Friends & Family von dragonfighter (The Clumsy & The Lonely) ================================================================================ Kapitel 27: Step 27 - Prone To Fall ----------------------------------- Sometimes we are prone to fall. This can be meant metaphorically or literally. Metaphorically, as in feelings, or in other words, mentally, is the feeling of standing in front of a deep abyss and threatening to fall into a deep and dark hole. Literally is, when someone is really standing on a cliff and is threatening to fall with nowhere to escape. And still both are considered being the same. Since in both, the emotional world and in the real world, you need someone to keep you from falling or to catch you when you slipped. Someone who can help you. In the emotional world, our saviors can be our parents, or a soul mate, which represents the best friend, and or spouse. They hold us tight when we face the abyss. They throw themselves to the ground when we fall, trying to catch our hand at the last second. “Good morning, Sasuke, my dear brother in law. Did anything happen?“ The cheerful voice of Sakura’s brother sounds from the other line of the Uchiha’s smartphone, from which’s lips escapes a soft sigh. "Morning, Ryosuke. No, nothing happened. Sorry for bothering you so early in the morning." The black haired man replies in silence, listening to him laugh. "No problem, really. What else gives me the honor to be called by you?“ Sasuke has to smile for a moment at that question. He calls his friends so rarely that they always consider it a honor when he actually does call them. "I wanted to ask you something." He then finally answers to the question and looks briefly through the kitchen door and up the stairs. When he doesn’t hear anything from Sakura’s brother, he just takes it as an invitation to continue and takes a soft breath. “The rain reminded me of it. I had already completely forgotten about it.” Looking out of the kitchen window into the pouring rain and the forming fog. "What did you almost forgot?“ Ryosuke’s voice sounds partly amused and partly interested when the Uchiha takes a long pause in his words. “I went out with Sakura on Saturday. On the way back home, there was a thunderstorm and all of a sudden Sakura tensed up, as if standing on a cliff or something." The black haired man finally finishes his observation to his friend and brother in law. “Do you have any idea why that could be? I've never seen her like that because of a thunderstorm.” Sasuke now asks rather thoughtfully, before he takes another glance up the stairs. He can hear his friend hum thoughtfully at his concern and he notices the soft pause the Haruno makes, before he gives him an answer. “No, I'm sorry. I don't know what that was." Ryosuke pauses once again, before he suddenly changes the subject. "How is she today?“ Confused, Sasuke raises an eyebrow. He is obviously hiding something important and he doesn’t get why. After all, it must be something serious and he doesn’t want to do nothing when he knows something is definitely wrong with his wife. By all means, she has become his best friend and means a lot to him. With a sigh he closes his eyes for a moment, to at least answer his brother in law about his question. “She doesn't seem to have slept well. Her mood seems a bit off as well. Why do you ask?“ It comes obediently over his lips, before asking a counter question. "Oh nothing, it just has something to do with our parents. But Sakura is a bit closed up about it. Probably she feels like she is scared to remember, or burden others with her problems. But if she wants you to know, she will tell you.“ It comes from the brunette Haruno. "Okay." Sasuke sighs in response, staring through his dark grey eyes to the floor. He has the feeling that Sakura would never want to talk to him about it. Especially after he saw her fake smile on that evening. If there should be anything else, you can of course call me at any time.“ Ryusuke then adds thoughtfully, making Sasuke nod slightly while looking down at his teacup and thanks him. “No problem. My sister can be tricky sometimes, doing things she wouldn’t like others do to her. But i don’t believe that she will hide it from you forever." The brunette man on the other end of the line explains with a soft laugh, before saying his goodbye “Well then, Sasuke. See you!" "Yeah, see you." After these words, Sasuke lowers his smartphone to end the call and stare on the screen for a while.   Sighing, Sasuke puts his phone after a while on the kitchen counter, before he hears soft footsteps coming down the stairs, watching his wife enter the kitchen right after. "Hey. Good morning.