Twinkle Twinkle Little Star von Bibs (My version of 'Born to Endless Night') ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: ----------- Alec paced up and down in front of the large window, each time turning just half a step away from the opposite wall. Jace lay sprawled on the bed, his arms crossed behind his head and Alec could feel his eyes following him. He did not need to look at his brother to know his mouth was quirked up at the corners and his golden eyes glinted with amusement. “You will walk holes into the carpet and if you don’t stop fidgeting with your bow tie I think Izzy will kill you.” Alec, who had indeed been tugging at his emerald bow tie again because he felt like it was suffocating him, dropped his hands. Jace chuckled and sat up when Alec turned around to look at his best man. “I’m nervous, Jace. Not that I expect you to understand but that’s just it. And this thing is too tight”, he grumbled and walked to the bed, fell down next to his brother. “Relax, Alec. It’s your wedding, nothing to be terrified. Or are you getting cold feet about this”, he inquired and Alec averted his eyes, looking out of the window again. “No. I’m absolutely sure about this. About as sure as I was about us becoming Parabatai”, Alec answered and sighed when a swarm of golden sparkling butterflies flew up from the pavilion in the garden of the Herondale manor. “Maybe I’ll regret to allow Isabelle to organize the whole thing. It got so… so pretentious.” He sighed again and got up from the bed. Jace laughed and got up himself, straightening his dress shirt. “Stop fretting about what others may think about the ceremony or the celebration. Concentrate on what’s important today”, he demanded and put one strong arm around Alec’s shoulders. “Me looking spectacular in this awesome suit. Oh and you finally turning Magnus Bane into a respectable man.” “Jace, you’re a stupid jerk”, Alec muttered but could not fight back a smile. In the end Jace was right. Today was about Magnus and him, their love and their little family. “Love you too, brother”, Jace chuckled and let him go when the door opened and Isabelle whizzed into the room. Her bright blue dress swirled around her legs and she eyed her brothers suspiciously. They seemed to pass her examination and she took the waistcoat and jacket from the hook by the door. The suit she had picked for Alec was not black but a very dark blue, decorated with delicate angelic runes in golden thread at the collar and hems. “Jem sent me up to fetch you. Everyone is taking their seats. Catarina has caught Henry and secured the rings and Tessa is on her way to get Magnus”, she explained and handed the clothing to Alec. As soon as she had her hands free, Isabelle started to tug at his hair, twirling some strands gently between her fingers. “There you go.” She turned to Jace and raised an eyebrow. “And will you please put your tie back on? This is a wedding, not some leisure garden party.” Jace obeyed with a grin and gently clapped Alec on the shoulder. “So let’s go. And don’t you dare to bunk off. I won’t marry Magnus in your stead, no matter how hot we’d look together”, he said and pushed his brother towards the door. “He won’t run, Jace. Stop bothering him and get your tie straight”, Isabell grumbled and got hold of the crooked tie herself, pulling Jace to her on it to redo the knot. He tried to protest but due to the lack of air, all Jace managed was a faint croaking noise. Alec left them at their quarrel and headed for the stairs that would lead him down to the first floor of the manor. It still smelled kind of musty even though they had done their best to clean and air the place. Years of vacancy had left their marks on the manor but it was still an impressive building, with its high ceilings and French windows that looked out to the garden. He and Magnus had been accommodated at opposite ends of the house since their arrival and Isabelle had insisted that they stayed away from each other. She did not really believed in bad luck but she had taken them shopping separately for today and did not want them to spoil the surprise of what they were wearing. Not that it had really kept them from sneaking out last night and meet anyway. Alec smiled on his way to the backdoor that would lead him to the garden, lost in memories of their midnight date. Isabelle had gotten Catarina and Tessa to conjure up two corridors of hedges, so that Magnus and Alec would be concealed from each other’s view until they entered the pavilion where James Carstairs, former Silent Brother, was waiting to marry them. He waited at the last turn of his way for the music to call them both in, for now just hearing the muffled sound of people taking their seats, talking and laughing. Between all the voices Alec recognized a child’s laughter and it made him smile even wider. Henry was going to be their ring bearer, with the gentle assistance of Catarina to make sure the toddler came running to his parents at the right moment. The busy noises subsided slowly and after a few seconds of silence, soft music started. Alec closed his eyes, took a deep breath, his nervousness piling up inside, and he tried to let go as much of it as possible while breathing out. Then he took a shaking step, turning the corner to the front part of the pavilion. His eyes darted around, recognizing Jem in the middle of the small clear space, Tessa and Jace standing a few steps to both sides as their man and maid of honour, his family in the first of the few rows of chairs. Alec blushed and, after what seemed like a much longer time than just a split second, looked at the opposite side of the pavilion, the exit of the second corridor. It was empty and Alec paused, waiting for his husband-to-be to appear. He took another small step, the smile on his face slowly turning into a look of confusion. The leafy passage remained empty, no sparkly, grinning warlock in sight. Jace noticed his confusion and turned to Tessa, who looked just as puzzled and shrugged before turning around. She vanished into the corridor without a word and Jace took a quick step to Alec’s side. “Maybe Izzy forced him into a dress and he’s taking a last chance to change into something more decent”, he tried to cheer Alec, who was still staring at the empty patch of grass where Magnus should have been. “He’d totally rock a dress”, he heard himself mumble and blinked a few times before looking at Jace. His brothers golden eyes scanned him carefully, obviously trying to assess how badly hurt Alec was and if he was required to plot vengeance for a broken heart. Behind them the guests started mumbling and Alec thought he heard his father say something along the line of ‘told you so’. “I’ll go looking for him”, he decided and brushed past Jace, leaving the confused guests behind, resolutely fighting back the tears. This was exactly what he had been afraid of since last night. Not himself getting cold feet but Magnus not showing up. Tessa came down the stairs to the first floor, when he entered the kitchen through the second back door. Alec did not want to see the pity in her eyes, so he looked past her. “Did he do a bunk or is he still here?” The question came out brusquer than he had meant it to be but Tessa just shook her head. “He’s upstairs, locked himself in his room. Go talk to him, I guess you’re the only one he may let in.” “Thanks, Tessa. Please tell the others we’ll be back in a few minutes.” His burning eyes still fixed on the stairs, Alec waited till Tessa had left the house before rushing up, taking three steps at a time. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (