Mazoku in heat von Momi ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Bonding (Yuuram) --------------------------- *blush* erm....joa... meine erste PWP... oder so... Is leider scho ein bissl mit Story, aber da müsst ihr nu durch^^ have fun^^ Achja diese Story is Dee gewidmet x33 Weil sie mich sozusagen zu der FF inspiriert hat^^ ....und wehe hier kriegt jetzt einer versaute Gedanken!!! XD Es war gar net so, wie ihr denkt XD Aber jetzt: On with the story^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a while since Yuuri had returned to earth. In Mazoku time he had been away for about two months. He had his tests and baseballtraining and after all that, which needed to be done, he had finally found the time to return. So when he was sucked from his bath to the Shinou temple´s fountain, he expected everyone to be waiting for him. He already closed his eyes shut, in expectance of Wolfram and or Günter to jump him and cling to his neck either shouting or crying. But the silence remained. Suspicious, he opened one eye, than the other. No one was there. “What is going on?”, he wondered, when Murata walked out of the temple. “Oh, you just had some bad timing that´s all…”, he carefully started to explain. Yuuri looked at him dumbfounded. “What do you mean bad timing? Didn´t they know I would come?” Murata grimaced slightly, then tried a smile. “They´re rather busy at the moment. But maybe, you should follow me for now…” “What exactly is going on?”, a confused king demanded to know. “Seems you haven´t listened to Günter as well as you should have. It´s mating season now. The great heat.” “Heat?”, the baseballboy wondered. “But it doesn´t seem that hot in here.” One moment Murata looked at him stunned, then laughter erupted from him and it nearly sounded a little like barking. “No, not the summer kind of heat!”, he chuckled and suddenly felt a slight weight on his shoulder. “That´s correct. A full-blooded Mazoku goes into heat at a certain time of the year, when the stars are in the right order. That happens mostly once a year.” “Shinou!”, Murata pouted. “I wanted to tell him!” The original king grinned. “So if you go back to the castle, everyone will seem a little different from what they usually are. You´re lucky to be half and half. Otherwise you would be all the same as they are now.” “What do you mean?” Yuuri still didn´t seem to grasp it. “Well, maybe learning by watching will do!”, the sage smiled and leaded the boy up to the castle. But what Yuuri found, shocked him to no end. Fortunately, Cheri-sama seemed to have gone on love-vacation once again but suddenly everyone else was acting like her too. He could see two of Wolfram´s guards flirting heavily with each other in the entrance hall and when they nearly shoved their tongues down each others throat, Yuuri coughed silently, making them jump and run off together. “What´s going on?”, he asked the sage, but received only blinking glasses. “Maybe you should go and find Wolfram, before he does something really stupid.” The Soukoku-king looked at his friend. “You mean, he´s in danger?” Murata nearly laughed at the boys naivety. “Well you could put it that way.” And with a laugh he vanished. Yuuri pouted. “Some good help you are now!” And he started searching through the rooms, losing his visual virginity in the progress, nearly disturbing a couple in the middle of making out everytime he opened a door. Had they nothing better to do than this touching and kissing and sucking-the-others-soul-out? Honestly. Yuuri would probably never be like them. He reached the next floor, that was exclusively for the nobles of the Mazoku. Maybe Wolfram´s brothers could help him. The first door, he opened, he slammed shut immediately again with a pounding heart and a red head. He never knew, that Gwendal was into Günter. And he meant that literally. And he never knew, that Günter was into what looked like a knitted corset. He shuddered. The next room was Conrad´s room. Hopefully he was normal and could help him. He knocked and when there was no answer, he stepped in. “Conrad?”, he asked and saw the man sitting on the bed with only a pair of trousers and his shirt halfway buttoned up. “Heika, how can I serve you?”, he wanted to know with his ever present smile. “You should call me my name, Nazukeoya. But right now, I´m looking for Wolfram, have you seen him?” Conrad´s smile grew a little more sincere. “He´s probably waiting for you in your room.”, he suggested and waited for the black-haired boy to exit the room, when there was a suppressed sneezing noise. “What? Is there someone here?”, Yuuri wanted to know and before Conrad could even react, Yozak walked in from behind the bed. “Ah, bocchan, Nice to see you.” He wore only the sporadic black demon string and seemed to be in an obvious state of arousal. “W…what?” Was the only thing Yuuri could stammer out. “What? We´re no full Mazokus? So what should it matter? We´re in heat too. But we are whenever we want.” And he wrapped his arms around his commander and grinned. That was way too much information and Yuuri stormed out to an apologetic smile of Conrad. “Oh my, is everyone crazy now?” Out of breath he reached his chambers and entered them, locked the door behind them. That might be more safe in this times. When he looked at the window, he saw Wolfram stand beside the curtains in his nightgown and with his head slightly lowered. “Ah, Wolfram, good to see you. You had me really worried. Murata told me you were in danger, but you seem allright.” At that Wolfram turned towards him and Yuuri felt like burning from those intense emerald eyes. “You worried about me?”, he grinned and stepped closer like a lion towards the prey. “Er what? Erm, no not what you think! Wolf? This is creepy!” Wolfram chuckled under his breath and started to unbind the ribbons in front of his gown. “What are you doing?”, Yuuri gasped and stared even more, when the pink silk slid down Wolfram´s shoulders, his waist and eventually pooled around his ankles. “Don´t you desire me, Yuuri? Isn´t my body beautiful?” His voice was raspy and Yuuri could see his arousal, that poked skywards from beneath golden curls, that danced down from his navel. He gulped visibly and watched how strong muscles moved underneath tender, slightly flushed skin. Wolfram indeed had a beautiful body. Slim, yet trained, slightly curved hips and an ass you just wanted to grope. Pink nipples stood out on his fair skin and suddenly heat floated inside Yuuri, made him want to touch the blond beauty. He reached his hand and felt Wolfram´s body shudder underneath his touch. “Touch me more!”, he pleaded and took Yuuri´s other hand, put it onto his hip and moved it up and down. Fascinated by the softness of the skin, Yuuri started touching him everywhere. The flat chest, the round hips, his smooth ass and he felt a pounding inside him, that grew stronger and stronger until it materialized in between his legs. He came closer to the blonde, put his arms around him and started to sniff his hair and the tender skin on his neck. Wolfram tasted so sweet. So seducing. He acted almost automatically, when his lips kissed and nibbled the skin, trying to taste him. He elicited a moan with his effort and could feel one of Wolf´s Hand clench into his hair, the other claimed his backside, massaged it and felt him up a little. But to his own enigma, it didn´t feel bad or disgusting, not even wrong. On the contrary it felt so right, he never wanted to stop it. He started grinding their hips together and felt the blondes hand open his trousers. They pooled to their feet and he stepped out of it, losing his jacket and shirt along with his shorts on their way to the bed too, until they lay next to each other completely naked. “You are so beautiful…”, Yuuri whispered in Wolfram´s ear and the blonde moaned. “Oh how I wanted to hear this from you.”, he admitted and pulled him in for one searing kiss and suddenly Yuuri smiled into the kiss, remembering his promise to never do such disgusting stuff. But now he enjoyed it, oh and how he did. He could not get enough of those puffy, red lips, that tasted like cherries and chilies. And the skin that was like porcelain. He felt the blondes hand go down his body and he threw his head back, when it reached his jewelry. The hand felt him up and down, lubricating him with his own juice and he shuddered in pleasure. “Wolf…”, he whispered in his ear and the blond looked at him mischievously. “Do you want to claim me? And make me yours?”, he offered and Yuuri felt a little overwhelmed for a moment. He hadn´t even done a girl, how should he know the way it worked between guys? He didn´t know what to do. “Don´t worry, I´ll help you!”, the blonde promised. He turned a little and took something out of the drawer. “What´s that?”, Yuuri wanted to know and started to curiously examine the bottle. “It´s lubricant, so it won´t hurt for either of us.”, Wolfram explained and Yuuri felt even more nervous. “Have you ever done such a thing?”, he wondered and Wolfram shook his head. “You´ll be my first, so don´t screw it up, Wimp!” Yuuri gave him a crooked smile. “That´s more like you….”, he said. “And don´t call me Wimp!” Then he looked at Wolfram curious. “Look, I will do it myself this time, but watch closely, next time, you´ll do it, got that?”, the blonde exclaimed and the king nodded. Slowly, Wolfram spread his legs apart, showing his king every part of his privates. Then he closed his eyes and put one lubricated finger to his hidden opening. Slowly, he entered and Yuuri could see, how the hole sucked the finger in. He wondered, what it felt like inside. Was it hot? And tight maybe? He looked at Wolfram´s face and noticed, that he was feeling a little uneasy, so he started to stroke and caress him again, trying to take this tension of him. Soon the next finger entered and Wolfram started pumping them in and out again. Just when Yuuri imitated the movement with his fingers, Wolfram jerked a little and his fiancée looked at him in alarm. “You alright?”, he wondered, but had to keep himself from coming. He had never seen such an erotic expression on Wolfram´s face. He seemed absolutely ecstatic and feeling total bliss. “What was that?" “My prostate…”, he gasped and moved a third finger inside. “You gotta hit that in case to make me feel really good…” He was still in some kind of dizzy dream. The king looked at the opening once again, when Wolfram´s fingers left it. “Do it now, but be careful!”, the prince warned him and opened his arms, waiting. Yuuri took a deep breath and nodded. Slowly he settled between those creamy thighs and took himself in his hand, trying to probe at the entrance. He felt the blonde bow slightly up to him and suddenly he had passed the two tight rings and slid deeper inside his fiancée. It felt good. Really good. “Wolfram…”, he moaned in bliss. It was hot and tight and oh so sweet. His shudder took over Wolfram and they looked into each others eye before sharing another deep kiss. “Move…”, Wolfram whispered on his lips and clumsy as he was he tried to. First it was a little strange, but the thrusts became more smooth and deeper and harder as both rode them into ecstasy. He could feel his sweat dripping from his body and mingling with Wolfram´s fluids. It was so hot and so good. He wanted it to be never-ending. He could feel Wolfram scream his name and tighten around him, everytime he hit that sweet spot inside of him. But all too soon he felt his stomach tighten and suddenly released inside Wolfram, stroking him into completion too. After that he rolled down from him, so he wouldn´t crush him and took him into his arms. “Wow…”, was everything he could say. “Oh yes….”, Wolfram sighed. “I´ve dreamed about that really long now and it finally came true.” "Not exactly what I dreamt of, but it was better than anything I could imagine...", he admitted smiling to the blonde. But the prince was too tired to say anymore and so Yuuri just kept on caressing him until both fell into deep, content sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tehihi^^- You liked it?^^ Or not? It kinda scares me, that this chapter is actually longer than my normal chapters.. Cough... I´m a perv after all XD Next up: Some more GwenGün^^ Or do you want ShinDai first?^^ Your choice^^ Kapitel 2: Battle´s aftermath ----------------------------- Und hier das nächste Kapitel meines kleinen PWPs x3 Disclaimer wie immer, nur die Idee gehört mir^^ Gewidmet ist das Kapitel Dee^^ Frohe Weihnachten Aber auch euch anderen viel Spaß damit! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a hot summer night and the army had built their tents around various fires. The flames seemed to dance in the dark, clear night. The stars seemed to sparkle even brighter and the moon had a mysterious halo around its form. Everyone was still up and dancing and celebrating. There was wine and meat roasting over the fire. Laughter and cheering could be heard, but a certain someone refused to participate in this, in his eyes, immature, primitive behavior. The dark-haired sage sat outside the camp leaning on a tree. He could still supervise everything, but was out of reach for the wine and hormone drunken men. He was in no way appealed to be touched in an inappropriate way. Silently he sighed to himself. His king would certainly laugh and call him prude for acting that way. He would advise him to let himself loose and just enjoy the night. But how could he? How could he go and just mate with some random soldier, whose name he would have forgotten in a moment´s time? It just had no meaning. No reason. No future. What he really wanted, or rather whom, was no secret to everyone close to him and the king. They were nearly inseparable, as the sage always stood by his kings side, to protect and advise him in the best possible way. Though the oblivious receiver of his affection should by now be surrounded by only the best looking Mazoku, male or female, Daikenja wasn´t sure about his kings preference. But he certainly wouldn’t go and mix up with some cursed, ugly Soukoku. He had already done so much and risked his good name and reputation in bringing him to his side. The dark-haired knew, that only few people felt friendly towards him. Most of them loathed and feared him. They believed, he would turn against them and drown the world into chaos. He snorted silently. How idiotic! He wasn´t nearly as powerful as Shinou was. However his aptitudes rather lay in mental working more than in physical activities. He could hear footsteps closing up to him and tensed. “Leave me alone, I´m not interested!”, he snarled, before the supposed soldier could do something. But when he heard chuckling, he stared up in disbelief. “Why, my beautiful sage, you never turned me down before!”, the gorgeous king spoke and flipped his blonde hair back with a slight moving of his head. For a moment, the Soukoku could not do more, than stare at him, until he noticed how stupid he must look und turned his look down again. “Shouldn´t you be somewhere else? With someone else?” Or someone more, his mind added. He felt the king kneel down in front of him and lift his chin, to make him look into those sparkling, cerulean blue eyes. They were even more gorgeous that night, he imagined. “Why would I want that?”, he wondered out loud and looked for the answers in the depths of Daikenja´s midnight-black eyes. “Because tonight is a special night and everyone has someone special with them.”, he answered reluctantly. “So why don´t you?”, the interrogation continued. “You know why! I just don´t find pleasure in such activities and I won´t act on my hormones and procreate with some unworthy brat.” He crossed his arms. “And if you would leave now, I would like to bask in the tranquility of the night.” Once again he heard the other man´s silent laughter. “How come you are so rude to me? Is it your way of coping with the hormones? Or are you depressed by seeing everyone with someone?” “Sorry, but it´s not of your concern. Go and enjoy yourselves! The kingdom needs an heir. Leave me and my prudish nature alone.” But that went not quite as planned, because suddenly Daikenja felt himself being lifted up by strong arms and pressed against a muscular, disarmoured chest. He looked up into blue eyes that had a playful gleam. “What do you think you are doing?”, he wanted to yell, but it came out as a squeal rather. When he received no answer, he started to struggle against those hands, but the grip on his knees and waist only closed firmer around him. “Try not to make too much uproar.”, the blonde man whispered to his prey. “Wha…?” But as he looked around, he could see, that all the soldiers they passed on their way, had stopped whatever they did and stared into their direction. Soon though, they started cheering and whistling and the Soukoku felt his face burning. That was so embarrassing, humiliating! And though he never felt happier in his life. “What are you doing? They´re going to get the wrong idea.” , he whispered to his king, but the blonde only smiled a little. “Why should they? They see their king carry away his special someone for the night.” Daikenja felt his heart pacing up, beating hard against his ribcage. “Just for the night?”, he wondered and they reached the kings tent, which they entered fast. But his answer had to wait, until the king had bedded him onto a fluffy fur-rag and poured the two of them a glass of wine. Then he himself settled down next to the curious sage and stroked his cheek, after the cup was taken from his hands. “No, not just for one night.” , he said and leaned in, to capture those lips he had watched for so long now. They were even softer than he imagined. He moaned satisfied and his hands started to roam over the sage´s side, his back and his firm butt. When they stopped the kiss in need of air, Daikenja shyly smiled at him. “I wanted to do this for quite a while.”, he confessed. “Why didn´t you? I waited for you. But tonight my patience was at end. I needed you with me.” This answer warmed the black-haired´s heart and he hugged the man in front of him. “So your hormones got the best of you?”, he wondered teasingly and let himself loose, showed the other man his desire. “If you want to say it that way. I´d rather say it´s heavenly foreordination.” He tried to sound serious but with a fully grown erection and his hands, that were massaging the firm backside of his partner, he failed. Daikenja laughed. “Your such a sweet fool.” “And you love me!” He felt his cheeks redden but nodded softly. “I do!” And they once again closed in for a kiss. A deeper one. One full of their desire and love for each other. One that lead to more touching and eventually clothes shedding until they rolled over the rug stark naked and fully aroused. Lips red and swollen from the kissing and hips grinding together in an almost practiced rhythm. “May I…?”, the king wanted to know and gently his hand reached down between the Soukoku´s legs, who nodded and granted him access to his most private place. With extra care he started probing at the hole, using the wine as an lubricant and slowly he stretched the tight channel for something way bigger. Daikenja tried to relaxed and closed his eyes, clinging to the blond. It was his first time and he hoped, he wouldn´t regret it. He hoped, the man would stay with him even after this night. And even if Daikenja was not that good of a lover. Suddenly he felt the fingers exit him and he gulped and looked his lover in the eyes. There was an unspoken question, but he understood and nodded. Shinou lifted his legs on his shoulders and slowly started to enter him. He could hear him groan and moan. And he was relieved, that it seemed to feel good for him. The black-haired got used to the penetration fast, thanking his king inwardly for the patience and them asking him to move. And move he did. The first ones were more probing and trying. But then he found his way and started hitting the Soukoku´s prostrate, making him scream in joy and ecstasy. Forgotten were the soldiers outside, who could most possible hear them, and forgotten was the war and his fear of losing the blonde kind. Instead he raked his fingers in those golden curls and kissed him with all his love and passion and threw his head back, as he climaxed and spilled his seed over his stomach. He felt Shinou follow him and release within him and he smiled somewhat dreamy. The strong form collapsed onto him and he started to caress him gently, trying to calm him down again. “Hmmm, that was amazing, my black-haired beauty…”, he heard Shinou moan and chuckled. “I can only return that compliment. I never thought it would feel that good.” The blonde shifted, to prop himself up onto his elbows and looked Daikenja into the eyes. There was this playful sparkle once again and the dark-haired swore, he could feel something twitch inside him. “So… You´re up for another round?”, he grinned and Daikenja pulled him down for another searing kiss. When they woke up the next morning, completely spent and sore, and left the tent, to grab a bite and a quick bath in the river, there were already soldiers, who cheered congratulated them and Daikenja felt his face nearly exploding, when one of them clapped on his kings back and asked about his secret to make someone like Daikenja scream as loud as he had. That definitely was the most humiliating and embarrassing moment of his life. But as he saw his king´s smile, he knew, it was worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen^^ Über Kommentare würd ich mich freuen x3 Hosted by Animexx e.V. 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