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Okay, eine neue Story. Das passiert halt, wenn man in einer Logikvorlesung sitzt und den Text Satz für Satz durchgeht, anstatt richtig Verständnisfragen zu klären...mein Hirn geht auf Wanderung!

As usual: Enjoy reading, Marron Komplett anzeigen


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Starting from zero

"Oh no, not again!", the bitbeast of Robert Jurgens moaned, obviously frustrated with his partner. The young boy was arguing again with his teammate and so called friend Johnny McGregor. It was the third time - and they only had wednesday!

"Tell me about it", muttered Salamalyon in the same tone. "I think my ears will bleed if I listen anymore." Olivers unicorn bend her white head and looked at the other one. "Honey, do you even have ears?" Salamalyon rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean." They watched as Johnny cussed rather harshly. "Ouch!", they said in unison when Robert answered as hotly.

"At least they do something meaningfull", the last one in their round said now, "I don't know if my Enrico thinks of anything else than girls and dating. He could get more serious." Salamalyon grinned. "Wanna trade?" Amphilyon shook his massive head. "No, it was my decision, after all. But we have to do something. Now." That was true. The four boys surely understood the meaning of being a team - they just couldn't function as one. The roles had been given long ago and they reacted on them as often as they tried not to. And their bitbeasts were done with their bickering.

They tried to tell them. Really, but not reacting in a battle did not do the job. They just switched parts and thought that was the solution. Doing other movements then ordered was even more of a dumb idea. They laughed about each other - what soon turned into the same bickering again. So, that left them with one other option.

"I think you're right. At least then they will listen." Griffolyon sounded so sure like they already had the change done. "I do hope so", muttered Unicolyon, "Humans often tend to do something rather unexspected."

Robert was not sure, what this was about now, but he was positive that he dreamed the whole thing. Why else would Salamalyon, Johnnys bitbeast, stand right in front of him? In a room, too dark to see anything else but bright enough to clearly see the skintexture of that thing? He pulled his eyebrows together and waited. For what he was not sure about. Maybe this was another dream of their failing teamwork. The salamander looked him straight in the eye. "You're finally here", he wispered. At least he thought it was a he. How can you tell with all of that being not human?

"I am here", he answered. "What is this?" His question went unheard. "I have brought you here. It is my will that will hold you here." For a bitbeast which had chosen Johnny as his partner, the thing did know how to hold a speech! "Which means, I am asleep?", Robert inquired. He was not afraid. Usually, he was the one controlling the situation, he always was. Why would a dream be any different? And his dream on top of that. This could not be serious now, could it? "You're not", the bitbeast drowned on, "You are in a state between sleep and being awake. You humans call it coma, but I prefer the words on our side. You want to know what brought you here, huh?" Robert nodded, not knowing that his friend Johnny had just asked the same question.

"Because we are fed up with your endless fights!", snapped Griffolyon. Johnny McGregor, scottish member of the Majestics raised one eyebrow. So this was about him and Robert? Why did the bitbeast bother about his masters friends? "Isn't that something we have to figure out? Not you?", he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Little did he know that Robert demanded the same thing in the same second. Griffolyon rolled his eyes. "It is not. Do ya know how really annoying it is to listen to ya 24/7? I think one day my brain will burst!" That sappy tone and the way of talking did not fit for the big bird and especially since it was Roberts bitbeast. Johnny grinned, even snickered a little. "I think we would make great partners", he said. It was meant as a joke. You cannot count on a bitbeast that has nothing more in common with you than the talkingstyle. "You would want me to be your partner?", Griffolyon asked, absolutely serious. "Maybe, for a while until Roberts knows what you're worth", the Scott answered. After all, this was just a dream - why not make it some sort of fun? "Than raise your hand", came the instruction. Johnny shrugged his shoulders and did as he was told. The bird pressed his massive head against the soft hand and wind suddenly whipped around them. "Remember, this is my will, not yours. I am the one that began this, I will be the one to end this!" The wind grew that strong that the redhaired boy had to close his eyes. Than everything went black.

Robert asked himself for just one second if he had done a mistake. A horrible one. His hand was raised too, the fire around him blazing hot. He realized he had just given away any control of the situation. That was not acceptable, even for a dream! "Wait", he said, but he was cut of. "The thing is done, it cannot be undone untill I say so. Your will does not longer influence your life." The flames glistened that intensely that he had to close his eyes.

Robert awoke with a start. He gasped as bright light shined into the room. What had that been? A dream? Or something more? He ran one hand through his hair and sat up. "What a crazy thing to dream about", he muttered. He blinked, really confused. What had happened to his voice? It sounded quite funny, a lot higher than before. He decided to let it slide and got out of bed. Looking down he blinked again. Why was he only wearing boxers? He preffered to sleep in pjs all the time? Was that some joke of his team again? He sighed an looked around, trying to see if his friends were hiding somewhere, watching his reaction when he wakes up.

Hold on - this wasn't his room! Where was he? This room was not even half as big as his own room in the castle, the colors were different and he had certainly no big mirror in his bedroom. He sighed, ready to cut that joke to an end. He was positiv that someone was watching him from the inside of this mirror. Maybe that was a one-way thing like you see in this irrational stupid crimemovies? He walked towards it and looked. He froze, seeing but not seeing. Experimentally, he rose one hand. The person in the mirror did the same. He touched his face. That was copied, too. Robert opened his mouth and tried to speak, but his head was empty, as he struggeled to grasp the situation. His hand fell down again.

Finally, he managed to ask himself a question, too low for anybody else to hear, exept himself: "I...am Johnny?!"


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  KradNibeid
2016-02-09T19:49:03+00:00 09.02.2016 20:49
Ich finde die Vorstellung, dass sich die Bitbeasts so über ihre Partner unterhalten (und beklagen) irgendwie höchst amüsant. xD
Und ich frage mich gerade, ob Salamalyon und Griffolyon für diesen Plan extra geschauspielert haben was ihre Sprechweise und ihr Auftreten angeht, oder ob sie immer so sind? Wenn sie immer so sind fände ich diese Vorstellung sehr amüsant. ;P

Ansonsten bin ich gespannt wie das mal weiter geht - ein Körpertausch ist niemals einfach, und ich will mir gar nciht vorstellen, was dabei alles schief gehen kann. >_<
Antwort von:  Marron
10.02.2016 13:31
Danke für deinen Kommi.
Hui, du bist auch wieder dabei, das freut mich. :)

Ja, es war unter anderem diese Idee, was die Bitbeasts eigentlich in der Zwischenzeit machen, die mich hier geleitet hat. Ich meine, sie sind ja als "Partner" und "Freunde" und "Beschützer", etc. ständig bezeichnet worden. Da haben sie also auch mal ein Leben neben den Kämpfen. Nur wie sollte das aussehen? In meiner Vorstellung sind sie fast immer recht nahe an den Menschen, die sie sich ausgesucht haben und leben sozusagen mit ihnen mit, obwohl den Menschen das wohl nur zum Teil bewusst ist.
Ob sie sich verstellt haben? Nö, das soll so sein. Bei den zweien habe ich ja freie Wahl, wie das sein soll und es wäre doch langweilig, wenn die Bitbeasts sich genauso verhalten würden, wie ihre Menschen. Da würde - finde ich - ja nie Entwicklung stattfinden. Und Driger zum Beispiel ist ja sicherlich nicht wie Ray, einfach mal so abhauen und dann wiederkommen. Bei mir sind sie also jetzt so geworden, dass kann man sich ja auch noch anders denken. :P

Joah, Körper tauschen. Das wird noch lustig. Und ich mache mich direkt an deinen nächsten Kommi. :)
Von:  Phase
2016-01-28T14:40:12+00:00 28.01.2016 15:40
Hahaha, oh nein! xD
Ich meine... die Idee ist nicht neu, aber hier richtig schön umgesetzt. Armer Robert, darf sich als Johnny durchschlagen. Bin ja gespannt, wie es Johnny ergehen wird. ICh meine, die beiden müssen ja jetzt bei geschäflichen oder offiziellen Anlässen die Aufgaben des jeweils anderen übernehmen. Und sich nicht zu auffällig verhalten, z. B. bei Interviews oder in der Öffentlichkeit. Das stelle ich mir einfach zu köstlich vor!
Ich meine, die beiden haben es ja irgendwo selbst provoziert. Die Bitbeasts können einem schon Leid tun. Es war witzig zu lesen, was sie schon alles probiert haben und was jeweils die Konsequenz davon war. Die Darstellung der Bitbeasts, auch wie sie sich untereinander verhalten, gefällt mir sehr gut.
Ich bin WIRKLICH gespannt, wie es weiter geht. Robert und Johnny als Hauptfigur - das ist einfach schön!!!! *^*
...und eigentlich sollte ich an meiner Arbeit sitzen, aber die FF hat mich zuerst zu sehr gereizt und dann zu sehr gefreut, als dass ich sie nicht sofort hätte lesen und kommentieren müssen. :P Bitte mehr davon!
Antwort von:  Marron
01.02.2016 12:40
Dankeschön für den prompten Kommi. :)
Woah, da hast du gelesen, obwohl du eigentlich zu tun hast. Bin ich jetzt so gut oder hast du so wenig Lust, zu arbeiten? XD Lies es doch, wenn du zwischendurch mal Pause machst. Dann hab ich ein nicht ganz so schlechtes Gewissen, dass ich dich aufhalte...<.<

Joah, die Idee ist nicht neu, das ist wohl wahr. Ich werde wohl auch ein paar Andeutungen machen, denke ich. Johnny kommt im nächsten Kapitel dran. Und die Auftritte werden noch etwas warten müssen - leider, ich denke auch daran, wie sehr sich die zwei Blamieren können. :)
Puh, ich bin froh, dass dir die Bitbeasts gefallen, da musste ich ja sehr improvisieren. Ich halte es so, dass sie zwar etwas mit ihren Menschen gemeinsam haben, aber eben auch schon etwas länger auf der Welt sind und über so manchem Fehler drüber stehen. Natürlich haben sie auch ihre eigenen Macken. Ich wollte mal, dass sie nicht einfach nur auftauchen, kämpfen und fertig.

Und ich werde mich jetzt an das nächste Kapitel setzen, damit du weiterhin was zu lachen hast. XD

P.S.: Und mein Englisch ist nicht zu schlimm? Ich habe bisher mich bisher nicht getraut...>.>
