Frustration von abgemeldet (Eine Sirius/Remus-Story !!! *grinz*) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Chapter Seven - Nick gets quizzical : Ghosts and Love don't mix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Und hier ist schon wieder ein Kapitel ... Dachte , ich bring die FF jetzt endlich mal zum Ende hin , da ich fuer die Matrix-story keine zeit hab und sowieso absolut unter-bezeitet bin . Ich mag den Somber Knight sehr gern , er fasst so ungefaehr meine Liebesphilosophie zusammen *tihihi* Seltsamerweise teile ich aber auch Nicks Ansicht *tropf* Fazit > shizo Ich hatte waehrend ich dies schrieb immer eine Tanz-szene vor Augen ... irgendjemand Lust , ein HP-Musical auf die Buehne zu stellen ? Sirius akwardly treaded from one foot to the other . He stared at the door to the library , willing it to open itself . He dreaded to go inside , dreaded to even touch the doorknob . Yet he half wanted to enter and see him sit there with her as a deadly ill person wants to know which type of virus he has . It was hard for Sirius to apologise to anyone , and it would be even more so with Harriet listening . " Aaaahhh... !" Sirius quickly clapped his hand over his mouth , ashamed that Nearly Headless Nick had given him such a nasty shock . " Oh , sorry , Sirius ." Nick said jovialy and clapped his head on his shoulder , causing Sirius to shudder heavily . " Just heard the good news , you now , very happy ." Sirius didn't understand . " What good news ?" he asked , half hoping the exams had been cancelled or something similiar entertaining . " Oh you know ... You must have known ! I'm sure he told you all , as you four are inseperable !" Somewhere deep in his chest , an uneasy felling settled down as Sirius understood that Nick must be talking about Remus , James or Peter . Nick winked at him and his head wobbled dangerously . He floated down a bit and bent forward confidentialy : " Tell me , did you and Peter pander them ?" So it was not James . That left James and Peter . The thought that something had happened to Remus hurt . " Please , Nick , tell me what , and , more important , who you are talking about !" " Oh you know !" More jovial shoulderclapping . " Not a Gryffindor around who's not to to know .." Sirius had a second to recover from the chills down his spine when the Somber Knight floated by . This was a very grief looking Gryffindor ghost which usually kept to himself . Rumors had it that some centuries ago he had asked the headmaster to move into Ravenclaw because of the Grey Lady . But after this proposal had been rejected , both by the Grey Lady and the headmaster , he had lost his desire to mingle with students . He had in fact lost the desire to do anything at all , except write depressed love poems . Nevertheless , Nearly Headless Nick soared towards him and excitedly pulled him over to Sirius , chatting away loftily . The knight gave Sirius an unusually excited smile and glanced at Nick . " Sir Nicholas has just told me . I must say , this story is nice ..." His expression lightened ( if possible ) . He snipped his fingers . " You know , I just remember something . A couple of Gryffindors in 1719 which married . Don't you remember , Sir Nicholas ? The Montages ?" " Ah yes , I do . Yes , that was lovely ..." The knights smile disappeared as quickly as an unattended chocolate frog . " Of course , love can be terribly painful . One has to be prepared to have his feelings hurt and stamped on . Love makes one go crazy . Heaven is nothing and hell is everywhere ." A little sad flicker passed his face and he flew away into a wall , muttering darkly . Nick scratched his ear , making his head topple . " Poor young fellow ... Never really got over her ." He shrugged . " Wrong decision of him , if you ask me . Plenty of nice dead girls floating around , no need to cry over spilt milk ." Sirius had had enough . Not an hour ago he had resolved to be more patient , but this was sheer torture . " Nick , you're making me go crazy ! What the hell is going on ? I want to know what has happened ! What's the good news ? Who has been pandered ?" " No need to grit your teeth , Sirius , with all the good news ." Nick obviously didn't seem to mind making Sirius go crazy . He gave him a last pat and nodded towards the library door . " Why don't you just go and see for yourself ? You'll understand . I believe that's what you where heading to after all ." He gave Sirius another smile and left down the corridor , humming cheerily . For some seconds , Sirius stared at the library door . Then he shook his head angrily at himself . Why was he so timid ? The door wouldn't bite him as soon as he would touch it ( not this one anyway ) . He breathed in deeply and stepped into the library . At first , he only saw Madame Pince at her desk . She had turned towards him and a strange look was on her thin face . Was she really smiling ? He decided to take this as a good omen and advanced through the bookshelves , searching for the pandered couple . Maybe it was James after all . He knew how much James liked Lily and only thinking that they could now be a couple made Sirius happy . He let his hand run over the cool wood of a bookshelf and turned down into an aisle leading to the windows facing the lake . He caught a fleeting glimpse of the sparkling water before his eyes fell on a blonde head at one of the tables . For a second he was relieved not to see Remus with her , but then he noticed it wasn't Harriet Vane at all , but a pretty Slytherin girl with her friends . He dimly recognized her from class , and was surprised to see her face split up into a furious grimace . The great change was almost scary , it was like watching a Veela being pestered with . Curious to see the reason , Sirius followed her gaze ... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (