Letter to ... von _Hikari-chan_ ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: My father by blood ----------------------------- Und hier das nächste Kapitel mit dem wohl größten Spoiler der ganzen FF ^^' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 2: My Father - Gold D. Roger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear father by blood, Even if I have never seen you as my father, you are still my father by blood so I’m writing to you as to my father of blood. I don’t know if I have much from your blood, from your will in me because, like my mother, we have never meant to meet. You went to the Marines by your free will, as Garp told me, before I was even born. Even if you don’t think so, I believe that I don’t owe you much. I do have just your blood in me, that‘s all. Perhaps it was a good gift but it’s also dangerous for me to be your son as you surely know. Until I was 18 I had your name, Gol D., as my name but then I changed it to my mother’s because I feel like I owe her more than you. I just know about you what Garp and other people told me but that don’t give me a good picture of who you really were. I also couldn’t ask my mother because she died when I was born. In contrast to you, she did something to save me from the Marines when she was pregnant with me for 20 months so that the Marine won’t notice I’m your son. I have the feeling that you brought me and my mother nothing good. In truth I’m hating you a little as my mother had to die just because you didn’t see that there would be nothing but dangerous to have something to do with you, to be related to you anyhow. Garp told me that you had begged him to look after me and he did as you wanted for some years and in this years I learned much from him and I learned even more when he brought me to his friend, Dadan. I also owe the two very much, they hide me from the Marine at a little village, what wouldn’t have been necessary if I wasn’t your son. I have become a pirate, like you and become famous in a very short time. But every time I said my last Name, Gol D., the people stared at me and I felt like I just was that well known because I was the son of the pirate king. After some days I stopped saying my - your - last name. I got angry at you, why do I have to have your blood in me when you mean nothing to me? That’s another reason I changed my last name into my mothers. I wanted to become famous by myself, as Portgas D. Ace and not as Gol D. Ace, the Pirate King’s son. As long as I had had your name, I always stood in your shadow, I had never felt like being an individual and the people expected to much from me just because I am your son. How should I know where your great treasure, the One Piece, is hidden or even what it is when I have never met you? I don’t even care where or what it is, I want to have to do as little as possible with you, which isn’t easy. Somehow the Marines found out whose son I am and began to hunt me down because they wanted to stop your blood to be passed on. I think they are afraid that I want to become the next pirate king, that I want to become like you. But they never asked me about it. I have never wanted to become like you, I just want to live my own life without any regrets. If Whitebeard wouldn’t have been there for me, the Marines surely would have caught me some time earlier. I’m sure you remember Whitebeard because he was your greatest rival and the only one who was said to be at the same level of power as you were. He is more a father to me than you ever have been. When he took me into his crew I didn’t want to go in his crew because I was afraid that he would throw me out again when he gets to know that I have your blood in my veins but then he told me that, for him, it doesn’t matter whose son I am and for the first time I felt accepted by anyone, except Garp, Dadan and Luffy, as myself and not just as your son. That time I started to call Whitebeard ‘old man’ or ’father’ like everyone of his crew an with the time he became really like a father to me. Like the father you never have been to me. I know you were ill and went to the Marine for that reason, because you knew you would die in a short time, but still you surely could have lived on some years if you would have wanted to. There are really good doctors at the Grand-Line and surely one would have been able to give you some more time. But although your death was 22 years ago, you are still very famous and the boy I grew up with, Luffy, looks up to you as his idol, he wants to find your treasure and become the next pirate king. If he goes on ahead like he has been doing till now I think he can manage to surpass you and become an even more famous Pirate King than you ever have been. I wanted to make Whitebeard the next Pirate King but I don’t think this is possible now. Some days ago a pirate managed to capture me and brought me to the Marine. Now I’m sitting at Impel Down, at the same prison where you were, perhaps even in the same cell. In some days I will be executed. Isn’t that ironic? I have never wanted to have anything to do with you, father by blood, but now I’m sitting in the same prison as you did and will die the same death. Only the age and the place of execution is different, I’m just 20 years old and thanks to you my life will end now. But I’m happy that I won’t be executed at Logue Town like you because I think that would be unbearable for me. I know that Luffy and Whitebeard will probably try to save me but I hope they don’t make it in time because I don’t want them to loose against the Marines and perhaps die the same death as you and me. You probably wouldn’t mind if Whitebeard dies but I would, he is really important to me so I want him to live on. I just hope that the Marines will be happy when they have executed me and stopped your blood to live on and I hope that they won’t hunt Luffy down like they hunt me down, just because of the blood that runs in his vein. Luffy also has the blood of one of the most wanted criminal in his veins but other than me he doesn‘t know about it or at least didn‘t know about it when we met the last time. I would be happy if I didn’t know that I’m your son but if it would be like that I think I would have tried to fiend out who my father was. So it doesn’t really make any difference if I knew or if I didn’t know. Somehow I’m looking forward to be reunited with my mother after my death but not with you, I don’t really care for it. I hope that you can understand how I feel, at least just a little bit and even if I don’t want to say it to anyone, not even really me, I hope that you are proud of what has become of me because after all you are still my father, even if only by blood. Ace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zuerst einmal: Tut mir leid an alle die jetzt vom Kapitel gespoilert sind XD Dass am Ende kein 'yours' steht ist Absicht, also wertet das bitte nicht als Fehler. Über Kommis würde ich mich wie immer freuen ^^ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)