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Naruto Tests

Autor:  IZAM
Who will you marry from Naruto?
Are you dead or alive?
You will marry Sasuke
You will have ____ many kids 8
Your will be married for ____ years 71
You will die first TRUE
He's Happy TRUE
How much you love each other - 45%
This quiz by Sha Miriyai - Taken 6839 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes
What Naruto character will save you? by bureiku
Your savior isShikamaru
Saves you onFebruary 6, 2009
Saves you fromA Giant snake
Quiz created with MemeGen!
What kind of Naruto ninja are you? by Marfie-Chan
Ninja Name
Male or Female?
Ninja Rank and CountryJounin/Leaf Village ((Fire Country))
Your Ninja WeaponShurikens
Colors of your ApparelGray and white
Speical TechniqueSharingan
Hair ColorDark Purple
Eye ColorBrown
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Your Random Naruto Bishounen by saruichi
Your Name
Favorite color
Your Random Naruto BishounenIruka
Hot DateAt the beach
Together forever?Only for the Ramen.
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Which Naruto guy is the one for you? by Jessie-Chan
Who is it?Rock Lee
Where did you meet?At a fight
Where was the first date?At a restaurant
Did it last?Yes!
Quiz created with MemeGen!
What would you be in Naruto? by Stryiker
Village you belong to:Hidden Cloud
Ninja Rank:Jounin, I'm better then Kakashi
Death by:Tripped and killed self while on mission
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Which Naruto Character Are You Destined To Kill? by amoretto
Your Name:
You Are From:Hidden Sand Village
Hired To Kill:
Your Jutsu:Mega Baika no Jutsu (Mega Multi-size Technique)
Number Of Kills Today:5,238
Your Battle Cry:"It's about time!"
Chakra Level:: 31%
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Which Guy Naruto Character Are You Most/Least Compatible With? by glasskiwi
Favorite Naruto Character (out of follwing)
Least Compatible WithZabuza
Most Compatible WithGaara
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What would happen if you date a random Naruto guy? by Jace
Favourite Color
You will have a date withGaara.
He will wearkhaki and white.
The two of you willgo to a theme park.
And eatsomething spicy.
Your date will end at about12:00 am
After your date, you get a/ankiss on the forehead.
Quiz created with MemeGen!
(Yeah er küsst mich auf die Stirn!!! *Gaara-schatzi!*)
Naruto YAOI Couples by kai-zer
..on himKimimaro
WhereSome field (the grass is greener)
TheySAW YOU!! blushed! and then continued on..
Quiz created with MemeGen!
You Are: Sasuke X Gaara!!
A hot flame is already burning between the two of
you when you see each other for the first time.
You can sense each other's powerful chakra and
know that the other is a worthy opponent. But
after all the fightings been and done, Whatcha
gonna do next I wonder...

Which Naruto Yaoi Couple Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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