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Sadako-xD   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 06.11.2019 10:46
Das war mein Beitrag zur offiziellen "Mr. Glass Competition 2019".

Dies ist mein OC (von Unbreakable / Split / Glass), den ich in Zbrush gesculpted, in Keyshot rendert und in Photoshop übermalt habe.

Hier die Beschreibung, die ich dazu eingereicht habe:

Name: Mason Denver
Type: Hero
Superpower: petrifying to kill, but also to revive people (amplifying and creating bone / body structures when strongly emotional and looking at people)

Traits: shy, intelligent, socially awkward, empathic, insecure
Occupation: software developer
Hobby: Kintsugi
Kryptonite: snakes (got bitten as a kid / Medusa connection)
Signature move: stare
Color Code: Grey / Black
Connection to the movie: was affected by the same train accident caused by Mr. Glass as a child (biological laboratory accident nearby); has the same therapist as Kevin; later revives all three main characters

When Mason Denver was 8 years old, he was watching the work of his father at a biological laboratory. His father spend all his time there to find a cure for cancer because Mason's mother was slowly dying from it. At this certain time the scientist dad was sure to be on the right track by experimenting with the cells of patients with stoneman disease. He thought that there might be a possibility to use the killing mechanism of the one disease to kill off the other. The cells from the stoneman patients could petrify the cancer cells. Mason would stand behind the Glass and watch, waiting for his Daddy to finally spend some time with him. But this time never came. When the train accident happened, the laboratory was nearby and got razed to the ground. Almost all of the people present got killed – except for Mason, because he was small enough for the wall ruins to not smash, but shelter him. Heavily injured, he got transported to and rescued in the hospital.

But what no one knew: the stoneman cells came in contact with his injured body. They infiltrated it and caused a strange mutation amplifying his bone structure and disfiguring his face and body even more. This and the death of both his parents (his father didn’t survive the accident and his mother died shortly after that due to the stress) caused him to become an even more shy, insecure and withdrawn child. Luckily, he was taken in by a foster family. The new family was nice and caring but busy as well. From this day on, Mason would spent most of his time inside and distracting himself with his computer and hobbies like fixing things. He thought: if he wasn’t beautiful himself, he could at least make other things beautiful. Still, he had his psychological trauma and other problems to deal with – his disfiguration and shyness making him the perfect bullying victim.

One day in his puberty, Mason got in a very intense argument with his foster parents. He then found out that the disfiguration wasn’t the only mutation that happened back then with his body. When he was at the peak of his emotional state, he accidentally petrified and thus killed both his foster parents by amplifying their bone and muscle structures which smashed their inner organs while doing so. Horrified he ran away. But he was a smart kid, so he knew how to care for himself. And he knew that he had to keep his emotions in check or otherwise this would happen again and he certainly didn’t want that. So he searched for a therapist and became the patient of Dr. Fletcher. Quietly and always trying to hide from social interactions, he later found a job at a software development company where he could work from home.

The years passed by and while still working from his home he turned his hobby from fixing things into Kintsugi. This was a Japanese craft he discovered when he made one of his rare strolls through the city wearing his hoodie and he found himself at an art market. An old lady was selling the bowls and cups she fixed with gold particles. Such a beautiful and mindful craft. He was so disgusted by the modern society always throwing everything quickly into the trash, ending relationships without a second thought and generally not trying to fix things, that he fell immediately in love with this fascinating craft. Also he could release his anger with crashing things and fixing them in this way afterwards. Mason became very good at it as well and gifted one refined bowl to Dr. Fletcher as she seemed to be the only person caring for and understanding him.

Someday though, when he found out that the therapist was killed, his emotions sparked again and he wanted to kill off the people responsible for that. He was devastated to be left alone once again. With the training during the therapy though, he was able to control himself better and not just kill off the first person he saw. Instead, he carefully analyzed the events and waited patiently for his time to come – his revenge would be sweet. He knew that some kind of beast was responsible for the murder, but it had disappeared too quickly from the scene. Weeks later though, Mason found out, that the beast got captured and brought into the institution for the criminally insane as well as some other rather strange guys. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way. He was furious and tried to calm down. His revenge still needed to be made. Otherwise he would never find rest again. Still, he kept low-key and watched the events unfold. Especially on Casey he kept an eye from afar, since he found out about the connection between her and the beast.
But as he started secretly stalking her, three things happened: Firstly, he got to know that the whole case was much bigger and more complicated than he suspected. He learned that Mr. Glass was responsible for the train accident back then causing him to be who he was, that the beast was a mere victim himself and that these both and this David Dunn were arrested by Staple – a not so trustworthy person herself. Secondly, as he watched Caseys actions and researched more about her, he couldn’t stop himself, but develop some kind of feelings for her – feelings, he never felt before and blamed himself for. And thirdly, then the events of the escape happened, where he watched the three main men die.

After Mr. Glass events: Everything was so wrong. After Elijahs message is made public, Mason decides to get involved. He gets in contact with Casey since he still wants his revenge and Dr. Staple with her Clover Organization is his new target for that. He knows, this organization is the true danger and also he just wants to meet Casey in person, not telling her about his feelings, but just being around her. After a rather awkward introduction they both start a conversation and insecure, but honest he tells her everything about his former motifs, history and his powers as well as what he learned about the organization responsible for Kevin’s death. Casey firstly frightened, but then calmly replies that she also wants revenge for Kevin and to tear down this dangerous organization.

Mason and Casey team up with the remaining characters and make a plan to take the organization down. But they get pretty frustrated, since they can’t do much without the powers of Kevin, Mr. Glass and David. While making plans, Mason discovers that he is not only able to kill people, but to possibly revive them as well: While working together, Mason watches Casey being sad about a killed bird and as his feelings for her are rather strong he suddenly watches the bird flapping his wings again in Casey’s hands. He rebuilt the biological structures the bird was missing and brought him back to life. They both stare in awe and realize what this could mean. In the coming events, they test Mason’s powers and use it to revive the deceased three men: Mr. Glass, David Dunn and Kevin Wendell Crumb. Now they have the chance to take down the organization. While Mason has to watch Kevin and Casey getting uncomfortably close together, a fight between good and evil and between the organization and the so-called-heroes unfolds. All the while Mr. Glass, of course, develops some plans of his own.

Online Zeichenkurs
Print Shop
Monster (Sachthema), Horror

Computer Grafik, Computer koloriert


Kommentare (6)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Ling_Ling
2019-11-06T13:04:51+00:00 06.11.2019 14:04
das ist ja in ZBrush entstanden! o.o - Ich dachte mir noch, dass mir diese Benutzeroberfläche bekannt vor kommt, welche auf einem der Bilder zu sehen ist.
Leider habe ich selbst nie so den Bogen heraus gekriegt, wie man mit ZBrush arbeitet... es war einfach eine Spur zu viel "English" für mich, um zu verstehen, wie man genau vorgehen muss.

Sieht sehr toll aus. Vor allem wirkt das ganze auch so echt =D
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
07.11.2019 10:23
Vielen Dank ^_^. