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Death Throes of Passion

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Von:  Ryubi
2011-09-05T18:18:29+00:00 05.09.2011 20:18
Seitemuch better ♥
Von: abgemeldet
2011-09-05T08:29:40+00:00 05.09.2011 10:29
Seiteow, much better! :)

well, but there is a incorrect sentence.: du HAST es selbst gesagt....

Antwort von:  yeyavailability
05.09.2011 18:25
> ow, much better! :)
> well, but there is a incorrect sentence.: du HAST es selbst gesagt....

Thank you so much once again! ♥
Von:  J-chan
2011-09-04T13:48:22+00:00 04.09.2011 15:48
SeiteExchange "Son of Sparda" and use "Sohn des Sparda", of course ;)
Antwort von:  yeyavailability
04.09.2011 19:04
> Exchange "Son of Sparda" and use "Sohn des Sparda", of course ;)

Thank you so much for the translations! I have a question about using Du--I read that it's informal, but used for people you like. Is there a rude way to say 'you'?

And for kinky, google tells me all the suggestions refer to something distasteful/unwanted. Would komisch be the closest in meaning strangeness in a good way, eg. "Damn that's weird but I love it"? Or is google just screwing with me.

Thank you once again!
Antwort von:  japanfreak91
05.10.2011 12:37
My English is not good that way, but I'll try to help you with your German.
The thing with "du" is very simple, you should use it, when you're talking with friends. A problem is that in German there is no word for a rude "du" like the japanese "teme"... but when you're in a conflict with a German person you will hear, if he tries to offend you XD It sounds dangerous, because German isn't a melodically language, but a rough. (hope you know what I mean XD)

kinky is may not the right word for your problem... it is not good in this content... I found the translations "verworren, schrullenhaft, wellig", but no word fits in this case. So take the tip of J-chan and translate it with "widerlich" (means the same as disgusting)

The 5th page is better, but I have to correct Sakux3:
I would not say "Fotze", because this is much too hard for the situation... you could leave Pussy there... So that it is: "Die Hölle züchtet zwar riesige Pussys, aber sie kann keine Arschlöcher schaffen." (I really don't know what you want to say us with this, but I'll try to correct it XD)
The "Disgusting human" is right, you don't have to change it.
The last thing I would comment is "You are a giant talking spider from hell. Suck it up." Sakux3 is right with the first part "Du bist eine riesige sprechende Spinne aus der Hölle." but the second part is not that good... it is the right translation, but you mean with it, that the spider should not be such a pussy and dies like a man/ real demon (did I got it?). So you also could translate it with "Nimm es wie ein Mann." (take it like a man), the meaning is nearly the same... but "Beiß die Zähne zusammen" sounds so...nice XD Sounds as if you're by the doctor and he'll try to gives you an injection XD

Ok, hope I could help you a bit and you understand what I was trying to say XD
Go on this way, I really like you're way of drawing and your German will get better with every page ;)
Antwort von:  yeyavailability
05.10.2011 23:46
Thank you so much for all the help! :D

> (means the same as disgusting)
I think I'll stick with 'komisch' as he means it in a very good way (he likes it). Or is there a darker word to describe this?

> "Die Hölle züchtet zwar riesige Pussys, aber sie kann keine Arschlöcher schaffen." (I really don't know what you want to say us with this, but I'll try to correct it XD)
> the spider should not be such a pussy and dies like a man/ real demon (did I got it?)

Yup! The 'hell bred [...]' thing is supposed to be a (bad) pun/joke about how the spider is (has) a pussy but does not have an asshole to go with it.
Is it necessary to add 'Die' in front of 'Hölle', or is that just because the sentence is plural? Also, in what circumstances do you put the verb (schaffen) at the end of the sentence?
And 'sie' in this case is 'they'--if I want singular, is it more common to stick with 'sie' or should I use 'es'?

> "Nimm es wie ein Mann."
Thank you so much for this, I didn't even think of translating it differently xD
Von:  J-chan
2011-09-04T13:45:55+00:00 04.09.2011 15:45
SeiteAww, I found your English version. So, let's see:

I have taken you down with me.

I would say Ich habe dich mit mir herabgerissen. might be a correct translation.


You can say abartig or widerlich, maybe also komisch or seltsam. Schrullig does not match in this context.

All you had to do was ask, you know.

Weißt du, du hättest bloß fragen müssen. orDu hättest bloß fragen müssen, weißt du? is the direct translation. In German, "you know" is rarely used. So Du hättest bloß fragen müssen. would be the shorter translation.

Son of Sparda, and all that shit.

You can say Son of Sparda und der ganze Mist. or Son of Sparda und der ganze Scheiß. or Son of Sparda und die ganze Scheiße..
"der Mist" and "der Scheiß" (maskulinum) or "die Scheiße" (femininum) are all cusses and good translations for "shit" but "Scheiß" or "Scheiße" are a bit worse than "Mist". Depends on what you like most and how informal the language of Dante should be ;)

So again: Greetings!
Von:  J-chan
2011-09-04T13:19:01+00:00 04.09.2011 15:19
SeiteYour drawings are really good. I like your style. But your translations made me laugh sometimes :) Automated translators rarely do a good job. You asked for corrections, so I try (in my own bad English :D):

Page 1:
Ich habe dich aufgenommen unten sich mir!

Totally not understandable. If you tell me the sentence in English, I can translate it for you.

Page 2:

Wie fühlt es sich zu sterben?

You missed a word: Wie fühlt es sich an zu sterben?


Really funny. :) I think, you meant something different. You call a person "schrullig", if it has weird hobbies or acts weird in general. What is the English word you meant? Maybe you meant "komisch" or "seltsam"?

Page 3:

Dämonen in diesen Tagen.

It is understandable, but you better say: Dämonen heutzutage. It is the general phrase for saying "Demons these days."

Alles, was sie tun musste, war zu fragen, wissen sie.

This is hard to understand, too. I think you meant "All you had to do, was to ask, you know." or something like that. To say "Sie" means to be rather polite to the other person. But he seems to be condescend to the demon. So better use "du". I think your main character is not the type of saying "Sie" to anybody. The word order is a bit weird, too. Give me the sentence in English and I will translate it for you.

Sie haben es selbst gesagt.

Again, better use "du": Du hast es selbst gesagt.

Sohn des Sparda, und das alles.

It is correct and understandable, but you better say: Sohn des Sparda und so. This is more casual and sounds more like your character ;)

Ich habe große Ausdauer.

Understandable, but you normally say: Ich habe viel Ausdauer..

Bei mehr Bereichen als eins.

This is also understandable, but there are better phrases. You can use:
In mehr als nur einem Bereich. (I added "nur", because it sounds better. You can leave it out, if you like.) or
In mehr Bereichen als einem. (Not used that often)

I hope, I could help you a little bit :)
Von:  RiffRaff
2011-09-04T11:31:54+00:00 04.09.2011 13:31
Das sieht i-wie voll pervers aus
Als ich das Titelbild zum ersten Mal angeschaut habe, dachte ich... °////° *räusper*.. aber es steckt ja nur ein Schwert in ihm XD
Von:  Assassin-LudgerMatis
2011-09-04T11:09:16+00:00 04.09.2011 13:09
At first I Must say: I like your pictures, your style. But I think its better if you work with anyone who can speak german together, so that he or she can help you with translation.

See ya^^
Von:  Ichirun
2011-09-04T10:46:46+00:00 04.09.2011 12:46
I think it would be better to load up both versions. The german ones gonna kick it down... 'bause the wrong gramma and so on.
Von:  Ryubi
2011-09-04T09:58:39+00:00 04.09.2011 11:58
Seiteomg this made me laugh so hard xDD
had you any help with the translation? ^^ because it still sounds a bit weird
Von:  Hinatara
2011-09-04T09:09:40+00:00 04.09.2011 11:09
Anime to learn German? Wow, that's cool :3
Your drawing is amazing and I like this idea of learning a new language.
abgemeldet already corrected the mistakes.
Please keep up the good work! :3