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Give me what I need~



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Hideto Takarai, otherwise known as ‘Hyde’, is a 19 year old student at a university in Tokyo, Japan. He is currently studying medicine and is hailed as one of the best students in his semester.

But then one day, Camui Gackt, the selfish son of a millionaire arrived and turned his world upside down. Every student loved the charismatic blond. Everybody except Hyde, who was forced to share a room with Gackt... Who liked to do nothing better than to bully Hyde and boss him around all day.

As if Hyde's life wasn't stressful enough.

Gackt is charming and polite to everyone else, but Hyde only sees his true colours.

’Oh my fucking God... My head is hurting so damn much.’ the small brown haired young man thought to himself as he buried his face deep into a pillow. ‘Definitely drank too much… FAR too much.’

He had gone to a nightclub with Gackt last night and was now bedridden, and very hung-over. He couldn’t remember a damn thing about last night. Well, the only thing he really could remember was that Gackt was constantly buying him a lot of glasses of vodka.

‘Why did I let that happen? I should have known better than to go along with Gackt of all people and try to trust him. I can’t trust the new guy.’ he groaned to himself, full of regret for going along with it. ‘Bastard must have known that alcohol doesn’t agree with me that well, that’s probably why he did it. Getting me drunk so he can laugh at me… why?!’

"Oh please, you aren’t awake yet?” came a voice that got on the boys nerves so bad; the voice of none other than his room mate, Gackt.

‘Do you ever realise how fucking annoying your voice sounds, Gackt? Do you even know how much I hate you? Or how much of an asshole I think you are? I bet you do know that’s why you annoy me so bad.’ Hyde grinded his teeth. ‘What did I do to deserve such a bastard for a room mate? …Maybe if I keep my eyes shut he’ll think I’m still asleep and leave me alone…’

Gackt sighed slightly before beginning to walk over to the bed Hyde was curled up in, he sat on the edge of the bed, unable to resist running a hand through Hyde’s soft hair.

"Hey, Haido...” Gackt began to speak. “Time to wake up..."

This was countered by Hyde quickly smacking Gackt’s hand away as he growled wearily. "Get your hands off me, you son of a bitch!”

Gackt immediately took his hand away, looking rather irritated by his room mate’s actions.

"Excuse me, but do you always change your mind so quickly?"

"What are you talking about?” Hyde couldn’t help but ask which seemed to make the blond smirk playfully.

"You couldn't get enough of me yesterday. Your hands were all over me, and you wanted mine all over you.” Gackt replied, leaning over dangerously close to Hyde’s face. “And today you won’t even let me touch your hair? That’s kind of mean that you’re teasing me…"

"What the hell are you talking about I couldn't get enough?! …What did you do to me yesterday, Gakuto?!" snapped Hyde as he quickly sat himself up.

Gackt simply laughed as he ran a hand through his hair. Looking amused. “I didn’t do anything you didn’t want me to do if that’s what you’re asking.”

Hyde glared icily at Gackt for this remark, as if demanding he explained in more detail.

Eventually, after a long pause, Gackt sighed and rolled his eyes, shrugging. "I don’t see what the big problem is you know?”

The smaller boy couldn’t control himself any longer and began to scream as he grabbed Gackt by the shoulders, shaking him harshly. "YOU SCREWED UP, SELFISH BASTARD! JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHAT YOU DID, OKAY?!”

Hyde didn’t know how to really feel, yeah he was mad, but at the same time he was ashamed of himself for allowing himself to get so fucking drunk the previous night. His mind was blank, he really couldn’t remember a thing, and he was scared for the main reason being that he may have said or done something he would regret.

"Ok, ok! You don’t have to try and kill me, you idiot! I’ll tell you! I only kissed you a few times!” Gackt gasped.

Hyde’s eyes grew wide with surprise. But it was quick to turn to anger as his brow furrowed and he began to glare again. “Say that again.”

Gackt couldn’t see the problem and just began to giggle senselessly. "It was only a few kisses; nothing to worry about it was nothing more…”

Unfortunately for Gackt, Hyde really did not see the funny side of this at all, and flew at the tall blond, knocking him over onto his back on the floor. Hyde clenched his fists and began to smack him repeatedly on the chest with all his might, crying out furiously. “YOU SICK GAY BASTARD! I’M NOT LIKE YOU! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY SIGHT!!! FUCKING GO AWAY! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”

"STOP IT! CUT IT OUT!" Gackt managed to splutter, staring up at Hyde with a mixture of confusion and fear.

This did nothing for him as it just encouraged Hyde to hit him with a lot more force than before, and as much as the blond tried to retaliate, he was completely powerless.

"Fine! Go ahead and kill me if that’s what you want! But it won’t be in your best interests to do so!" Gackt yelled, clutching a hand to his chest as he coughed. Without any real reason, Hyde stopped in his tracks, eyeing the frame of his room mate.

‘Am I too hasty?’ he bit his lip in thought. ‘He looks more fragile than I though he would.’

Gackt quickly snapped Hyde out of his thoughts with a rather harsh shove, knocking the smaller boy off him and onto his back.

Maybe Hyde should have stuck to smacking him, after all.

"Take it easy, you psycho.” Gackt muttered, running a hand through his hair. “You don’t need to go insane.”

Taking a deep breath, Hyde finally spoke. “Are you telling me everything that happened?”

The blond merely nodded, a sly smirk crossing his face. "Yes, it was just some kissing. But who is to say that’s all I might stop at? The public must know.”

“You wouldn’t DARE tell anyone else about this!" Hyde interrupted quickly, staring in disbelief.

Gackt let out another giggle, knowing that it got on Hyde’s nerves. "So, why not? It's fun! And besides, everyone knows that I like men, don’t they?"

"How is spreading lies fun?!” Hyde yelled angrily. "It’s okay for you. You have a rep as a queer, I fucking don’t!”

Yet again, Gackt smirked at Hyde, which was making him very uncomfortable. He knew what Gackt was clearly planning in that messed up head of his.

"…Please don’t tell the class." Hyde quietly pleaded, lowering his head. “My year is tough as it is... I don’t need bullies on top of it.”

“What do you take me for, Haido? A monster? It won’t come to that now…” The blond sat himself down beside Hyde, slipping an arm around his slender waist. “You’ll just need to keep on the right side of me, and I won’t tell.”

"…Isn’t this blackmail?!” Hyde stared in complete disbelief.

"If you want to call it that? But if you want me to stay quiet about your little secret you’ll need to do as I say.”

"You can’t do this to me!”

"I can and I will.” Gackt laughed. “Starting from today, you better do as I say, you got that?”

After a long pause, Hyde nodded, looking beyond defeated.

“…What do you want me to do?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

After what seemed like the longest of silences, Hyde decided to repeat his previous question, albeit reluctantly.

“Are you listening to me? I asked what it is you want me to do.”

Gackt merely grinned slyly during this as his thoughts went into overdrive. ‘Maybe I should test him to see how far he is willing to go for me, before he snaps.’

“How’s about you start by painting my nails…?” Gackt finally spoke out loud, making Hyde’s eyes bulge. Despite how absurd the request was, Hyde complied and began to walk over to the taller boy’s cabinet and took out what appeared to be an accessory case. Hyde knew that Gackt was one for applying makeup from time to time, so he had a pretty good idea where everything was.

“Okay… What color do you want?” He murmured, taking note of the numerous amount of small nail varnish bottles. “Pink? ... Black? Or maybe purple?”

“Hm… the black glittery bottle on the top there?” The blond smiled, visibly reveling in the frustration of his long suffering room mate.

“Is something wrong?” Gackt found himself asking, noticing how puzzled Hyde looked as he gawked at the small bottle in his hands.

“Uhm, no, I’m just looking for the instructions…” came the strained reply.

The blond sighed and looked more amused then before. “The instructions?! It’s a bottle of nail varnish! What instructions do you need to know that?! Don’t you do this too?” He asked and giggled senselessly.

“Shut up you jerk! You know this isn’t my kind of thing! How in the hell should I know what to do?! Now shut the hell up and come here!” Hyde shouted angrily as he grabbed Gackt’s hand harshly and began to apply the varnish delicately.

Gackt couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he looked down at the smaller boy painting his nails, at first he was thinking Hyde would make a hell of a mess but he found himself feeling beyond surprised.

“Have you really not done this before? You’ve done it so neatly…” Gackt said, sounding impressed.

“Stop patronizing me with your bullshit!” Hyde snapped, replacing the cap on the small bottle. “Now what the fuck do you want me to do?”

Gackt felt himself frown. “You should talk to me with a little more respect, you know… If I get upset I might forget what I’m saying to other people.”

“You didn’t say anything about talking to you in a good way, you asshole.”

“Don’t forget, we had an agreement.” Gackt smirked playfully, which made Hyde look more defeated than when he started. “Now, I’ve got to do a monologue tomorrow in the auditorium. I think you can write that for me, so you better start now before it get’s too late.”


Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (6)

Kommentar schreiben
Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Aoilicious
2009-02-26T07:37:54+00:00 26.02.2009 08:37
Ich weiß nicht... jetzt bin ich aber enttäuscht... ^^ ich hätte Gackt mehr als Fingernägel lackieren zugetraut. XD Allerdings habe ich dafür einen kleinen Lachanfall bekommen, als er das gesagt hat. Ich hätte damit nicht gerechnet sondern eher mit *hust* anderen Dingen *hust*. Aber lustig wars auf jeden Fall.
Das Kapitel war leider viel zu kurz, da ist man mit dem Lesen so schnell fertig. v_v Aber ich freu mich auf jeden Fall aufs nächste Kapitel.
LG DemonOfFear
Von:  chicchai
2009-02-25T20:18:01+00:00 25.02.2009 21:18
... Ich will und kann dazu gar nicht viel sagen, weils viel zu kurz ist. XD Ich hatte eigentlich gedacht, Gackt würde mit seinen Möglichkeiten nicht in Richtung Fingernägel lackieren gehen, aber hey, er scheint ja immer für eine Überraschung gut zu sein. |D Wie auch immer, wie gesagt, zu kurz, um mehr dazu zu schreiben ... Kleiner Tipp: Schreib doch mindestens tausend Worte, sonst wirkt es immer so, als wolle der Autor so viele Kommentare wie möglich für seine Kapitel haben. Außerdem macht es nicht so viel Spaß, Kapitel in drei Minuten durchzulesen. Ich freu mich trotzdem aufs nächste Kapitel. ^^
Von:  Murderdoll_Rei
2009-02-22T13:13:24+00:00 22.02.2009 14:13
sehr schönes kapi ^^
bin schonmal gespannt wie's weiter geht **
Von:  Aoilicious
2009-02-21T08:03:06+00:00 21.02.2009 09:03
Auf diese Fanfiction bin ich gestoßen, weil ich mal wieder Kiritos Gästebuch gestalkt habe. ^^
(Ich kommentiere jetzt, genau wie sie, mal auf Deutsch, da es eindeutig zu früh für mich ist um in vernünftigem Englisch zu schreiben. Das krieg ich, glaub ich, gerade nicht auf die Reihe.)
Mir gefällt das erste Kapitel (und der Prolog, aber in dem steh ja noch nicht so viel) schonmal sehr gut. Ich mag ja Fics auf Englisch sowieso sehr gerne, weil es sich meistens einfach viel besser anhört als auf Deutsch.
Die Idee, die du hast ist ziemlich originell und so, meiner Meinung nach, auch noch nicht da gewesen. Das gefällt mir.
Ich hab die Fanfiction mal gefavt, so dass ich sehe, wenn du neue Kapitel hochlädst worüber ich mich sehr freuen würde. ^^
LG DemonOfFear
Von:  haruraku
2009-02-20T17:46:37+00:00 20.02.2009 18:46
I like it pretty much and am Waiting for the next Chapter *_*

It really cool ^^
Von:  chicchai
2009-02-18T19:21:57+00:00 18.02.2009 20:21
(Pardon. Aber ich nutze es aus, dass ich auf Deutsch kommentieren kann, obwohl du auf Englisch geschrieben hast. Siehs mir nach.)
Das erste Kapitel bzw. der Prolog und das erste Kapitel gefallen mir wirklich sehr gut. Hatte nicht erwartet, hier nochmal auf eine gute Gakuhai (ich behaupte mal, darauf läuft es hinaus ...! :3) zu stoßen, und dann auch noch auf Englisch. Seit mir die deutschen Fics ausgegangen sind, lese ich grundsätzlich nur noch englische, weil ich gemerkt habe, dass die deutschen Fics im Gegensatz zu den englischen oft lasch sind. Story hört sich auch gut an, zumindest sehr kreativ, da man sowas noch nicht wirklich hatte. Ich hoffe, du lässt nicht nach mit der Fic und lädst artig weitere Kapitel hoch? ^^ Würde mich sehr freuen. Im Übrigen mag ich deinen Stil auch sehr gern. Also enttäusch mich nicht, ja?! <3 *hofft, dass das nächste Kapitel dann in absehbarer Zeit hochgeladen wird*
