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Crossover mit einem unbekannten Fandom? The King's Avatar, Anime, animexx, crossover, Fandom, Fanfiktion, frage, The king's avatar, Wettberwerb

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

Da das "The king's avatar" Fandom so klein ist, gibt es nur wenige Fanfiktions und irgendwann gehen einem auch die Ideen aus, wie man ein Mini-Fandom bekannt(er) machen kann.

Eine Idee, war das Veranstalten eines Crossover Wettbewerbs (bspw. mit Detektiv Conan).
Aber wären Leute überhaupt bereit einen Crossover mit einem ihnen unbekannten Fandom zu schreiben?

Daher frage ich euch, die das hier lesen, einfach Mal: Würdet ihr an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmen, bei dem ihr eines der Fandoms nicht kennt? Ja? Nein? Vielleicht? Jein?

Mein Highlight 2018 The King's Avatar, Anime, china, China Glory, Empfehlung, eSport, Manga, Manhua, MMOPRG, Sportanime, Webnovel

Autor:  Reeney

Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende und so wirft man einmal einen Blick zurück auf all das, was 2018 geboten hat.
Verschiedenste Animes und Mangas - egal, ob neue und noch laufende oder längst abgeschlossene Werke - habe ich in diesem Jahr entdeckt, doch nur eines hat mich einfach nicht mehr los gelassen und das möchte ich euch nun grob vorstellen.
Vielleicht verzaubert es den ein oder anderen ja genauso wie mich!


Quan Zhi Gao Shou
全职高手 - auch bekannt als 'The King's Avatar'

China, 2022: E-Sport hat sich etabliert wie Fußball bei uns. Insbesondere das MMORPG 'Glory' erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit und besitzt mit vielen im Land verteilten Vereinen und einer eigenen PvP-Liga eine gut aufgestellte Profiszene.

 In dieser Szene zählt der 25-jährige Ye Qiu zu den besten und bekanntesten Spielern. Unzählige Kämpfe hat er gewonnen, sein Team zum Sieg geführt und Meisterschaftstitel für seinen Verein geholt. Obwohl er von tausenden Fans vergöttert wird, machen seine Vorgesetzen ihn für die in den letzten Jahren stark abfallende Leistung sowie Platzierung des Vereins verantwortlich. Als Folge dessen ersetzt man ihn durch einen vielversprechenden, jüngeren Spieler und zwing Ye Qiu dazu, seinem Nachfolger seinen nicht weniger bekannten und von Fans verehrten Glory-Charakter zu überlassen und zurückzutreten.

Trotz dieser Verbannung aus dem Verein denkt Ye Qiu, der mit wahrem Namen Ye Xiu heißt und dessen Gesicht der Öffentlichkeit nicht bekannt ist, nicht daran, Glory den Rücken zu kehren. Zur selben Zeit eröffnet ein neuer Glory-Server und auf diesem erstellt er sich einen neuen Charakter, der genau wie Ye Xiu ein Unbekannter ist. Mit seiner Erfahrung als Profi, seinem Spielwissen und seinem Talent, Leute zu verärgern, zieht er auf diesem Server schnell viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Seine Spielweise ist einzigartig, keine Herausforderung ist ihm zu hoch und so sammelt er Freunde sowie Feinde und stürzt den gesamten Server in ein Chaos, dass die Welt um Glory zuvor nicht kannte.

Seine Ziele liegen dabei weitaus höher: Er bereitet sich vor, baut um sich herum ein Team auf, um in einem Jahr mit seiner eigenen Mannschaft in die Profiszene zurückzukehren.

Mit viel Humor erzählt Quan Zhi Gao Shou Ye Xius Geschichte. Ob auf dem neuen Server oder in seinem echten Leben begegnet er vielen anderen, liebenswerten Charakteren, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, aber alle ihre Vorliebe für Glory gemein haben.

Das chinesische Werk kann man auf viele Arten genießen:

  • Webnovel
    Hier hat man alles dabei, es fehlt keine witzige Stelle und die vielen Erklärungen machen die Handlung nachvollziehbar. Auf verschiedenen Seiten kann man den Webnovel in einer englischen Übersetzung unter dem Namen 'The King's Avatar' finden.
  • Anime
    Bisher gibt es leider nur die erste Staffel und eine dreiteilige OVA. Zusammen umfassen sie die ersten 343 Kapitel des Novels, wobei einige Stellen gekürzt oder ausgelassen wurden. Die Animationen und auch der Soundtrack sind jedoch sehr schön.
  • Manhua
    Auch dieser hinkt dem Novel deutlich hinterher, ist aber schön gezeichnet.
  • Live-Action-Serie
    Ab XX.XX.2019.

Schaut doch einmal in das Werk rein und falls es euch gefällt, erweitert unsere Reihen im Fanzirkel, um auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben und an Aktionen teilzunehmen.

Euch allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
Viele Grüße

Quan zhi gao shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, chapter 1341, Guo Mingyu, han wenqing, Kapitel 1341, Peaceful Hermit, Quan zhi gao shou, quote, Tian Sen, Ye Xiu, zitat

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

As Ye Xiu entered the player booth, he thought of the player who had Peaceful Hermit before Tian Sen. That player had been known as one of the Three Gods of that era along with Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing: Guo Mingyu.

"God, my ass," Ye Xiu cursed as he inserted his account card into the card reader, "He owes me money, and he just disappeared like that. What an ass!"


Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-1341

Quan zhi gao shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, Blue Rain, Chapter 1315, Happy, Huang Shaotian, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, quote, The king's avatar, Ye Xiu, zitat

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

"You... What kind of method is your hide-and-seek then?" Huang Shaotian used a powerful self-control to turn his swearing into ellipses.

"This is training, do you understand? The playoffs give points by number of players remaining. We Happy are already adjusting to the rhythm of the playoffs. Are you convinced now?"

"Convinced you...." The powerful self-control was once again exercised. "You two, you're still trying to earn some player points?"

"Not necessarily! If you're skilled, then come and 1v2 us!" Ye Xiu called.

"Alright! I'll fight you two by myself!" Huang Shaotian said.

"Everyone else, back off by a hundred body-lengths," said Ye Xiu.

"They've backed off, backed off."

"That fast?" Ye Xiu was doubtful.

"Backing off right now."

"Alright, let me take a look."

Blue Rain's players were instantly on full alert. Between the five of them, they had a 360-degree view of their surroundings. Even the slightest silhouette wouldn't escape their notice.

"You didn't back off! Liars!" Ye Xiu said angrily.

"You didn't even look! You're the liar!" Huang Shaotian was also furious. They hadn't seen anyone poking their head up to look. This guy wasn't even over here.

"I guessed!" Ye Xiu said.

"You sneak!" Huang Shaotian shouted.

"Stop wasting time, come find us already, this match is already so long, aren't you all annoyed?" Ye Xiu called.

Everyone felt tears streaming down their faces. You're the ones at fault here!


 Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-1315

Quan zhi gao shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, chapter 1257, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, quote, Ye Xiu, Zhou Zekai

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

Zhou Zekai didn't look like he was about to say anything more, so the host could only continue to the next question, still the same one that had been repeated many times already: "Little Zhou, do you have any players you're looking forward to partnering with?"

"Partner with who? Samsara's sent four players here! Are you going to split them up?" Ye Xiu said.

"God Ye… can you… stop talking?" The host nobly suppressed the urge to blow up at him.

"Oh oh, you guys chat, you guys chat," said Ye Xiu.

Chat? What chat? Who could chat with Zhou Zekai? The host held the microphone and looked at Zhou Zekai. Seeing that after a very long pause he still didn't move his mouth, the host quickly repeated the question. "Have you thought it through? Who are you hoping to partner with?"

"Uh…" Zhou Zekai finally opened his mouth. "Our team… has four."

"Hahahaha!" Ye Xiu laughed like crazy.


Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-1257

Quan zhi gao shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, Battle God, Chapter 1197, Chen Guo, Tang Rou, Tang Shusen, Wei Chen, Wu Chen, Ye Xiu

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

"Dad, what are you doing!" Tang Rou said loudly, her face revealing an extremely rare expression of embarrassment.

They couldn't hear what the caller said, but Tang Rou answered, flustered, "I know, I'll take care of it myself. You go to your meeting!"

"Yes, alright."

"How many times have I said it, my class is called Battle Mage, Battle Mage! Battle God is a title, it's referring to one especially powerful character in this class."

"Yes yes, the player controlling it is more important, you're right."

"Yes, he's in our team now."

"Yes, the unspecialized Lord Grim. You know a lot about this!"

"Talk about what! You guys don't speak the same language." Tang Rou shouted.

Ye Xiu and the other two looked at each other. Listening to that, it seemed that Tang Rou's father had researched Glory, and even wanted to talk for a bit with God Ye Xiu?

"Dad, please stop making such a fuss, if you can't beat Frost Forest then let Secretary Wang find you a guide."

Sweat! The three others wiped at their sweat. This level of skill was really a bit low.

"I can beat it!"

"I can't carry you! You're in the eleventh server. Even if my character returned to the normal server, I can only go to the tenth server, so we wouldn't be together."

"No no, don't come over, if I have time I'll make a character over there and find you, okay! We need to start practice, I'm hanging up now."

"Yes yes, see you!" Tang Rou finally hung up the phone. She let out a long breath, and then looked at the other three, embarrassment still showing on her face.

"Uh… He recently also got a Glory account, and he plays it sometimes in his spare time," Tang Rou explained helplessly.

"I could hear." Ye Xiu nodded.

"What's his account name? I can give Wu Chen a heads up, take care of him a bit?" Chen Guo tried to be serious.

"If he wants to be an experience baby, then just leave him to me!" Wei Chen said with all the air of someone trying to curry favor.

"Can we please just start practice?" Tang Rou was almost crying.


 Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-1197

Quan zhi gao shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, Chapter 1182, Lou Guanning, Quote, Sun Zheping, Team Happy, Team Heavenly Sword, Ye Xiu

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

"God, hello! Everyone, long time no see!" Lou Guanning pulled out the attitude of a host at this home game, giving Happy's members a grand and warm welcome.

"Long time no see, long time no see." Upon investigation, Happy's closest friendships were really just with these few from Heavenly Swords. Compared to the previous rounds, where the pre-match player greetings were just formalities, this time they truly expressed their feelings of having not met in a while, shaking hands, and even chatting a bit.

"How are you? Going onstage today?" Ye Xiu asked as he shook Sun Zheping's hand.

"Of course," Sun Zheping said.

"Oh really? I really want to just crush your hand right now!" Ye Xiu laughed.

"Just try it." As Sun Zheping spoke, he tightened his grip. His hand was injured, but not to the extent where he couldn't feel anything. He just couldn't endure the rapid, long-term, high-intensity controls required in playing Glory competitively, that was all.

"Haha, see you onstage." Ye Xiu shook his hand free and went to the next player. In Heavenly Swords, it was still just the same five plus Sun Zheping who had the professional attitude. The other filler members just skillfully walked by with no fighting spirit, as though they just wanted to hurry up and sit back down.


Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-1182

Quan Zhi Gao Shou/The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, Chapter 774, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, The king's avatar, Ye Xiu

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo


“To be honest, our reason for struggling is for our own personal dream. No one is doing it for anyone else. Only the Alliance is trying to please you guys. Don’t get the wrong idea. We are very grateful for your support and encouragement, but to be blunt: saying that I’m competing for you guys is fake. At least that’s the case for me.” Ye Xiu said.


Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-774

Quan Zhi Gao Shou/ The king's avatar Zitat The King's Avatar, Deception, Novel, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, The king's avatar, Ye Xiu

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo

When he died, Ye Xiu suddenly thought of something: “Did I forget to tell him who I was?”

Everyone witnessed his death and had no idea what Deception had done to offend Ye Qiu.

It’s fine. If we kill him a few more times, he’ll find out who I am sooner or later.” Ye Xiu said in the end. Everyone continued to give a moment of silence for the dead Deception.


Quelle: http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-751

Quan Zhi Gao Shou - The king's avatar The King's Avatar, anime, chinesischer anime, donghua, Jun Mo Xiao, Lord Grim, One Autumn Leaf, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, The king's avatar, Ye Xiu, Yi Ye Zhi Qiu

Autor:  Naoki_Ichigo


In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, self-made weapon, his return along the road to the summit begins!

"After fighting and scheming, who snatched away my glory? Under the tossing of the wind and rain, my dreams shall appear as though they had never been shattered. In all its splendor, the path shall never be lost. Before the gazes of millions, this is where I return!"





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