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Thinking - and acting

Griffolyon sighed, deeply dissatisfied with the time they had alone. Where are you, Robert?, he wondered. It had been hours since the two boys had left the room and the bitbeast started to get bored. He had never been apart from his partner for this long. "It has been more than a few hours", Salamalyon said. The big bird looked his way, cocked his head to the side. Clearly, a question in his eyes. "You totally screamed Robert with your face", shrugged the salamander, "I just wanted to point that out. Stop drooling over the guy." The wind grew stronger in the room as the other one got mad at his friend. "I am NOT!", he snapped, "I have Unicolyon, that is enough!" The wings flapped and nearly brushed the walls.

"Did you just agree with me that you are infatuated with that horse?", Salamalyon mocked, a grin on the small face. He had finally gotten his friend in an unexpected situation. Griffolyon stuttered a few steps back, looking shocked. "You only wanted to know that, right? Didn't ya?" Salamalyon snickered, completely fine. "Yeah." They stared at each other, analyzing the next move like in a battle.

"And you?", asked the bird, "What's with you? Do you think anyone is worth your time?" Salamalyon shrugged, his face turned thoughtful. "Well, that little bird from Kai is interesting. I mean, she did beat me that one time. But I think they all have to learn more before they are ready to deal with someone like me." The other bitbeast put one wing over his head. "Cocky much again, aren't we?", he muttered.

They got interrupted by a person, walking into the room. Griffolyon turned around and controlled the wind immediately, not wanting to reveal himself. The person was Nathan. He looked around, checked the room and opened various things. "What is he doing here?", asked Salamalyon, "I thought him long gone." Nathan got frustarted more and more the longer he found nothing. Finally, he threw everything he had in his hands on the ground and growled loudly. "Where is that damned thing? I have to get rid of this toy before he is back in his body. I have to." The bitbeasts looked at each other, since they understood he was talking of Griffolyon. He had tried to throw him away one time, now he was trying again?

Nathan pressed one hand onto his lips. "Well, first things first. Let's try and make the other boy vanish." He turned away and left the room in a complete mess.

"He's not talking about what I think he is talking about, is he?", asked Griffolyon. "Not if we have a say in this!", growled the other one and flames appeared in his eyes. "Concentrate your energy, this is a serious thing. We have to get Unicolyon and Amphilyon now!" As usual, the salamander was taking the lead. The bird just plainly obeyed, knewing this was really serious. "I will do my very best."

On another continent - in paris, frace, to be exact - two bitchips glowed massively. Enrico turned to his beyblade and raised his eyebrows. "What is going on with the two of them?", he asked, interrupting Oliver in his sentence. Olivers head shot up and then around, a look of confusion on his face. "Unicolyon and Amphilyon are strange, huh?", he muttered as he got up. Laying the recipe away he walked over to his beyblade. He took the thing in his hand and strocked over the bitchip. "What's the matter, hm?" Enrico shrugged. "Maybe they want a battle", he snickered. It had only been days since the last time but he had learned his bitbeast was fond of battles against Oliver. "Sshh", murmured the french, closed his eyes and listened, "I don't think so." He listened as his bitbeast talked to him. Olivers eyes shot up and he whirled around. "We have to get to germany!"


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-03-27T21:34:57+00:00 27.03.2016 23:34
Ich finde die Vorstellung, dass Bitbeasts richtige Beziehungen haben, irgendwie... ungewöhnlich? xD
In jedem Fall finde ich diese Bitbeast-Gespräche sehr amüsant, weil die Charakterisierungen einfach so unerwartet kommen. Aber immerhin, langsam fangen Salamalyon und Griffolyon mal an, etwas halbwegs sinnvolles zu tun - ich hoffe nur, Oliver kommt noch rechtzeitig. >_<

...und es verwirrt mich ein bisschen, dass Nathan Johnny loswerden will, während er in Roberts Körper steckt...? @_@
Antwort von:  Marron
07.04.2016 16:25
Auch dir: Danke!
Ist die Vorstellung wirklich so merkwürdig? *grübel* Ich dachte, das wäre so, dass sie sich eben manchmal auch einen Favoriten aussuchen, mit dem sie die meiste Zeit verbringen. Auf welcher Ebene auch immer.

Und jaaah, endlich machen sie mal was sinvolles! Oliver kommt mit lichtgeschindigkeit angerauscht.

Ach, Nathan möchte Johnny dazu zwingen, in seinen richtigen Körper zurückzugehen. Was hilft da besser als die Androhung, ihm sonst was anzutun? Auch, wenn es nicht so ganz logisch ist. Nathan denkt eben nicht logisch, in seinem wirren Hirn ist kein Platz dazu.
Von:  Phase
2016-03-14T21:43:41+00:00 14.03.2016 22:43
...Griffolyon steht auf... Unicolyon... das... verstört mich. xD
Aber es ist angenehm, dass die beiden Bitbeasts mitdenken und bemerken, dass da gerade etwas passiert, was nicht sein sollte. Gut, dass sie Hilfe rufen und gut, dass Oliver so einen engen Kontakt zu seinem Bitbeast pflegt. Wir können also auf eine Rettung der beiden Herren hoffen!
Und Nathan... er ist wirklich geschickt, dass niemand ihn bemerkt. Aber im Sachen finden ist er wirklich mies! Glück für unsere beiden Bitbeasts... auch wenn sie sich das Dilemma selbst eingebrockt haben... ûu''
Mal sehen, wie das Ganze endet. Aber Rettung ist auf dem Weg!
Antwort von:  Marron
07.04.2016 16:06
Danke für deinen Kommi.
Hui, ich komme auch endlich mal dazu.
Jupp, dass die Bitbeasts untereinander Favouriten haben, kam mir so in den Sinn. Nicht unbedingt, dass sie sich lieben oder sowas, aber vielleicht einfach mit dem einen mehr Zeit verbringen, als mit dem anderen? So ungefähr dachte ich mir das.
Oliver hat bei mir den intensivsten Draht zu seinem Bitbeast. Er ist feinfühlig genug, um zu merken, wenn Unicolyon etwas sagen will und spürt, was passiert. Und jetzt schnell ihr zwei Jungs, eilt den beiden Gefangenen zu Hilfe. XD

Im Suchen und Finden ist Nathan mies. Mal ehrlich, was hätten sie denn machen sollen, wenn er die Beyblades gefunden und weggeschmissen hätte? Die Klippe bei Roberts Schloss ist wohl ein Ort ohne Wiederkehr... <.< Wie gut, dass er viel zu hektisch war.
