Epiphanies von Marron (...and more?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 4: ----------- Robert slid the phone shut and sighed. This was not going well. First was the tattoo. He did not want anyone to know that. It was meant as a special surprise for someone special - and it was only three days old! How was it posible for him to not be able to keep a secret for three days?! He ran his hand through his hair and realized that it felt different. Johnnys hair was as unwilling as his character was. He lowered his hands and looked into the big mirror. Turned this body and looked. Just a little, he thought. Johnny had already gotten a close look so who was he not to do the same? And he had to admit that his scottish friend wa well build. Slender, yes, but muscled nonetheless. His bright eyes fit into that nice rest, he had to admit. No wonder the redhead was so fond of all his achievings in his love affairs. A lot of girls would swoon over seeing this. Maybe a lot already did. Robert sighed and shook his head. It was time to dress, he was already incredibly late in his routine. He opened the large closet and took out the first two things that came to his hands. Johnny said that he did not care on days like this what he was wearing and Robert intended to behave like his friend. He got a pair of blue jeans and a dark purple, almost black shirt. Yeah, that wa usually his attire when he turned up at his friends places. He quickly got dressed and decided that he could use a good breakfast. How did this work again with Johnnys family present? They only had visited each other when they were just themselves. No family, no siblings or other friends. It was meant as a rule to bond as a team. The door flung open and a man emerged from the other side. "Johnathan, son, why are you so late? Did you forget what day it is?" Robert jumped and looked at the person right in front of him. Clearly, he knew now were his friend got his looks from. He inherited not only the wild hair of his father, but moreover the harsh voice and the character as well. How was the other one suppoased to learn how to behve when his attemps were ruined by his parents?! "Well! Son, wht's up with that confused look, heh?" He realised that he must have looked pretty dumb. He shrugged and raised one eyebrow. "I seem to have forgotten. What day is it again?" Right when the words were out, he realised belatedly that he was much too polite. Johnny never talked like this. So he shrugged again and added: "Not that it's that much of a importance." Marc McGregor blinked several times, before he broke into a startling loud laugh. "As nice as always. I know you hate being woken so soon but it is our tourday. Come on, get awake, son. We have lots to do!" He turned on his heel and left, leaving the bodychanger behind, utterly confused. What was that suposed to mean? He sighed deeply again and followed closely. Maybe this would get better if he just got this day trough with. He got out of the house, and stopped right in front of a car. Well, a beast of a car was the better description. How did anyone climb into that? And were did they even head to in this? He inhaled deeply. Johnny was a sportjunk, right? This should be easy for him. As long, as this body was able without the experienced soul in it. He bend his leg and sprung up. Maybe he misjuged because he got even higher than he wanted but he played it over with getting into the car. He got ready and looked out the front shield. "And where now?", he asked, sighed and tried his best to sound like his friend. Luckily, he succeded. Bad for him the older one just chuckeled and started the car. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)