Fantasy von novembermond (Kai x Nao x Saga; Delusionverse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- you can has bdsm fic without actual sex? yes you can has! *headdesk* erstmal großes sorry dass es gar so lang gedauert hat mit dem update, immerhin scheint es ja tatsächlich ein paar leute zu geben, die das hier lesen wollen trotz der sprache. ^^" und dann noch danke für die bisherigen kommis. enjoy (hoffentlich) +++ “Damn you! I told you not to come!” A cranky Kai greeted them in the hallway. Saga laughed. “If you really thought you could tell Nao that you came down with the flu and not expect him to go into full blown mother henning mode, it’s your own fault.” The lanky drummer glared at him as much as he could with his feverish eyes. “I’m so going to spank you for this when I’m healthy again.” “If you remember, dear”, Nao interceded and kissed his lover’s cheek. “And now back to bed with you, your feet are naked.” “Don’t tell me what to do, I’m not Saga.” “Okay.” The smaller drummer smiled with just a hint of teeth. “Saga-kun, tuck your other master back into bed and keep him there.” Kai grumbled, but followed Saga into the bedroom and crawled onto the bed, while Nao went to unpack the groceries he bought for his lover. The moment Kai heard something clink in the kitchen he tried to get out of Saga’s arms again. “Nobody touches my kitchen! Get him out of my kitchen right now, Saga!” “Don’t give me conflicting orders!” the bassist cried in response. “Please?” he added as an afterthought. “Nao. Kitchen. Out!” Frustration welled up in Saga. This was not fair. He’d agreed to obey any given order of both Nao and Kai and he really wanted to. But this was not… unless… “Nao-sama! Nao-sama, I need your help, please!” “Oi, what’s it?” A round face appeared in the doorway. Being the nice and helpful guy Nao generally was he wouldn’t leave a call for help by a band member unanswered. (unless of course it was a Scene requirement.) “There.” Saga realized he was sweating. This had gotten him all nervous and it wasn’t even a sexual thing. Yet. Kai had already promised punishment for his earlier remark and Saga really didn’t want a sick and disgruntled Kai thinking up repercussions for disobeying orders too. “Kai-sama is in bed and Nao-sama is out of the kitchen. I did what you asked of me.” Understanding dawned on Nao’s face. “Oi, Kai, are you being mean to Saga-kun?” Without further ado he grabbed some restraints from the bedside table and cuffed Kai, who was too weak to defend himself, to the headboard. “One day you’ll learn to accept help gracefully… or not, you big old grump.” Nao gave the other drummer a peck on the forehead. “And now you’ll wait nicely in your bed while Saga and I ~cook~ a ~meal~ for you in your ~kitchen~.” It was times like these that reminded Saga who was the bigger sadist of the two. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (