5 times Tony Stark talked to his baby and 1 time it talked back von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Bruce ---------------- „… and when you’ve got this screw lose, you need to be careful with the metal plating. The wires here get easily tangled and we don’t want that. Got it?” Bruce had to blink several time to process what was happening in front of his eyes: Tony Stark was explaining how to perform maintenance measures on DUMM-E to a three month old baby. No, not ‘a’, his baby girl. The infant did not seem fazed by the mechanic’s technical terms, but instead bathed in his father’s attention. Securely strapped in her seat, she wiggled gleefully with tiny arms and legs whenever Tony waved with his screwdriver whilst talking and incoherent sounds bubbled from her mouth whenever she felt like contributing. Now the bio-chemist understood how Pepper did not seem overly worried when she sometimes left for unavoidable CEO-business for a few hours. Not that he had ever doubted his friend’s fatherly abilities but the way he tended to explosions while not taking care of himself simultaneously… well… the workshop simply had never seemed like a child-friendly environment. Noticing his own fond smile, Bruce pushed himself away from the doorway. Bright blue eyes caught his approach first and gave him a delighted squeal. He was still wary around the infant because of the Other Guy but she did not seem to mind at all. Just like her parents. “Oh, look! Uncle Brucey has dared to come down to our secret lair of awesome!” Tony made sure to look at his child while talking to her and then turned to the proclaimed ‘uncle’. “What’s up, buttercup?” “Dinner is ready.” “Who cooked?” “Steve.” The answer seemed to please the man because he turned back to his daughter hand held his palm in front of her. “High five, darling! Tonight’s edible nom-nom.” Bruce only shook his head and huffed out a laugh. “Meet you two upstairs.” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)