“ He immediately greets her with a smile and pulls her onto his lap, pressing a kiss on her cheek. “You look so tired. You didn't even react to my alarm clock today either." He starts in a soft tone and puts his arm around her waist so that she can't slip off his lap. Handing her the cup he has prepared for her, he watches her smile weakly, before she leans her head on his shoulder. “You don't need to prepare lunch today. I'll just get myself something when I'm hungry." He whispers, while breathing soft kisses from her cheek up to her temple. His wife just nods tiredly and leans her forehead on his cheek, to close her eyes for a moment. Only when she opens them again, he watches her put her cup back down and lifts her head to kiss her husband on the cheek. However, since he turns his attention to her and looks down into her eyes, she end up kissing his lips instead and he doesn’t hesitate to return the kiss, before he breathes another one on her lips as they part. "I have to get ready." He then whispers next to her ear and presses his lips once more on her temple. A soft sigh escapes her lips, as she slips silently from his lap and lets him stand up. But instead of walking away immediately, he gives her a tight hug. Sakura sighs aloud and looks down at her tea. To her luck Sasuke just thinks that she is tired, but that’s not the case. Something else is plaguing her today and it is darkening her mood. Her eyes move to the small calendar which is hanging right next to the refrigerator. It's November 12th. Sakura runs her hands over her face and wipes her fingers over her eyes, which she already used make up on. She's already wearing her jeans and socks. All she has to do is decide on a blouse or a shirt, maybe a top or a blouse. Maybe in wine red, green, beige, white, or rather black, which she is clearly tending to today. But instead of doing any of that, she would rather love to crawl back into her bed and pull the covers over her head. All she wants is go back to bed, or just have a large pack of chocolate chip cookies and sad music to go with it. She would like to completely forget what today is. She used to forget it, but now she can’t do so any longer. It suddenly feels like its burned into her head. Letting out another sigh, she runs her fingers over her eyes again, when she hears her husbands heavy footsteps coming down the stairs, neatly dressed like every day. "I'm going now." He announces to her, buttoning up the sleeves on his wrists. With a slight smile, Sakura gets up and goes through the kitchen door, which has actually been standing open ever since she's been living in this house, and into the foyer. She waits a moment for him to turn and look at her, feeling how he gives her cheeks a gentle caress. "I'll see you later." He then says encouragingly and breathes a kiss on her forehead, which she replies with a nod and a smile on her lips, before he turns to the door again.   With a quick press of a button, he lets the gate open while he walks towards his car, opens the driver's door and lets himself sink into the cool seat of his car. The gate has opened completely and reveals the garden, covered in thick fog which makes him even unable to see the entrance gate. Letting out a deep sigh, he quickly starts the engine to turn on the heater. November spread across Tokyo in all its facets. Fine drizzle drops immediately fall on his windshield when he drives out of the garage and the further he gets out of his with trees filled garden, the heavier the drizzle pours. Taking a short look to the left and right, he then drives out of the driveway and heads towards work. Maybe he should visit Sakura later at lunch break, to see how she is doing. After the phone call he had with Ryosuke, he doesn't believe anymore that she’s just tired. She doesn’t tell him anything, but he knows that there’s something that keeps her so out of touch.   The Uchiha brings the car to a standstill at one of the red light and turns to the passenger seat, on which he always throws his documents when he gets in. He searches for his smartphone, grumbling quietly. A red traffic light and a searched passenger seat, as well as a rummaged work bag later, he sighs in agony and tries to remember where he put his smartphone. After a few moments he finally remembers, he put it on the counter in the kitchen, then pulled Sakura onto his lap and changed clothes, simply leaving the smartphone there. He sighs again in agony. Why does he have to forget his smartphone of all things? Why not his work bag or the tablet? If he had at least his smartphone with him, he would have called and asked Sakura to bring his other stuff to work for him. Calling her when he's in the office would also be completely pointless, since she won't be at home anymore. So he has no other choice but to drive back home, to get the device himself. If Sakura hasn’t found and taken it with herself already, that is. Immediately he turns on the blinker and turns right at the next intersection, to go back home through the morning traffic. This will affect his working hours again and he will come home later and the heavy drizzle doesn't make the journey any easier either. The road is, despite the fact that there are only fine droplets, covered in wetness and even makes the roadway slippery in some places. A large number of motorists drive carefully and slowly, only a few speeders, or people in hurry, run across the wet streets. It’s always those in hurry, who cause accidents and thus harm innocent people and end up clogging the traffics. With every day approaching winter, people are becoming more cautious and that is why some car journeys take a little longer.   Surprised, the Uchiha brakes in front of the entrance gate, which is still wide open. Usually Sakura closes the gate when she drives to work. He sighs softly wile driving through the gate. Maybe she has just forgotten it, after all, she seems so off today, what preoccupies and distracts her. Maybe it would have been better if he had taken her with him. He just hopes that he won't be contacted at some point, that she had an accident. He steers his car into the driveway, further and stops in front of the front door. He quickly parks the car and gets out, walking to the door to unlock it and enter his empty house. He looks around briefly, so Sakura has really already gone to work. Taking off his shoes, he quickly walks into the kitchen where he sees his smartphone on the counter, which makes him sigh in relief. At least he didn't go home for nothing. Taking the device into his hand, something else suddenly gets his attention and makes him pause in surprise. Soft, muffled music reaches his ears. Following the music into the foyer, he drops the cell phone into his suit pocket and looks around in confusion. He hadn't heard the music outside and the sounds are clearly coming from upstairs. "Sakura?" He calls into the empty house, but as expected, he gets no reaction, making him sigh. She probably turned up the music and then just forgot to turn it off. How off she must be to forget so many things at the same time. In silence he then just approaches the stairs and gets up quickly. The closer he gets to the end of the stairs, the louder the music gets and he can slowly understand the lyrics. His steps slow down as he approaches the bedroom door. Something is wrong here. His wife doesn't usually listen to this kind of depressing music either, and this song seems to be put on a loop. He shakes his head. Everything will be all right, she's just a little distracted today.   Sasuke opens the door and pauses in surprise, when he finds his wife sitting there on her side of the bed. "Sakura?" He asks, puzzled as to why she’s still here. As if he had startled her, her shoulders jump up, before she throws a quick look over her shoulder and into his direction. "I'm sorry! I'll be leaving soon.” She quickly exclaims and becomes quieter and quieter towards the end. The Uchiha sighs silently. What's up with this day? He can see that she is not doing well at all and she still thinks that he wants her to go to work. Carefully he approaches the bed and sits down next to her on the mattress, but she doesn't even react. "Sakura?" He asks gently, placing a hand on her back to rub over it in circles. "Today would have been his 49th birthday." His wife mumbles, while holding a photo a little away from herself. Sasuke gets a bit closer to her and keeps rubbing his hand over her back. “He was 40 years old. 40. He was healthy. Nothing was wrong with him and still he died. It all happened so fast.” His wife whimpers, while staring at the photo in her hand. The corners are already a bit worn out, but you can still easily recognize the friendly, smiling man on it. He had always smiled so warmly. "It all happened too fast!" She repeats and suddenly she feels the tears rising up in her, which she had so successfully suppressed in the recent years. “I just don’t know how to handle it!” Her voice breaks and she tries to fight back the tears. Her husband's hand continues to wander up and down her back, trying to sooth her pain. She takes a deep breath and looks up to her left.   “I know it's been 8 years... and I know I should have slowly get over it already, but it doesn't work. I just can’t and i don’t know why. Your mother died just two months ago and you seem to be able to deal with it so easily and I still can't do it after years!” Tears well up in her eyes, but she doesn't let them run down her cheeks. The black haired man looks at her sympathetically, while he continuously strokes her back. "Everything happened so fast. One minute they were still there and the next they weren't. I couldn't even say goodbye to them and I think that's why. That's why you can handle it and I can't.” Her voice is nothing more than a whisper as she drops her gaze to the ground. “You knew it was happening. She said goodbye to you, but i couldn’t.” She shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut, suddenly feeling how his second hand rests on her right cheek and pulls her towards him. He gently pulls her closer and makes her rest her head on his chest. For a moment she feels a soft vibration, as his soft laugh sounds next to her ear. “I don't think it's because my mother said goodbye, or because I knew it was going to happen. When you do, you think you are prepared for it, but when it does happen, it is just as shocking and painful. And about her saying goodbye... When we were in the hospital and my mother called us in one by one... her last words to me were; that I should take care of you, be there for you and show you what love is.” He whispers softly next to her ear and she can hear the bitterness and sadness in his voice.   "And even still, even though she said goodbye to all of us, every other goodbye was like it was the last. Like i would never see her again. Knowing that she would be gone in less then a few years was like torture. Imagine having to think every time you say good bye; will i be able to see her again? I haven’t gotten over it, Sakura. And i don’t believe i ever will." He keeps whispering and watches as she lifts her head, to look up into his eyes, which look towards her with sadness and compassion. The right corner of his mouth lifts up for a soft, encouraging smile, while he doesn’t hesitate to pull her onto his lap and puts his arms around her to hug her close. She smiles bitterly against his chest and hides her eyes in the crook of his neck, her fingers griping into his suit jacket. "Why aren't you getting some sleep?" He asks thoughtfully, feeling her shake her head. “I have to go to work.” She utters weakly. “No you don't have to. You can't concentrate, so you should stay at home.” Sakura hears her husband whisper and kiss the top of her head, before he pushes her off his lap and puts her behind him on the mattress. Making sure that she’s laying comfortable, he then pulls the blanket over her shoulders. With a slight smile, he takes the two stuffed bears from the head rest of the bed and places them in the middle of the bed next to her pillow. A gentle smile pulls on her lips at his actions, as he take the TV remote into his hand. “And this was what helped me a lot.” He explains, while turning to the television, which can be used to go straight to the Internet, Netflix and YouTube, where he clicks on the search bar on Youtube and enters the song title. The previous song stops and is replaced by the other song chosen by Sasuke. Sakura watches her husband as he gets up from the bed and closes the curtains. “You should go to work.” She mumbles sadly, because she doesn't really want him to go. She would love to ask him to stay with her, but she knows it would be irresponsible for him to ditch work. "Okay." He whispers and leans down to her for a last kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back soon." He reassures her before he gives her a last smile and leaves the room. Sighing softly, the pink haired woman turns to her left and stares at the video on the television. The soft sounds of the instruments fill the room. The lyrics, however, bring tears to her eyes, which she then closes and tries to swallow her grief. She takes another deep breath, in order to calm herself and her mind again.   ~ > * < ~ The Uchiha silently opens the door and carefully looks inside. On the bed he sees the sleeping beauty, who is now, thanks to his mother, his beloved wife. Yes. Even though he’s feeling so weird around her lately and he can’t really put together it’s meaning, Sakura has still become the most important person in his life. He doesn’t know what he would have done if he didn’t have her. He can’t tell if he would have been able to get back up on his feet after his huge loss all on his own, if his mother didn’t arrange this wedding and tried to hook them up. Quietly he enters the room and walks towards the bed, examining her briefly before he peels off his suit and replaces it with sweatpants. When that’s done, he carefully sits down next to her in bed, caressing her hair with a warm smile. "I'm back." He whispers quietly, not wanting to wake her from her slumber. For some reason, her parents' deaths are still hurting her this much. Of course, he doesn’t believe either of them will ever get over it, but he heard that it gets still better. That you can talk about your deceased loved ones, without feeling the need to cry your eyes out and still feel sadness and melancholy. But whatever it is that is burdening her so much, he just thinks that sleep is best for her now. Watching his wife move and rest her hand on his knee, he can’t but smile and puts the teddy bears aside, since they’re preventing him from seeing her face. She lies there relaxed, the grief from before no longer visible. Gently putting his hand back on her, he caresses her hair with his thumb. Again and again. But this silence doesn't answer his questions. Sighing softly, he takes his smartphone out of his sweatpants pocket, into which he had stowed it a few minutes ago. Maybe it will be good to go ask his brother in law once more. After dialling the number of his brother in law, he holds his smartphone to his ear, waiting for the Haruno to pic up his phone and it doesn’t take long before the brunettes voice sounds from the end of the other line for the second time that day. "Hey Sasuke. Is everything alright?“ Sasuke could immediately hear the worry in the brunette’s voice and he muses that it isn’t really surprising, considering the fact he doesn’t normally call his friends often and especially not twice a day. "Hey. Yes, but i should ask you that. Tell me, how are you today?” The black haired man explores in a calm and soft tone, as he watches his wife sleep right next to him. He can hear Ryusuke laughing at his question. “Wow, Sasuke. Marriage really changes you. I never imagined you caring about how others are feeling.“ Sasuke scowls and lets out a soft snort at his words. A frown showing up on his forehead at his friends claim. "I haven’t changed. I may be distant, but i've always been interested in my friend’s wellbeing." The Uchiha replies with a slight grumble, not believing that he even has to explain himself. He thought they would know without him having to tell them. "All right, sorry buddy. I'm actually pretty fine. I can not complain.“ The Haruno replies with a snicker and Sasuke can hear it in his friend's voice that he is serious about doing well. That he isn’t pretending like Sakura did on their second date. "Tell me, Ryosuke." Sasuke begins, before he pauses for a moment. "Yes?“ He hears the voice of his friend, expecting him to continue. "Why is it that you are coping so well with the death of your parents, but Sakura can’t?" It was just a question. It was his curiosity. What is it that made Ryosuke handle the situation better than her, although they had went through the same loss. Empathy are visible in his dark grey eyes, as he looks back next to himself and at his sleeping wife. A sigh sounds from the phone, which gains back his attention. “I don't know either, sorry. Is she okay?“ He hears Ryosuke say. "Yeah, she is sleeping right now." The Uchiha answers with a soft nod, brushing her hair slightly with his thumb. "Are you with her?“ It comes from his brother in law and Sasuke could practically see the surprise written in his face, even though they are just talking on the phone. Sasuke in the other hand just shrugs at his question. “I didn't want to leave her alone, so I brought my work home. She didn't leave me alone either." The Uchiha explains with a gentle smile.   "To get back to your question.“ He hears the Haruno start, perking his curiosity again. "Yes?" Sasuke turns his gaze away from his wife and up to the television, which is still running. “Do you remember back then? We were in boarding school together, you and i. That one weekend, when i was informed by one of the teachers and got taken home. That weekend, i learned about my parents deaths. Sakura was with the Yamanakas, but even to this day not even i know the details of what happened to them, so i can’t tell what she saw or experienced, while i had been away. At that time she only cried, but never spoke to me or anyone else about it. So i really can’t help you either. I can only guess and think that she's afraid of going through this pain again, if she tells someone else about it. But maybe that’s why i can handle things better than her. Unlike you, i wasn’t at my parents’ death bed. I didn’t see them die like you did.“ Ryosuke pauses in his explanation and lets out a deep sigh, while Sasuke listens carefully to what his brother in law tells him. He doesn’t dare to interrupt him in his words, because he knows, even if Ryusuke said that he didn’t saw his parents die, it still is hard for him to talk about it. "It was at that time we agreed that Sakura would stay with the Yamanakas, while i would go back to boarding school until graduation and then go to university, before i go back to live with her again. So, if anyone could tell you something, then i guess it would be Ino, but as I told you, Sakura is peculiar in this regard. She doesn't like it when you get informations about her from someone else. She'll tell you someday, maybe not today, or this year, but someday. Just make sure not to push her, or you could end up making her block you out completely.“ Reports the brunette Haruno further, whereby Sasuke could swear he was grinning while telling him this. Sasuke sighs once and rubs himself over his face with his free hand. "Okay, thank you Ryosuke." He finally mumbles. In conclusion, he still doesn’t know what it is that burdens Sakura so much and still, he knows a bit more than before. So he still appreciates Ryusuke’s help. "No problem." The Uchiha hears his friend say, before they both say goodbye to each other and hang up.   "What is it that burdens you so much...?" It comes over his lips in a whisper, while he caresses his wife's hair one last time with his hand. In one point Ryusuke was right though. It’s unfair that she went all out on him, but ends up hiding her own problems from him. That she does it herself, when she doesn’t like others doing it to her. With a sigh he carefully moves away from her and gets up from the bed, in order to leave the room and let her rest longer. ~ > * < ~   The pink haired woman slowly wakes up from her sleep, as she slowly start to recognize the music again. Suddenly she is aware of what kind of day it is again. Feeling the sadness well up in her chest again, she opens her eyes and stares at her hand, which is laying on her husbands bed side, which no longer looks as neat as it did in the morning. Although she made the bed in the morning, just like every other day. Closing her eyes again, she cuddles her head deeper into the mattress, to close her eyes again and listen to the melody. "I pray you'll be our eyes and watch us where we go." She silently sings along the lyrics, before she opens her eyes again and sits up in bed, examining her clothes. In the morning she had still thought about it, although it was already clear to her from the start that she would wear something black anyway. With a deep sigh, she swings her legs out of bed and gets up to change into something more comfortable. Jeans and sweaters aren’t really comfortable when hanging around and delving in sadness.   Her work clothes land on the floor after she took them off and are replaced by a cozy sweatpants and shirt, before she goes to the bathroom to remove her make up. Gloomy eyes meet her, when she looks at herself through the mirror. She hates days like this. Over the past few years she has always survived it quite well on her own. But today she just wants Sasuke to be with her. She wants to be with her best friend, cuddle with him and feel his kisses on her skin. Without him, she feels so lost and lonely. Sighing in agony, she runs her fingers through her pink hair. She knows how much work he has and that's why she didn't ask him to stay with her. Even though she sure wished he could. Turning to the door with slow steps, she leaves the bathroom. She desperately needs something in her stomach, since she hasn't even had breakfast yet. Everything she had, was the tea which Sasuke prepared for her before leaving to work. Sighing listlessly, she turns off the television and then leaves the bedroom, walking quietly through the large hallway of the upper floor and towards the stairs. It's one of those days again when the villa is too big and empty for her alone and this fact is simply unbearable. Her gaze wanders over the wall, next to the stairs and then back to the stairs in front of her, over which she goes down to the ground floor. When she suddenly hears the sound of rain pounding hard on the floor and the front door closing, she looks up in surprise. Stoping down at the end of the stairs, she looks at her husband in astonishment, who is standing in the foyer, running his hand through his hair in order to shake out a few raindrops. The Uchiha rises his head from the drawers and focuses his grey eyes on her with a smile. "Hey." He greets her in a warm tone and watches her as she walks slowly towards him. "Hey. Is it that late already? Are you finished with work?” She asks him a little confused as she comes to a stop in front of him. “No.” He answers with a soft laugh and shakes his head in addition. “It's only noon yet. I didn't want to leave you alone, so I just got the documents from work a few hours ago.” He explains with an encouraging smile. Gently, he pulls her against his chest and puts his arms around her waist, while he presses a kiss on her temple. She too puts her arms around his back and presses her head against his shoulder with a smile. "Thank you." Carefully he rubs over her back and closes his eyes to take in her scent. "I went out once more to get us some fast food." He explains silently next to her ear, while repeatedly rubbing her back. Surprised, she lifts her head up to look him into his dark grey eyes, making him break the hug. "Since i didn't know what exactly you want, I just got us several things." He reports, holding up two bags and four drinks.   Smiling, he walks past her and into the living room, where he puts the food on the coffee table and puts aside his folders from work, which he was working on at the coffee table while she was asleep. Immediately, he takes out the food, while Sakura looks at him and sees something that makes her laugh, making her husband look immediately up at her in confusion. "What?" It escapes his lips and raise an eyebrow. “Why are you wearing sweater and sweatpants?” She asks in amusement and sinks down on the couch to his right. Looking down at himself for a moment, he just shrugs it off with a smile. "It’s uncomfortable to sit at home with a suit on, while working on all those folders." He explains to her and then looks back at the table in front of him. "Choose what you want." He then says with an inviting wave at all the food. "Thanks. I will stick to the chicken products." The Haruno explains with a smile and immediately reaches for some chicken nuggets and a chicken burger, which obviously seem to be from KFC. Understanding, the Uchiha nods and then chooses something himself before leaning back against the backrest. Sakura sits down on the couch and crosses her legs, before she turns on the TV to switch through the channels until she finds something interesting and leans back against the backrest as well. A few minutes pass before she glances at her husband and realizes that he already ate up and got back to work. A small smile pulls on her lips. Without her saying anything, he stayed at home. He took all his work home just to make sure that she won’t be alone in the big villa. She carefully moves closer to him. With one leg stretched out on the seat and the other one upright, he sits in the corner of the couch. With his tablet and one of the folders on his lap and a ballpoint pen in hand, he is staring at the documents, even though Scrubs is playing on the television in front of him. She watches him in silence, while he keeps staying absorbed in his work. It takes a moment before he realizes her gaze on him and looks up. Smiling, she approaches him and kisses his lips, feeling how he returns the kiss just as tenderly before it's already over again. “Do you mind if I stay close?” She asks shyly and looks at the piece of couch between them. A smile pulls on his lips, which he strengthens with a soft hum. "No." He replies gently and brushes one of her hair strands behind her ear. She beams happily, as she already closes the gape between him and herself and cuddles onto his side.   Concentrated, the Uchiha continues to work through the folders, while Sakura keeps leaning against his side and watches diverse series and programs until she finds nothing of interest any longer. Sighing, she then gets up and walks around the couch to leave the room and her husband behind. Sasuke looks after her for a moment, before she comes back and looks hesitant into his dark eyes. "Sasuke?" She mumbles after a moment of silence, watching him put down his pencil. “Yes?” Walking closer, she sits back right next to him and looks up into his expectant eyes. "Will you watch my favorite childhood movie with me?" She asks while looking at him pleadingly, but also questioningly. He sighs silently and looks at the folders in front of him and then examines the stacks for a moment, before smiling slightly. “Do you want to help me quickly with the drawings? After that i have got time.“ He explains, while lifting one stack up. Sakura nods with a smile and sits back right next to him, while he puts the tablet and folder aside. With her trained eyes, the two deal with the pile relatively quickly, so that Sasuke can happily put it away.   Sakura in the other hand turns on the movie, while he makes himself comfortable on the couch and suddenly notices how his wife puts a packet of cookies next to him. "Come here." She hears him say and gets pulled down onto his lap, before she could even think of sitting down on the couch again. Cuddling up against his chest with a happy smile, she opens another packet of cookies, which he observes with a slight smile, before he turns back to the television. "Lilo and Stitch?" He asks, surprised. "I always wanted to have a dog like Stitch." She explains immediately, which makes him laugh, putting an arm around her waist and then starts the movie. "I also like Hawaii." She then adds while the movie is already starting. A few minutes pass before the first laugh comes over her lips, which makes him smile with relief.   A quite sob makes the young man startle and avert his gaze from the movie, to his wife. "Are you crying?" He explores a bit startled, starting to caress her hair again. The Haruno straitens up a little on his lap and looks into his eyes, making it able for him to see the tears in her eyes. “I haven't seen this movie ever since I’m little and with 8 young years not everyone understand what it all means. Lilo is bullied because her parents are dead and she is different because of that and is punished for it even though the others provoke her. It’s like when someone tells you all of a sudden that its raining and your parents died in an accident. It makes you unable to grasp the situation.” Rubbing the sleeve of her sweater over her eyes, she closes her eyes for a moment to breath in rapidly. An encouraging smile forms on his lips, while he wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks and pulls her against his chest again. A depressed sigh escapes her lips as the movie ends and the credits roll. “I don't have a family anymore.” She suddenly mumbles, making him look at her perplexed, before he gently pushes her away and takes her face between his hands, to make her look at him. "What are you talking about? You have Ryosuke, he's your family. And you have me too. I’m your family too, just like my family is your family as well. I won't let you alone and neither will Ryosuke." The black haired man utters and plays with her hair. It pains him to hear that he’s the only one who thinks of her and himself as a family. He thought it would be obvious since they are married and became so important to each other. He was considering her his best friend and he thought she did too. "Really?" He hears her explore carefully and even a little hesitant. "Of course we are. Don’t you feel the same?" He answers with a slight smile, making her hug him tight. “I do. I was just scared. We don’t even love each other and...” Sasuke shakes his head with a sad smile, leaning his cheek against her forehead. “It doesn’t matter. You still mean everything to me. You said you don’t want to loose me and neither do i. We are friends and that’s already enough." Her smile becomes slightly wobbly at his words. That sounds like her parent’s relationship. Unlike her and Sasuke, they were always so in love with each other. They were the perfect couple and still they also looked like two inseparable best friends. She always thought it would be impossible for her to have such a beautiful relationship with him in such an arranged marriage, and still he is here saying that they are already friends for a lifetime and beyond. Being able to have a relationship like her parents sounded like a fairy tale to her and now she learns that they already have a part of it. The friendship. “Do you want to watch the second part as well?" The Uchiha now suggests, making her nod with a happy smile and press her more against his chest. "Everything will be fine." She hears him say, while pressing a kiss on her head.   Over an hour later, the credits run across the screen once again. Sakura straightens up with a sigh and slips off her husband's lap. Her eyes become gloomy again as she stares at the couch, before lifting her eyes back up and into her husbands dark eyes. "I..." She starts, but falls silent again, turning her gaze back to the couch. "I miss my parents." She then utters quietly, feeling his arms back around her body. "Of course you do. I miss my mother too." Sasuke mumbles while pulling her even closer to himself and caresses her back soothingly. "Do you want... How does it sound if we build an altar for your parents and my mother?" He finally submits the idea that has been floating around in his head for a few hours now. The young woman raises her eyes and looks at her husband with big eyes, who watches her expectantly while she is considering his suggestion. "I think yes, that's a good idea." A sincere smile pulls on her lips as she nods and gives in to his hug with a deep and relieved sigh. "Then it’s settled. You can design it and we'll take care of the construction on the weekend." He then explains in a whisper and gently presses a kiss on her temple, feeling how she nods in agreement. Watching her leave the room to fetch a pad and pen, which she uses while sitting down next to him again, he watches her for a while, before turning back to his work. He wants to get over with work as soon as possible, to be able to spend more time with his best friend. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (