Moonlight von abgemeldet (Doctor Who meets Stargate Atlantis) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Part 1 ----------------- “You want to see something exciting?” The doctor appears out of nowhere, but Martha doesn't even bat an eyelid. She's getting used to this. Actually, he seems to enjoy doing this far to much. More than once he's nearly scared her to death, suddenly standing behind her in a dark room when she could have sworn she was alone only a second ago. “Like you didn't know the answer”, she replies. After all, she wouldn't be traveling with the doctor if she didn't like to see new, exciting things every day. “Then I know exactly the right place. Haven't been there in a while, but it's nice there. Bit lonely, though.” “How's that?” The Tardis stops with a jar, and Martha nearly falls to the floor – again. Once in her life she might actually be prepared for this, but it's not now, might never be. “Come and see”, the doctor says, and with that he's disappeared from her view. Martha sighs, but then hurries to follow him. She stops in her tracks when she sees what's outside though: the Tardis is parked in a long corridor. The walls are painted in a shade of blue, but there are little lights everywhere, and large windows with a stunning view over a never-ending ocean. It must be late, because it's pretty dark, but there are several moons of different size lighting the night. It's beautiful. “The city of, who people like to call the Ancients.”, the doctor explains, walking along the corridor. Martha follows him, unable to keep her eyes from the windows and the alien design that's more beautiful than any she's seen before. Something seems wrong, though. “Where is everybody?” “Dead”, he replies. “The Ancients left millions of years ago. It was war, and they were losing. They went to earth after that and, eventually, died. They were an impressive race. Came to this galaxy before the time war. Never took part in it, though I doubt it would have changed anything. They were highly evolved, but there weren't too many of them. Just enough to happily live in their big, flying city in this small galaxy, far away from everything else.” His voice softens, as he steps out on one of the balconies. “I met them a couple of times. Wasn't enough.” “Now this is weird.” “What is?” “You see”, Martha says, pointing at the city's main tower. “If everyone is dead – why are the lights on?” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (