That last day von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Kami-chan -------------------- You were lying on the floor, the pink hair arround your head like a fan, your little and pale body as a broken doll seemed to be out of place on the hard white ground and the towel arround your neck made me shudder. And yet I'm unable to move. - Yoyo, I've found Kami-chan. Slowly I turn. For a precious moment my brain let's me belive it's you. You standing there holding the old reddish cat, and looking at me gently. But after a moment or two I notice it's not you. It's just Laura. I turn my head again to the horrible scene on the bathroom floor, but you're not there, not anymore. I knew it wasn't real. I knew because I've been seeing it vere since that day. - Yoyo? Eveything alright? I smile and yet she notices. She notices how terrible I feel. Why does she have to know me so damned good? Haven't I hurt enought people yet? I sat on the bed and tried to concentate. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... Yoshiki you're not crying again! Even if I try, silent tears roll down my cheeks. I woud have liked to hide them from her. She didn't deserve it. I feel a smal hand on my back and there are her eyes again. - Easy, little one. Everyting will be fine. - It won't, Laura. Things will be worse, or stay as they are. I know. - You can't mourn him for ever. You know I loved him too. I loved him far too much. And yet I let go of him. You have to do the same or he'll hunt you down 'till you're with him. I look into her bright blue eyes. - There is nothing I want more than ti be with him, Laura. I've done it again. Even if she tryes to hide it, I know her too. She can't hide, as I can't. And I know my last sentence has hurt her very much. She stands up and for a few moments she let's me alone, just to return with a sharp knife from the kitchen. Kami-chan looks at her without understanding. - If you want to follow him- she pushes the knife into my hand- then do it. As if I hadn't tryed! This is no the first nor the last time y hold that heavy sharp knife in my hands. Yet I know I'm not brave enought to do it. What if there is nothing after death? What if I get lost in the spirit world? What would happen to Laura if I die? What will happen to my music? And X? Will it die deffinitly? Thouse quiestions bother me every time. And I can't let my work unfinished. It's just... KLUNK! The knife has landed on the ground near my feet. - You have choosen, Yoyo. - I need some time, Laura. Please... And she nods. She's noding. Gods how I love this creature. Everyone would have been shouting arround. Everyone else has left me here, alone to mourn my deads myself. Only little and goog Laura nods. And I know she'll be here tomorrow again and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and after the other. Just as she has been for the last nearly two years... She kisses my forehead gently and I feel a soft caress on my cheeck. - I love you, Yoyo. You know. - I love you to. She backs a few steps and smiles sadly. - But not enough. Call me if you need something. Don't worry about the time. - Sayonara, Laura. - Bai. Kami-chan looks at me and he seems to know far too much for such a little animal. I rest a hand on his warm and dark body. Kami-chan.... hide had found him on the streets one night. I think he had been sitting next to him for hours to get his trust. And then he had brought him to the hotel, just like that. I was halfdrunk as I opened the door to our room and found those bright, big, yellow eyes stearing at me from my bed. You looked so misserable as I said we couldn't take him home. It wasn't an ordinary cat for you it was like a person. "He has feelings, you know?", did you shout at me, holding your animal like it was a baby. "What woud you think if I didn't let you sleep inhere tonight?" I just smiled. You would never do such a thing to me. "I'm not a cat" I shouldn't have said that. Because you actually threw me out of the room and didn't let me in anymore. At first I thought it was a joke of yours, but as the time passed and you didn't open I wondered. And after two hours and a half I went to Toshi. I've never seen him laugh that much about any of your jokes. Taiji was there too. He was so drunk he just laught and said something like "The Prince has dismissed Cinderella, ne?" I could have beaten him, but didn't. He was drunk, and I don't beat him when he's drunk, because he uses to get bad injuries. But I told miself to remember and to make him work more the next day. I hate it, when they call me Cinderella. Of course, Toshi was kind to me and let me share the bed with him. That night I didn't sleep well. Toshi moves a lot when he's asleep and Taiji bade some strange noices. The onlyone that didn't move not make any noises was Pata and as I laid there awake I wondered I he was still alive. Of course you had slept as good as always and the cat staid. How could it had been different? SO there is my firs chapter to my first ff ever. I hope you like it. I don't know how long it'll be, it depends on too many things. Sorry if there are too many mistakes or the stile isn't the best. I'll try to make it better the next time. Kapitel 2: Brillance of pink ---------------------------- He was sitting on the piano, his fingers dancing over the black and white keys. Kami-chan laid at his side and looked sadly up to him. For how long had he been playing now? Two hours? Four? Maybe six or seven, he didn't even notice. His fingers played on his own and he wasn't even paying atention to what they did. Only if they missed a note. Then his face showed a grimace, but this didn't happen very often, only a few times, so he could deepen into his memories. He felt sweet hands on his shoulders and someone bending over him to kiss kindly his cheek. -Aren't you tired yet?- asked a sweet voice into his ear. He closed his eyes, knowing too well he was imaginating that presence at his back. You're not there, you're not there you're not there. Yoshiki couldn't keep from remembering the time he HAD been there. The smiling pink thing that used to lie on his belly near the piano, looking up at him,Yoshikim while eating cookies, or on his back trying to concentrate on a megacine or book he held infront of his eyes. Making as if he were reading. But you never managed to read, did you?. You couldn't bloc the sound of the piano. You had to listen. A silent tear rolled down his cheek and for a moment he felt a finger trying to catch it before it fell on the keys. But the finger missed and the sweet caress was only a cold feeling there were those fingers should have been. -How did it come that you entered my life?- Yoshiki asked silently.-It was Laura. She found you. Kami-chan stood up and jumped on the keys without any respect. KLUNG! KLANG! KLONG! The hands stoped and he looked directly into the yellow eyes of the cat. - So what? The animal just looked and it seemed to Yoshiki he was angry with him. For a second he asked to himself why, but then he rememberd suddendly. He hadn't given anything to the poor cat yet. Sighing he went to the kitchen and opend a tin of cat food. While Kami-chan was eating, he looked at the clock on the wall. Twelve, it had been twelve hours and a half. - Shit, hide- he wispered. As if feeling refered to the animal looked up and Yoshiki blinked and looked back carefully. Had he seen a brillance of pink at his eyes?? No, impossible. Ok, Yoshiki, time for you to go to bed. Your loosing your mind completly. Leving the cat alone he went into his room and let himself down on the bed. It was cold, had been cold for so long... He turned on the other side. Laura had been the one to find hide. He remembered. They had been searching for a new guitar player because the one they had had was gone. He closed his eyes sleepy remembering. Two names in his head, playing with his toughs. Laura. hide.Laura.hide.Laura.hide..... Kapitel 3: The Park and the Coloured Guitar Player -------------------------------------------------- Laura ran out of the house as if followed by the devil. Her dark eyes were full with tears of deperation, but, of course, now one had seen it. With her guitar banging against her legs with every stepp, she crossed the streets. -Fuck you!- she suddemdlyscreamed, looking up to the sky. She had reached a little and dessert park and let all her anger go. How did they dare to treat her as if she was noone! She was the onlyone able to stand their temper. She was the onlyone to play those songs like they wanted them to sound. And now they just kicked her out of the project. She let another frustrated scream and kicked a stone, that flew a few meters and landed on the grass. -Fuck all of you!! -What the hell happened to you?- a sweet and friendly voice asked from behind. And there he was. From the first moment Laura put her eyes on that guy she felt a sudden interesst. Not only bacause his strange appearence, but because of his beautyful eyes and hands, and because of the yellow and pink guitar he was holding. -Excuse me?- she blinked, was he talking to HER? -What has happened to you? Why are you so angry? She walked one or two steps in his direction, looking carefully at him. He was a boy her age, bright pink and black hair standing up in all directions, odd clothing with a lot of colours that didn't fit together. Even the guitar was freaky. But otherways he seemed to be nice. His face was sweet, a thin and sincere smile lay on his lips. The dark eyes were shingin in a kind way, and she couldn't do anything but find him nice. Laura walked a few steps. -They've kicked me out of the band- she confessed sitting near the stranger. -Oh! I'm sorry. Did you play guitar in a band? -Yes... No. I was sustitute guitar. They didn't want any girls in the band. -So?- the big and pale hands suddendly stoped dancing on the guitar's neck and the black eyes fixed on her, as if her problems were the most important thing on earth.- Why were you in a band where you weren't welcomed? -It was the only way to be anywhere!- the first tears rolled down her cheeks.- Pata, my boyfriend, is the second guitar and Izumi the first one. But as Izumi can't come to every rehersal Pata convinced the others to let me make Izumis part whenever he couldn't come. -Where's the problem? -The problem is that Izumi doesn't want to continue in the band. Sp Pata asked if I could take the lead guitar part, as I know every song and I've been training so hard, but the other three don't want me to take it. -Only because you're a girl? That's silly.- Laura looked up to the guy, a brow arched.- I mean, they're lacking of a guitar now, aren't they? So if you can do it, why not? A little smile played on the corner of her mouth -You're nice- she said and picked her cigarettes out of her coat.- But they're just stupid. Cinderella and the two princes- Laura lit her cigarrette and offered on to the other boy.- Sometimes I would like to beat him up. The other one didn't say anything and they smoked silently for a moment. -So- he said afterwards- you play the guitar...? -Yes. Why do you ask? -I was just thinking... I have a group myself and would like to listen to your play... You wouldn't get the lead guitar, that one is mine, but I'm desperately looking for a guitarrist. -A guitarrist, so? -Hai. But of course I should listen to you playing first... -Of course. -If you're interessted- suddendly he had a little card in his hand.Printed on it was a pink spider, a telefon number and a name _hIdE_ , the letters where pink too and sparked as the light touched them.- Please call me. -Laura! Both, hide and Laura looked up, to see a boy with endless brown and wavy hair, in black leather and wearing a t-shirt of Jack Danniels. -There you are!! I was worried. The young sleepy looking boy stoped a few steps away from them and looked to both of them with a kind smile on the lips. -Hey, Pata. Are you done with the rehearsal? -No. But I felt uneasy so I decided to take a breake and look for you. May I?- he pointed at the cigarrette she was smoking, and she held it to him.- Thanks. I was worried, creature. Don't ever run away like that. -I'm sorry, Pata, but I couldn't stand Cindy anymore. The smile grew in Patas face. -I understand, creature. Cindy's just like that. Sometimes I can't sand him too.-the sleepy eyes turned to the pinkhaired boy. -A friend of yours?- he asked friendly. -We've just met- explained the stranger.- I'm hide. -Nice to meet you. I'm Pata. -So that's your boyfriend? Lauras face turned pink as she nodded. -And whose Cindy? Pata sat on the bench and patted Laura on the head. -I think he won't be very happy if he knows you've called him Cindy again... -He's stupid. And it doesn't bother me if he's happy or he isn't. -Don't talk like that, creature. Laura, who was sitting on the ground let her head fall on Patas lap, so he could strike her hair as if she was a cat. hide couldn't help but smile at this view. -So this is the guitarrist you talked before? -Yep. He's our dear second guitar. -I'm convinced that Cindy'll think about it. You'll have the first guitar. There's noone that can do it like you, Laura. She looked up at him and smiled. -Thanks, Pata. But I think I don't want to be first guitar anymore. hide has offered me to be the second guitar in his group. Pata seemed wounded, but said nothing. He just stroke her hair whith the eyes fixed on some point infront of him. -Pata, everything alright? Again she looked up at him, but this time she didn't smile. -I think we sould go back. -Are you angry,Pata? Smiling he fixed his eyes into those of the girl on the floor. -Of course not, creature. But I'll have to look for a new band myself if we don't come back soon. Cindy was worried. -That princess can be worried as long as he wants to. -Don't speak like that, Laura. You know he loves you. -Yes. He shows it to me too. -Taiji and Toshi are the ones that don't want you in the band. Yoshiki knows you're good. -Whose the leadre, Pata? If he had wanted me in the band, he would have said, and neither Taiji nor Toshi... -It's not that easy, Laura. She said nothing, but stood up and waited for Pata to do the same. -Nice to meet you- said hide, smiling at the couple. -Nice to meet you too. I'll call you. I'm interessted in your band. The smile in hides face grew. -I take your word. Pata held Laura as they walked together out of the park. When they reached the gate of it, Pata kissed his girfriends neck and whispered something that hide couldn't hear. Laura nodded, said something and then both kissed sweetly and walked away into the streets. A few notes came out of his guitar, and the pinkhaired knit the brow. He was interessted in that girl more than he had been in anyone for very long. Bitting his lip he put the head back and looked up at the sky. What the hell had that girl to look so spetial? Maybe those dark blue eyes... No It was her aura. She had something around her that called his atention. And he wanted her. He wanted her music, he wanted her body, he wanted her soul. The guitar sung another chord and he smiled. He would get her. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (