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Johnny jawned as he got up. He stretched his arms above his head and looked down at his friend.

Robert was still asleep, as he was most of the time now. It seemed that the german felt so safe he let fall down his guard when he was around his friends. It was a nice change, showed how much he trusted the scot. Johnny smiled, leaned down and ran one hand across Roberts lips. "Wakey, wakey", he whispered and blew air into the other ones ear. His friend stirred in his sleep and muttered: "I told you not to do that." The redhead laughed. "And I told you how much fun it is!"

Robert sat up and rubbed his eyes. The view was so adorable that Johnny felt the urge to lay one arm around the german and to pull him closer. "How was your sleep?" Robert laughed a little. "Good." Johnny kissed his cheek. "Then get up and get dressed. Dad wanted to give us the tour around the grounds again."

After nearly four weeks, they finally made the step. Johnny said they should try it out. He made no guarantee it would work out. But then again - could anybody say that about a relationship? He could only do his best. What had changed his unsure mind...well, it had been that night. The night, when Robert had had this bad dream about Nathan and the whole incident again. He had tried to be there, but to no much success. Until his friend had asked him if he could talk. About anything. He'd rather hear Johnny chatter about stupid family stories than think of the past days in the cell.

So the scot had babbled on about his family. And about how his parents got together - after a few minutes he ran out of things he thought were appropiate to say. He had said that his father had one kiss with his mother on a party and she had known she wanted him and nobody else.

Roberts question if Johnny could kiss him had thrown him of the loop for a few minutes. But then...he wanted to do it. Really, it was what he thought about for a couple of days now and he had just done it. Well, after this, things had become a lot easier for them. They were a couple. His family had welcomed his boyfriend with joy.

Of course, they had to tell the story how everything had taken place. To Johnnys utter surprise, Robert had told the truth. Mark and Marian McGregor had nodded simply at the story. Why they remained so calm was still a mystery to their son. But who cared as long as they did not freak out afterwards?

Enrico had surely made a fool out of himself as he tried to snuggle in one of his girlfriends and got caught by Johnnys father. The man was not angry about the incident - not in the slightest. But his attempt to make a joke of young man nd their hormones had the blonde blushing brightly and screaming through the whole castle that he was still a virgin. Next second, he realised what he had said and ran into his room without a word. The poor girl had stood there rather awkwardly and was glad to leave as fast as she could. Since then, she did not contact Enrico again. It was fair play in Johnnys eyes. Even Robert had smiled in a devious way about that. They made fun of the italian with the story now and then.

Oliver had been a different matter. It seemed that everyone around him had know of Roberts feelings exept for Johnny himself. He had had a serious talk with the french about trust and secrets in the team and Oliver had just said: "And what about you? Don't tell me you don't have a thing or two you don't want us to know?" And he had raised his eyebrows in a challeging manner. Johnny had remained quiet and this was it. He did not know if Robert had taken over that talk or not, Oliver never mentioned it again.

Now, they had been at Johnnys home for almost two month. Robert had done the most work on his laptop but naturely, he had to go back sooner rather than later. They agreed for him to fly back tommorow. Today was still their day. Why Robert was so eager to see the landscape and the nature again - why not, if it made him happy? And it was only a two hour walk. Two hours. Man, hopefully, the german knew what sacrifice Johnny made for him, trudging through the misty rain for two hours in the morning again.

Johnny turned around and saw the gleam in Roberts eyes. Well, sometimes, sacrifice was worh it.


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Von:  Phase
2016-05-24T13:02:21+00:00 24.05.2016 15:02
Und ein schönes happy end für alle Beteiligten. <3
...na ja, außer vielleicht für Enrico, hihi. xD
Da haben die Johnny und Robert in jedem Fall einiges an Zeit gebraucht, um zusammen zu finden, aber vermutlich war das auch notwendig nach allem, was sie durchgemacht haben. Und jetzt haben sie alle Zeit der Welt und machen hoffentlich das Beste drauß. :D
Ein wirklich schönes und passendes Ende.
Das war eine wirklich süße Story, die ich sehr gerne mit verfolgt habe! :-)
Antwort von:  Marron
24.05.2016 16:53
Und zum dritten Mal: Dankeschön für deinen Kommi.
Enrico wird schon noch darüber hinweg kommen. Oder nicht. Das bleibt dir überlassen. :P
Die Zeit war wohl wirklich nötig. Immerhin sind die beiden von Sich-Anschreien-Und-Streiten zu Verständnis übergegangen und jetzt sogar zu einer Beziehung. Es ist nicht gut, wenn man zu schenll zu viel durchmacht und sich nicht die Zeit nimmt, alles nocheinmal zu überdenken. Also, ja, sie brauchten beide Zeit. Umso besser kann es jetzt funktionieren, denke ich. :)

Ooh, das Lob geht natürlich runter wie Öl. :D Danke, es freut mich sehr, dass mein Englisch so gut ankam, es ist das erste Mal, dass ich eine koomplette Story in einer anderen Sprache als Deutsch schreibe. Da freut mich das. :D
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-05-05T14:16:52+00:00 05.05.2016 16:16
Und endlich sind sie zusammen! Schön, dass doch noch alles zusammen gekommen ist! <3

Armer Enrico - dieses Erlebnis hat ihn jetzt bestimmt geprägt. Jetzt wisen alle, dass er nur so tut; der ärmste. v_v Aber er wird schon noch die Richtige finden, die seine Blume pflückt oder so. :P

Ob das auf Dauer gut geht weiß keiner - aber schön, dass sie es versuchen. Ein schönes Ende für die FF! :)
Antwort von:  Marron
11.05.2016 11:49
Und zum (hier) letzten Mal: Dankeschön!^^
Joah, es ist recht schnell gekommen. Eigentlich wollte ich es noch etwas länger schreiben, aber es sperrte sich. Alles, was ich versuchte, wollte nicht so recht passen und ich ließ es bleiben.

Enrico und der Ärmste? XD Na, das provoziert er doch auch, wenn er ständig so rumflirtet. Ich habe hier auch wieder mit dem gespielt, was man von außen sieht und was real ist. Da haben sie direkt die nächste Erkentniss über ihr Team. (Und naja, Enrico hätte ja auch einfach mitlachen können, anstatt so zu reagieren, dann wäre nix rausgekommen)

...Und dieser Spruch ist superlustig! ...die Richtige, die seine Blume pflückt XD Das merke ich mir!

Man weiß ja nie, ob eine Beziehung hinhaut. Wer kann schon so eine Garantie abgeben? Ich denke, die Idee an sich ist ganz romantisch und alles, nur in der Realität nicht umzusetzen. Menschen ändern sich, Gefühle ebenfalls...man muss es einfach versuchen und sehen, ob es was wird. Denke ich - muss also nicht unbedingt die Wahrheit sein.
Aber das Lob freut mich natürlich. \(^-^)/
Eigentlich hatte ich vorgehabt, noch ein bisschen zu warten mit der nächsten Story (meine Muse hatte sich verzogen), aber jetzt habe ich schon wieder was, das mir im Kopf herumgeht. (Ich kann so nicht arbeiten, würde ein Künstleregomane sagen) Also denke ich, es wird die Tage wieder was von mir geben.

Danke, dass du auch hier dabei warst, ich habe mich über jeden Kommi gefreut. *_*
