Epiphanies von Marron (...and more?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Night ---------------- They had spent the whole day with talking. Johnny had heard every tiny detail about Roberts trip with McGregor senior. The older man had dragged his son all around the island the family owned. The farmers had rented the land like in old days and the McGregors were the ones to make sure everything went smoothly. So, they checked the flora and fauna, as Robert called it. The currently german boy was astonished that his friend was interested. "You really want to do that again?", he asked for the third time, "I got bored after the second visit, but dad keeps on dragging me out." "Sure do", was the rather sloppy reply, "I am interested in stuff like that. Scottland was always something I wanted to discover. Do you not realize at what beautiful place you live?" Johnny had raised his eyebrows. "And your castle? That impressed me much more the first time I came here. And it still does." Robert had blinked then and a small smile had graced his lips. "So you like my home?" "Uh-hu", was his best answer to that. He still did not know why he had that fluttering feeling in his stomach every time he thought about that tone of his best friend. It got even more confusing because it was his own voice - which he didn't know of being able to sound like that. Now he was sitting in his bedroom - eh, Roberts bedroom, to be exact - and was thinking. He seemed to do that a lot when it came to his friends. He had just realized that he had no idea of Enricos or Olivers lifes in their own countries. He had made the decision to change that. As soon as this thing was over, he'd attempt to talk more with them. And to actually listen. Gods, he couldn't sleep! The thought and pictures of todays events kept bouncing in his head, back and forth. They were stitching him with new found knowledge. One: Robert was not as stiff as he had thought. Two: He had some serious trouble that was not over. And he needed help. Three: There was another secret that was there. Like it was lying under the surface, right i front of him to be discovered. Johnny just didn't know what it was now. And four, the most important one: They were not that different. Not at all. Robert had a great sense of books - back in the old, normal days, Johnny had not believed his friend knew of the word comic, but he had a small stack of classic ones in his personal room. The scott couldn't believe his eyes when Robert had showed him the very first edition of Spider man, neatly kept in a special box. He had seen other titles, too. Then the DVDs. Robert had every season of TVD, including the bonus things. Johnny'd remembered his attempts to get those as a christmas present and how he had failed miserably. It sure was good to have a friend with the same taste, who was able to just buy that without the need to ask anyone for permission. They even watched some of the episodes today. The greatest discovery for him was that his friend had actually seven languages, he tried to learn. Seven! How could he handle that in between all of that work? He had to find out someday. German - if that counted -, english, france, italian, gaelic (big surprise there!), spanisch and even japanese. The german had to be a superbrain to keep all of that straight. Johnny had dropped out after two years of learning german. Until today, he had only been able to say Hello and I don't speak german, which was pretty embarrasssing. Now, he had heard a lot of german when Gustav had come. The butler had merely looked at the two of them and had bowed like usual. Only now, he had done that in front of Robert, not Johnny. "Welcome home, master", he had greeted as if it was any other day. The german had merely raised one eyebrow. "Uhm, you know...I'm not-" "I recognize you everywhere, master. I serve you since you were born, so do not underestimate me. I may be an old man, but I know you." With that, he had asked if Robert wanted to sleep in his own room or not and when the german had denied, he had shrugged his shoulders and left. Johnny admitted, he was a bit jealous that his own family seemed not to have noticed it wasn't him that day. He groaned slightly and looked out the window. The dark sky was nice, but the stars were hidden behind the clouds. What a shame, he loved the nightsky. And he went back to the scene with that guy. Bloody hell, he was thinking about that again! Why couldn't he let it be? Why?! Was it, because Robert had looked so shaken after this encounter? Was he worried about his friend? Well, yes, of course he was. But there was more to it. His feelings had morphed into something different from before. For a second, he had applied the word sexy to his friend. The door opened just in time for the intruder to see how Johnny threw both hands into his hair and ruffle it in an attempt to clear his thoughts. "You might as well stop that, Johnny. I do not intend to get bald so fast." Roberts voice cut through the air, alsmost like a lifeline to cling to. Johnny found it a lot easier to focus now. "You? Bald? Like this would ever happen!" He chuckeled nervosly. Robert was in his pjs again and strode right towards the bed. Without any explanation he slid into the giant bed, right beside his friend. Johnny looked at him, boggle-eyed. Robert hesitated for just a second. "It has been a horrable day, I could not stop thinking until now and I assume you are the same. So, here I am, hoping to find some sleep. Good night, Johnathan." And with that, the german fell asleep and he even snuggled closer - a tad bit. Johnny, on the other hand, lay awake and looked down at his best friend who was now causing him the most emotional trouble he had ever felt in his life. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)