Summoning von AkazuIzuya (Law x Luffy) ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Chapter 3 -------------------- "Fuck no." I uttered these words before I thought about it. Everyone kept quiet for a second, before Kidd burst out in laughter. "Right! We forgot something there… it's LAW we're talking about," he grinned. "so... back to square one. Law never does things on a whim. It's just... how he is I guess?" he explained, and that really summed me up in all. I don't do things on a whim. I've never done that. I still never do that. But I really have my doubts, because... I had no idea why I refused. Oh wait, I remembered… I don't believe in demons. I don't believe in magic... or fate. Neither do I believe in 'mates'… probably because it has something to do with fate. "So... you won't become Luffy's mate?" Ace asked, and I wasn't sure whether he was satisfied or amused. Most likely both. "No means no," I repeated. He chuckled. "You will regret this decision. Believe me, he's of the D family after all," Smoker murmured. Ace turned his head to Luffy, who was still exited, waiting for an answer. His tail swiftly swishing through the air behind his lower back. Ace said something that I knew was the translation of what I said, without understanding the language. Instantly Luffy looked disappointed and sad. He asked Ace something. Probably 'why' I turned him down, but Ace just shrugged his shoulders in innocence. Luffy puffed his cheeks, head lowered, and staring at the blanket he had now grabbed with his hands. Then I felt his tail on my arm, twisting around it in a very possessive manner, when his head flung up, staring right into my eyes. Should I stare at his tail like everyone else, or should I stare at the boy himself, who was blushed in dark red. Smoker and Ace seemed to be at a loss for words. Maybe that thing with the tail was... uncommon? Unsure to what it meant, I threw a quick glance at the furry tail, then looked back at Luffy, who said something again. I wonder why he won't speak English? Ace turned from pale to red, then laughed again. I noticed Smoker burying his eyes in his hand. "I told you you'd regret it brat," he said. "Wait... what did Luffy say?" I asked, but did I really want to know that? "He says he'll seduce you until you will want to be his mate. He said he'll stay with you until you change your mind," Ace translated. "What!? No! Send him back to the demon realm!" I hissed. Sadly, both shook their head. "No can do. Only the summoner can send the summoned demon back without its work done. The demon himself can only choose to go back after he did what he was summoned for. Either way, he's still got unfinished business in the human realm, so he won't be going back until he's done what he was called for." Ace said. "Fuck! So... who summoned him? I mean, the summoner is responsible of him, right?" "He was summoned by my department. We sometimes summon demons to let them deal with the half-breeds or other demons in this realm. But we do not care about them. We call them, they do their job and they go back. Normally his contract partner would care for him." "So why won't he do that now!?" I was getting angry. "He died. We found his corpse yesterday night. That's why I knew Luffy was still here, probably wounded. Although I didn't think you out of all people would find him." "I'm really sorry I did. Believe me." I sighed. "Ok... so, what is this job he was supposed to do?" I asked. It seems I had no other choice. "Oh. That..." Ace started, then fell silent. He didn't seem happy. "I still think you should not have called Luffy for that." he whispered. "He wanted to do it, Ace. He's your brother. He does the same shitty things that practically beg for death as you." Smoker answered, as he turned to me. "He was to kick the asses of some higher ups. Someone called Ceasar and Vergo. They're part of the FBI... but we think they switched sides to that damn Doflamingo." Suddenly the clenching feeling of Luffy's tail got stronger and I flinched. It started to get painful. "Ceasar, Vergo, Doflamingo" he said. So he was able to at least understand the names. Come to think of it. "Doflamingo? I know that man. I know him quite well actually. So he's a demon?" Smoker nodded. "Along with some other well-known names. But that's none of your business. You just take care of Mugiwara there." he pointed towards Luffy. " Mugiwara..-ya? Strawhat...?" I asked, and Ace seemed to remember something. "That's right, your favorite straw hat! I almost forgot!" he snapped with his fingers and out of nowhere a straw hat with a red ribbon appeared. He grinned and put it on Luffy, who looked much brighter again. He embraced Ace, but his tail still didn't let go of my arm. While Ace started to talk to the teen, Smoker exhaled the smoke of his cigar (I didn't realize he had started to smoke...) and just waited, until their business was finished. "Wait. Mugiwara-ya doesn't speak our language. How am I to communicate with him?" I asked, because I had no other choice except to let him stay with me it seemed. "... Think of something, I don't care. Better yet, just become his mate, he'll automatically speak his mate's language." "I won't be his mate. And his wounds?" "... Just mate with him, they'll heal then." "I said I won't be his mate!" "So? Hey, don't glare at me like this. The D clan is just like this, selfish and crazy. You'll eventually get used to it. Also, you've got two, probably three half-breeds with you. You can just pester them. I've got my hands full enough with my very own demon over there," he pointed towards Ace. "Oh come on! You're fairly easy sharing your energy with me, so don't blame me! And you can't tell me I'm a good for nothing, because I don't believe you anyways! So stop complaining, you agreed on being my mate!" the black haired young man huffed. "Just two questions before you leave: First, what is a half-breed?" I started. Better not get thrown into this situation without any knowledge. "A Human who got his hands on demon horns and became a 'Half-human-half-demon' being. They grow tails, and sometimes horns or wings also and get some weird abilities." Ace said. "Ok... And what did you mean with 'two, probably three people are half-breeds' next to me?" The rest started to stare at the floor. Almost all: Kidd grinned. "You never noticed, although Hawkins was so obvious and tried to teach you many things... You just wouldn't listen," he said. Oh no. Please god, no. All of them shoved their pants down a bit, showing me a tail they had hidden all the time. Kidd, Hawkins, and Bonney. "By the way, Drake and Apoo are included. And some other people, you know? You were surrounded by us... . But the almighty intelligent Law would never believe us, so we kept quiet. Fuck. Really, Fuck it all. Those... Fuckers. ( By the way, the English language really lacks the right words for cursing in the manner I wanted to do right now!) I can't believe they... No, I won't believe they are... half-breeds. Because, believing that means I also believed in demons themselves. And I still refuse to do that. But the boy next to me... It was hard to deny his origin. Smoker and Ace had left a few hours ago. Kidd went off to somewhere, and I refused to speak with Bonney, so she went home. Hawkins was sitting at the end of the room in a chair, far enough away to be save from me, because the teen demon was still clinging to my arm, so I couldn't move away from my spot. Hawkins had tried to teach me some basic things about... demon community. I had kept quiet and settled down with death glares towards him, while Luffy had curled up on the bed and started to sleep. "So, basically, the D tribe exists in all three realms, because the D tribe was the first to be created. D is a name that is passed on in a few families. Those families normally have a lot of power. Ace is from the D tribe, so he probably belongs to the ruling family in his realm. I don't know much about it in the upper realm where the 'angels' reside. I've also never met a D from the human realm," he said. Liar. He just didn't know I also was from the D clan. I always thought it was just a fucking D that meant... yeah, D in the name. Don't know, never expected much. "So? Care to explain the half-breed thing to me one more time? Or that mate-thing? Or for instance the energy sharing through blood? Or contract-partners?" I sighed. He seemed uncomfortable. "Well you see... Demons have horns. They have different forms, colors or size, but the horns are the source of a born demon's power. Although the number of horns a demon may possess is mostly limited by one pair, these horns can be stolen. Equal to that, the stolen horns can be passed on to non-demons, who inherit half the power of the original owner and become half human and half demon; thus they are referred to as half-breeds. It comes without saying that life is... well, different from that of a human. Because of the tail the social movement is limited. Everyone can see or touch it, so it's hard to explain. You can't go swimming that easily anymore. Also the physical power almost always exceeds humans. We don't get ill and our wounds heal faster. Then there is also the thing with the blood sucking of which we can gain energy; but because half-breed exceed humans in every way... it's hard to find someone stronger. Also, we can live without that. Well, but being a half-breed also means losing the ability to swim in the sea. Demons can't swim, sea water drains all their energy, so we do also lose our energy. Half-breeds also often don't grow wings... or rather, we're really no good at flying. Trust me, I tried, and it REALLY hurts." I thought about that for a minute or two. Then stopped again. Whatever... "Mate-thing" I demanded. "Ah that..." "What?" "That's kind of complicated. Demons can instantly distinguish between friend or foe. In the same way they are able to recognize their mate. It is said that Minerva and Fortuna, the Greek goddess of wisdom and the Greek goddess of fate together decided on the mates of every being. Minerva knew which two people would be the best for each other and Fortuna wove together their fate. Hence, the 'mate'-system came up. The other part normally feels strongly attracted to his mate." "Why?" "Well... I was told it's because the Second half is born with the features to complement, or more, to complete his partner. Well, it's more like demons and angels are born that way; humans are the only one born naturally, so we are kind of an exception to the rule. So, our other half makes up to our faults." Or adds to them even more... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (