: "You know, we can try to forget this. It is one option." A snort from Johnny made clear that it was not an option. None at all. "I figure you want to talk about that. Fine, it is in my interest anyway." Robert leaned back against the chair and looked ready to listen. Johnny on the other hand bit his lip.

"What do you expect me to say?", he finally mumbled, "I am not the one who ran away. Maybe you should start." The german looked like he exactly wanted to do that - not. He drew in another deep breath. "Okay. Fine. If you insist.

I..." His voice lost its volume in this two last words and faded out without finishing what needed to be said. He ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, I..."

Johnny decided to help him out of his misery, although he was well aware that Robert had to say it someday sometime. "You like me?", he did not say it as a question but it was meant as one. Robert nodded. His blush inforced its strenght on his face. "A lot?" Another nod. "Then why don't you say that?" "Because it is hard for me!" Roberts voice rose in its volume again, it nearly was too loud for the time and place. He tried to reign it in: "It is not me to say things like that. You should have noticed that I'm not one to give up on my control." With that, Johnny laughed. Hard.

"Yeah, I know! You are one of a kind, that's true!" He chorteled and doubled over in his chuckles. "Why can't you trust me? I won't lie to you." Robert shot up and Johnny was alarmed that he might leave the room. "Wait, I didn't mean it that way!" Robert turned round and faced the door. "Then tell me how?" Was he on the edge of tears? Johnny could not tell with only the back of his friend in his view. "I...think I like you, too", he said in a whisper. The german turned around again and they stared at each other.

"You think?" The question had an ironic undertone. He'd hurt him. "I have never though of the possibility. Of me, being with you like that. I...just give me some time, okay? I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but it's definetly not negativ!" He blew out air noisily and faced the wall. Anything was better than to see the hope in Roberts eyes which he was not sure if he could life up to. "I...think I need a few days. Can you life with that?" "I think I have to, right?" Robert sounded not happy, not really. But he was okay with it. That was the best they could get right now. At least it was what Johny thought. "You wanna sleep here?", he asked without a glance at his friend, "I mean, my head is to myself, even if you're in the same room."

Robert slid into the bed and whispered a small Thank you before he tried to get one or two hours of sleep now.


Johnny jawned as he got up. He stretched his arms above his head and looked down at his friend.

Robert was still asleep, as he was most of the time now. It seemed that the german felt so safe he let fall down his guard when he was around his friends. It was a nice change, showed how much he trusted the scot. Johnny smiled, leaned down and ran one hand across Roberts lips. "Wakey, wakey", he whispered and blew air into the other ones ear. His friend stirred in his sleep and muttered: "I told you not to do that." The redhead laughed. "And I told you how much fun it is!"

Robert sat up and rubbed his eyes. The view was so adorable that Johnny felt the urge to lay one arm around the german and to pull him closer. "How was your sleep?" Robert laughed a little. "Good." Johnny kissed his cheek. "Then get up and get dressed. Dad wanted to give us the tour around the grounds again."

After nearly four weeks, they finally made the step. Johnny said they should try it out. He made no guarantee it would work out. But then again - could anybody say that about a relationship? He could only do his best. What had changed his unsure mind...well, it had been that night. The night, when Robert had had this bad dream about Nathan and the whole incident again. He had tried to be there, but to no much success. Until his friend had asked him if he could talk. About anything. He'd rather hear Johnny chatter about stupid family stories than think of the past days in the cell.

So the scot had babbled on about his family. And about how his parents got together - after a few minutes he ran out of things he thought were appropiate to say. He had said that his father had one kiss with his mother on a party and she had known she wanted him and nobody else.

Roberts question if Johnny could kiss him had thrown him of the loop for a few minutes. But then...he wanted to do it. Really, it was what he thought about for a couple of days now and he had just done it. Well, after this, things had become a lot easier for them. They were a couple. His family had welcomed his boyfriend with joy.

Of course, they had to tell the story how everything had taken place. To Johnnys utter surprise, Robert had told the truth. Mark and Marian McGregor had nodded simply at the story. Why they remained so calm was still a mystery to their son. But who cared as long as they did not freak out afterwards?

Enrico had surely made a fool out of himself as he tried to snuggle in one of his girlfriends and got caught by Johnnys father. The man was not angry about the incident - not in the slightest. But his attempt to make a joke of young man nd their hormones had the blonde blushing brightly and screaming through the whole castle that he was still a virgin. Next second, he realised what he had said and ran into his room without a word. The poor girl had stood there rather awkwardly and was glad to leave as fast as she could. Since then, she did not contact Enrico again. It was fair play in Johnnys eyes. Even Robert had smiled in a devious way about that. They made fun of the italian with the story now and then.

Oliver had been a different matter. It seemed that everyone around him had know of Roberts feelings exept for Johnny himself. He had had a serious talk with the french about trust and secrets in the team and Oliver had just said: "And what about you? Don't tell me you don't have a thing or two you don't want us to know?" And he had raised his eyebrows in a challeging manner. Johnny had remained quiet and this was it. He did not know if Robert had taken over that talk or not, Oliver never mentioned it again.

Now, they had been at Johnnys home for almost two month. Robert had done the most work on his laptop but naturely, he had to go back sooner rather than later. They agreed for him to fly back tommorow. Today was still their day. Why Robert was so eager to see the landscape and the nature again - why not, if it made him happy? And it was only a two hour walk. Two hours. Man, hopefully, the german knew what sacrifice Johnny made for him, trudging through the misty rain for two hours in the morning again.

Johnny turned around and saw the gleam in Roberts eyes. Well, sometimes, sacrifice was worh it.


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Phase
2016-05-24T13:02:21+00:00 24.05.2016 15:02
Und ein schönes happy end für alle Beteiligten. <3
...na ja, außer vielleicht für Enrico, hihi. xD
Da haben die Johnny und Robert in jedem Fall einiges an Zeit gebraucht, um zusammen zu finden, aber vermutlich war das auch notwendig nach allem, was sie durchgemacht haben. Und jetzt haben sie alle Zeit der Welt und machen hoffentlich das Beste drauß. :D
Ein wirklich schönes und passendes Ende.
Das war eine wirklich süße Story, die ich sehr gerne mit verfolgt habe! :-)
Antwort von:  Marron
24.05.2016 16:53
Und zum dritten Mal: Dankeschön für deinen Kommi.
Enrico wird schon noch darüber hinweg kommen. Oder nicht. Das bleibt dir überlassen. :P
Die Zeit war wohl wirklich nötig. Immerhin sind die beiden von Sich-Anschreien-Und-Streiten zu Verständnis übergegangen und jetzt sogar zu einer Beziehung. Es ist nicht gut, wenn man zu schenll zu viel durchmacht und sich nicht die Zeit nimmt, alles nocheinmal zu überdenken. Also, ja, sie brauchten beide Zeit. Umso besser kann es jetzt funktionieren, denke ich. :)

Ooh, das Lob geht natürlich runter wie Öl. :D Danke, es freut mich sehr, dass mein Englisch so gut ankam, es ist das erste Mal, dass ich eine koomplette Story in einer anderen Sprache als Deutsch schreibe. Da freut mich das. :D
Von:  Phase
2016-05-24T12:52:24+00:00 24.05.2016 14:52
Schön, dass die beiden endlich eine Gelegenheit gefunden haben, sich auszusprechen.
Robert scheint das alles ja sehr mitzunehmen, aber auch Johnny ist ersteinmal sichtlich überfordert. Ich kann verstehen, dass letzterer zunächst einmal etwas Zeit zum Nachdenken haben möchte.
Aber ich finde, Johnny macht es Robert nicht sonderlich leicht mit seinen "verlockenden" Angeboten. :P
Antwort von:  Marron
24.05.2016 16:49
Und zum zweiten: Dankeschön!
In so einer Situation weiß man ja nie, was jetzt richtig ist. Ging mir genauso, als ein Kumpel mir gestanden hat, in mich verknalllt zu sein und ich taktvoll nein sagen wollte. Ich war erst einmal baff, weil ich es aus der Ecke nie erwartet hätte. Tja, daran lehne ich mich hier an, obwohl die beiden ja am Ende zusammenkommen. Aber...nja, es ist eben so eine Situation, wo man sich unsicher fühlt.

Und joah, Robert wird so beinahe am ausgestreckten Arm gehalten, ohne, dass Johnny sich dessen bewusst ist, ne? XD Armer Robert, er muss stark sein.
Von:  Phase
2016-05-24T12:49:57+00:00 24.05.2016 14:49
Mrs McGregor ist ganz schön durchtrieben - da hat der arme Robert es nict so leicht, vor seinen Gefühlen davon zu laufen. Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass er ganz schön erleichtert war, als er feststellen durfte, dass Johnny noch schläft... :P
Ist halt doch nochmal ein kurzer Aufschub, um alles zu durchdenken... :-)
Antwort von:  Marron
24.05.2016 16:45
Danke für deinen Kommi.
Ah, da bist du auch wieder. :D
Schön, wenn das Kapitel gefallen hat. Ich dachte, es ist schön, wenn die Eltern ohne große Reden mal einfach so akzeptieren, was los ist. Und Johnnys Mutter will ihm ja helfen, weil sie vielleicht ahnt, was los ist mit ihrem Sohn. XD Mütter spüren sowas - manchmal.

Und den Aufschub kann Robert echt gut gebrauchen.
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-05-05T14:16:52+00:00 05.05.2016 16:16
Und endlich sind sie zusammen! Schön, dass doch noch alles zusammen gekommen ist! <3

Armer Enrico - dieses Erlebnis hat ihn jetzt bestimmt geprägt. Jetzt wisen alle, dass er nur so tut; der ärmste. v_v Aber er wird schon noch die Richtige finden, die seine Blume pflückt oder so. :P

Ob das auf Dauer gut geht weiß keiner - aber schön, dass sie es versuchen. Ein schönes Ende für die FF! :)
Antwort von:  Marron
11.05.2016 11:49
Und zum (hier) letzten Mal: Dankeschön!^^
Joah, es ist recht schnell gekommen. Eigentlich wollte ich es noch etwas länger schreiben, aber es sperrte sich. Alles, was ich versuchte, wollte nicht so recht passen und ich ließ es bleiben.

Enrico und der Ärmste? XD Na, das provoziert er doch auch, wenn er ständig so rumflirtet. Ich habe hier auch wieder mit dem gespielt, was man von außen sieht und was real ist. Da haben sie direkt die nächste Erkentniss über ihr Team. (Und naja, Enrico hätte ja auch einfach mitlachen können, anstatt so zu reagieren, dann wäre nix rausgekommen)

...Und dieser Spruch ist superlustig! ...die Richtige, die seine Blume pflückt XD Das merke ich mir!

Man weiß ja nie, ob eine Beziehung hinhaut. Wer kann schon so eine Garantie abgeben? Ich denke, die Idee an sich ist ganz romantisch und alles, nur in der Realität nicht umzusetzen. Menschen ändern sich, Gefühle ebenfalls...man muss es einfach versuchen und sehen, ob es was wird. Denke ich - muss also nicht unbedingt die Wahrheit sein.
Aber das Lob freut mich natürlich. \(^-^)/
Eigentlich hatte ich vorgehabt, noch ein bisschen zu warten mit der nächsten Story (meine Muse hatte sich verzogen), aber jetzt habe ich schon wieder was, das mir im Kopf herumgeht. (Ich kann so nicht arbeiten, würde ein Künstleregomane sagen) Also denke ich, es wird die Tage wieder was von mir geben.

Danke, dass du auch hier dabei warst, ich habe mich über jeden Kommi gefreut. *_*
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-04-30T18:39:28+00:00 30.04.2016 20:39
...Robert am Rande der Tränen? oO Das hätte ich nicht erwartet. Den guten scheint's ja aktuell sehr mitzunehmen. ;P
Und Johnny ist sich über seine Gefühle nicht sicher... hm. Mal sehen, was da raus kommt. >_< Immerhin geht es hier um Roberts zartes, zerbrechliches Herz. D:

Aber das geteilte Bett ist immerhin schon einmal ein Angebot. Mal sehen, was daraus wird. :3
Antwort von:  Marron
03.05.2016 15:30
Dankeschön für deinen Kommentar.
X3 Joah, das ist natürlich nur Johnnys Eindruck. Ob es stimmt, habe ich extra offen gelassen. Aber na klar, sie sind beide erst mal sehr aufgewühlt, war ja auch ziemlich viel los. In dieser Story ist Robert sehr unsicher, sobald sich etwas so konsequent seiner Kontrolle entzieht. Und nichts ist schließlich schlimmer, als seine Gefühle zu beichten und keine genaue Antwort zu bekommen. Da wird man schon mal verletzlich.

Für Johnny ging das alles viel zu schnell. Er muss erst einmal den Ereignissen hinterherkommen.

Och, was daraus wird, wirst du jetzt lesen können. Das nächste Kapitel ist schon das letzte für diese Story. :) Ich hoffe, es ist etwas für dich.
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-04-22T11:09:41+00:00 22.04.2016 13:09
Siehst du, Robert? Das Schiksal (oder, in diesem Fall: Johnnys Mutter) will, dass du endlich deine Liebe gestehst - also mach endlich! (Und dass Johnny schläft bietet dir Gelegenheit, nochmal die richtigen Worte zu finden. Eventuell auch aufzuschreiben. Manchmal vergisst man die in solchen Situationen ja gerne wieder. v_v)

Ich finde es schön, dass Marian mit wenigen Worten zu Robert durchdringt - und ihm dabei klar macht, dass er nicht immer der stocksteife Adelige sein muss, der er vorgibt, zu sein. Auch finde ich es süß, dass sie Johnnys Freunde quasi adoptiert, bevor sie sie überhaupt kennt. xD

Ein süßes Kapitel - bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht! :)
Antwort von:  Marron
28.04.2016 12:14
Danke für den Kommi. :)
Ja, endlich komme ich zum Punkt, der mir wichtig war: Der Unterschied zwischen der Eigenwahrnehmung und der von Fremden! Robert denkt, er solle besser nicht - Marian McGregor würde die beiden liebend gern zusammen sehen. Je mehr man von der eigenen Meinung überzeugt ist, desto weniger ist man ja manchmal bereit, andere Seiten zu akzeptieren - da kann ich deiner Aufforderung nur aus vollem Herzen zustimmen. XD (Und auch mit dem in Klammern hast du Recht, erwird's wohl gleich wieder vergessen.)

Joah, eigentlich hatte ich eine längere Rede geplant, die Marian halten sollte - nur leider hatte die Dame andere Pläne. :) Und ich hatte gedacht, das Raue von Johnnys Vater braucht ein bisschen Ausgleich. (Ja, ich weiß auch, dass ich mich hier an einem Klischee bediene!) Insofern ist sie all die Geschichten gewöhnt, die Johnny zu Hause von seinen Freunden erzählt, aber sie hat noch niemanden direkt getroffen. Vielleicht ist sie deshalb so bereit, sich mit Oliver zu unterhalten.

Danke, solches Lob ist immer schön! Ich werde mich dann mal mit dem nächsten Kapitel beeilen.
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-04-15T14:20:30+00:00 15.04.2016 16:20
Ach herrje, Robert - auf der einen Seite kann ich dich verstehen, dass du Angst vor so großen Gefühlen hast, auf der anderen Seite: Auch wenn es weh tut ist eine Trennung (selbst von der "wahren, großen Liebe") kein Weltuntergang. Geh das Risiko ein! Unglücklicher als jetzt kannst du kaum werden, so wie ich die Sache sehe.

Enricos "Enthüllung" als denkender Mensch ist dir sehr gut gelungen, und das finde ich ein sehr nettes Detail. Mrs. McGreagors Auftreten allerdings könnte die ganze Sache zum Kippen bringen... ich bin gespannt! :)
Antwort von:  Marron
21.04.2016 13:15
Auch dir: Dankeschön für deinen Kommi.
Du hast völlig recht. Schlimmer als jetzt kann es nicht kommen. Aber er hat einfach Angst, es zu vermasseln. Wie gut, dass Enrico endlich mal was angestoßen hat, ne? XD (Ja, er war endlich mal nicht der Depp!)

Oooh, dankeschön, das freut mich. Ich habe lange an den Worten gefeilt, weil ich diese Wirkung erreichen wollte. Enrico glaubt einfach, er muss etwas gewisses nach außen darstellen und versteckt sein wahres Gesicht hinter dieser Maske. (Hör dir ruhig mal das Lied "Der Clown" von Schandmaul an. Das war mir in der Szene eine große Hilfe.)

Was Johnys Mum angeht...we'll see.
Von:  Phase
2016-04-14T14:45:11+00:00 14.04.2016 16:45
Wie schön, ein neues Kapitel!!! *^* Gerade rechtzeitig zum aktuellen Arbeits- und Prüfungsstress. xD'
Tja, Enrico... das Gegenteil von "gut" ist "gut gemeint". Was hast du denn erwartet? Dass die beiden aufeinander zu stürzen, sich umarmen und küssen? -.-' Denk doch mal mit!
Aber immerhin bemüht er sich darum, Johnny das Ganze zu erklären - und es ist schön, dass Johnny das nicht in den falschen Hals kriegt. Und, dass er tatsächlich brav schlafen geht und nicht noch ein wenig rumzickt oder so. Aber da merkt man vermutlich recht gut, dass er wirklich einfach fertig ist. Hoffen wir auf eine zügige Genesung! <3
Roberts Unsicherheit ist eine spannende neue Seite an ihm. Gerade, nachdem er sich bei Nathan so tough verhalten hat, ist es interessant zu sehen, wie viel Angst er doch davor hat, sich Johnny und seinen Gefühlen tatsächlich zu stellen. Weil ihn der Verlust einfach so sehr mitnehmen würde.
Aber Oliver hat durchaus recht, wenn er meint, dass Menschen kommen und gehen werden. So ist das eben im Leben und man muss einfach auch die schönen Zeiten zu schätzen wissen - und sich klar machen, dass auch jemand Neues die leere Stelle wieder füllen wird. :-) Gut, in seiner Situation ist das wahrscheinlich nicht ganz so motivierend, haha...
Aber Robert hat genauso recht. xD Es ist seine Angelegenheit und er wird sich darum kümmern. So einfach ist das.
Und dann kommt ausgerechnet Johnnys Mutter. Ich meine, nachdem Johnny zusammengeschlagen wurde und flach liegt, ist es gut, dass sie so schnell gekommen ist. Aber für Robert ist die Szene natürlich alles andere als angenehm.

Bin schon gespannt, wie es weitergehen wird! ^^
Antwort von:  Marron
21.04.2016 13:11
Danke für deinen Kommi.
Naja, immerhin hat Enrico es in Bewegung gebracht, nicht wahr? :) (Aber schön, wenn ich dir di stressige Zeit versüßen kann. ^.^) Immerhin war es ein Anfang, auch, wenn Robert nicht wie erwartet reagiert hat.

Joah, Johnny ist ganz schön fertig, das merkt man. Aber er hat wohl auch eingesehen, dass er bisher zu vorschnell geurteilt hat und seine Freunde erst einmal besser kennen lernen sollte.
Ach, Robert ist sich seiner Gefühle zwar sehr sicher, hat aber eigentlich schon vor einer Ewigkeit beschlossen, nichts zu sagen. Er hatte einfach Angst. Ich denke, je mehr man einen Menschen liebt, desto mehr Angst hat man, durch ihn verletzt zu werden und umso mehr fürchtet man sich davor, verlassen zu werden. Manch einer regelt das, indem er sich abschottet. Und immerhin ist Robert in der Story ja seine ganze Familie weggestorben.

Natürlich muss er akzeptieren, dass manche Menschen verschwinden können aus seinem Leben. Ich denke, Oliver wollte damit sagen, dass Johnny eventuell auch eines Tages gehen könnte und Robert dann ewig bereuen würde, geschwiegen zu haben. Im Sinne eines ewigen "Was wäre, wenn..." Also sollte er sich einfach mal trauen.
(Ich war einfach von dem Spruch geleitet "Jemandem zu vertrauen, kostet Mut". Es ist manches Mal nicht einfach.)

Mmmh, was Johnnys Mutter angeht...das wird sich noch zeigen, sie hat noch einiges zu sagen. XD
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-04-10T11:44:07+00:00 10.04.2016 13:44
xDDDDD Robert rennt davon, wie süß! xD

Aber schön, dass sich alles jetzt doch noch zum Guten gewendet hat. Robert und Johnny sind endlich in ihrem eigenen Körper zurück, und damit kann die Liebe endlich beginnen ohne irgendwie verstörend zu sein. xD
Oliver und Enrico scheinen die Sache in jedem Fall relativ entspann zu sehen, und Enrico ist wie immer ein Idiot. xD Aber wer weiß, vielleicht blüht Johnnys und Roberts Liebe auch erst durch Enricos KOmmentar auf. ;P
Antwort von:  Marron
14.04.2016 11:49
Auch bei dir: Dankeschön für deinen Kommentar.
Jaha, er rennt weg. Warum, wird im nächsten Kapitel klar. Und jupp, sie sind zurück in ihren Körpern. Ich habe lange gehadert, es schon an dieser Stelle passieren zu lassen, aber mein Hirn wollte keine weiteren Szenen mit vertauschtem Körper produzieren. Da habe ich es so gelassen, dass jetzt alles weniger verwirrend wird.

Was Enrico angeht - wird man sehen. :D Vielleicht hat er es ja nicht so gemeint?
Von:  Phase
2016-04-07T16:00:37+00:00 07.04.2016 18:00
Das Ende ist einfach nur Zucker. ;///////;
Ich meine... armer Robert, dass Enrico da so direkt ist und keinerei Respekt davor hat, dass Robert es sich ja selbst raussuchen könnte, es Johnny zu sagen. Oder war es einfach nur ein Versuch Robert aufzuziehen? :P
So oder so, die Szene war super süß. :D
Auch wenn ich den Kommentar "he hasn't got a poker face like Kai" fast so auffasse, dass Kai etwas von Johnny wollte, es sich aber nicht hat anmerken lassen, bis er Johnny vor die Tatsachen gestellt hat, haha. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass es bei weitem nicht so gemeint ist - aber im Kontext wäre es 'ne witzige Richtung.
Johnnys Ausruhen wirkt in jedem Fall nicht sehr erholsam (Oliver, wie wäre es, wenn du das Gespräch einfach auf später verschiebst?). Ich hoffe, sie lassen ihn endlich einfach mal in Ruhe sich... ausruhen. Aber durch das Robert-Problem wird das Johnny vermutlich sehr schwer fallen.
Ich bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht. Hoffe es ist bald so weit... ;___;
In jedem Fall wieder eine sehr schöne Entwicklung! :D
Antwort von:  Marron
14.04.2016 11:46
Danke für deinen Kommi.
Joah, jetzt kommen wir recht schnell zum Ende. Mal sehen, ob deine Theorie stimmt. (Ich werde im nächsten Kapitel näher darauf eingehen) Aber das geht natürlich ruter wie Öl, freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. :D

Also auf welche Ideen du bei manchen Sätzen kommst! ^^ Ne, wenn Kai was von Johnny gewollt hätte...urgs, das passt für mich nicht. Überhaupt nicht! Ne, so war es wirklich nicht gemeint. Aber wäre ja witzig, wenn Kai den Kommentar irgendwann mitkriegen würde und auch so aufgefasst hätte, als wolle man ihm was unterstellen. Dann wäre was los. XD

Oliver kommt doch gar nicht dazu, was zu verschieben, Johnny fragt ja selbst nach. Solange er nicht Bescheid weiß, wird er auch keine Ruhe geben, glaub mir. Ihm ist viel zu wichtig, was passiert ist. Mal im Ernst: Wer könnte schon ruhig schlafen, bevor man nicht ganz genau weiß, dass Nathan keine Gefahr mehr ist? Ich nicht. :(
Und nö, Johnny sollte sich jetzt echt mal ausruhen, den Rest können ja auch Oliver und Enrico machen. (Oder im Falle seiner Mutter Robert)
