Smile - Exchange von belladonna_lily (... ein kleines Lächeln || ♥) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: one smile -------------------- S M I l E - E X C H A N G E Who are you? I don't know... just met you once we saw each other, changed a smile but do you know, how it's hunting me down? Your face, your eyes... your smile! * I've never talked to you, never heard your voice but still I wish I had! I want to meet you again, want to get to know you! I want to know your favorite music, your favorite food and your favorite color! * But will something like that happen? Such a wonder would be disney-like, nothing for reality! And if... it would be sad, 'cause a whole land is separating us... so it's better this way. Without giving my heart, without complications. And tears. * So you're just a perfect moment... a very nice memory... a very nice 'SMILE-EXCHANGE' =] E N D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * ~ Ich war in Berlin mit meiner Familie und dann ist mir das passiert... Vielleicht gefällt es euch :) liebe Grüße bella Hosted by Animexx e.V. (