Hetalia Daycare! von SeraphinaBlack ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Sortings, Polarbears and new friends! ------------------------------------------------ Back in the room, you checked the situation. Natalia played wedding with the dolls, you can't help yourself, but you were sure the male doll looked a little bit like Ivan. Luddy finally finished sorting the Legos and started to built a miniatur Oktoberfest, with a large amount of carefulness he sat there high concentrated. You smiled and decided to not distrub him. America sat next to him and built a statue of Liberty (yes he already planed the indipendents war, because England took away his ice-cream). Terrifed you searched in the room again, where was Matthew?! You breathed in relief, when you saw him sitting in the cuddlecorner, playing with a icebear-stuff-toy. He was so adorable, he seemed to be the only normal kid in here. You decided to walk to him. As Russia and you sat next to him on the ground, he looked at you shyly. "Do you miss your Polarbear Mr. Kumajirou?" you asked watching him hugging the toy harder. You nodded and began to stutter "Y..Yes. He's my best friend." "But he isn't your only friend, so you don't have to miss him that much. Just have fun with the others." you tried to cheer him up. He shook his head and mumbled "No... The others overlook me all the time." "I don't overlook you and nor does Ivan. We can be your friends." you suggested and pushed Russia a little bit in the direction of Matthew. Shyly and scared Canada looked at him, waiting for something bad to happen. Ivan never let you out of his grap, but he smiled at the other boy and said with his sweet accent "I want to have friends too. The other ones are mean to me too. Let's be friends alright?" After a few moments of thinking about it Canada nodded and looked at the mach of stuffed toys. He jumped into the pile. Confused Russia and you watched him doing that. A few seconds later he came out again and gave a sunflower stuffed toy to Ivan. "I...I..heard you like sunflowers..." the blue eyed boy stuttered and looked on his feet again. A little bit surprised the other boy surveyed the present. Then he smiled and hugged the toy and Matthew tightly, letting you go for the first time. You watched that satisfied. Then Canada crawled on your lap, Ivan followed him soon. Both of them smiled at you sweetly "Didn't I get a toy too?" you asked and played dissapointed. The two boys changed looks, then Matthew said "You don't need one, because you have us!" //OMG! How adorable! I'm gonna die from cuteness!// you thought while hugging both really thightly "aaaw! You're so sweet!" They hugged you back lightly and shyly and said in their native languages "We love you [y/n]!" "I love you too." you answered and stroked their backs. After a few seconds they released you, but kept sitting on your lap. A loud crash and a cry let you jump up. Fortunately Ivan and Matthew reacted really quick and didn't go hurted. Confused they started at you and looked around, because they wanted to find the source of the cry. Finally you found it, it was Ludwig argueing with Alfred. Quick you walked towards them and kneeled down and looked them in the eyes. "What's wrong?" you asked worried. A totally devastated Germany started at the mess of Legos on the ground. "He..he...he...he destroyed the whole sorting!" he wined. "I can't understand why you cry around, because of that! When everything is mixed, it's a lot more fun!" Alfred countered. "But not for me! I like it when everything is tidy!" Luddy said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. You sighed, but were felt relieved because it wasn't anything worse. "Okay let's solve this problem." you started speaking calmly. You stood up for a moment and fetched an other box and handled it to Alfred. "Here you can put in all the legos you want to use and mix them like you want. Additionally you will say sorry America! The other box belongs to Ludwig, where he can fix his sorting again." "But heros aren't sorry for helping others!" Al started to discus with you. "But you didn't helped someone. So you have to say sorry." you said strictly "That's not fair." he whined, but then he looked at Ludwig and mumbled "I'm sorry for destroying your sorting." "Was that so bad? I'm proud of you. Is now everything alright again?." you asked.They both exchanged glances and nodded. Germany seemed to be still a little bit upset, but you were sure that will be over soon. "[y/n] can you help me, building a castle?" Alfred questioned sweetly. You grined "Of course I can." He sat next to you and handled you a few bricks, then you two started to built a foundation. "When it's ready it'll be my fortress, where I live and wait for my next adventure as a hero to start!" he explained with a excited expression in your eyes. "Am I allowed to visit you there?" you asked. "Sure you are, but you have to keep it as a secret. Because if you tell it someone, my enemies will be able to find me!" he answered with a little paranoid look around. You laughend "I promise you I'll take this secret with me to grave." "You will never go to grave!" a shocked Luddy cried and hugged tightly. You looked at him a little bit surprised //He's such a sweet boy// Softly you petted his hair "You're right I'll stay by the side of all of you. Because I love you." you lied. A little bit sad you looked around and watched all of them playing and laughing. //They're countries, they will exist forever. But I'm just a human.// you thought. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)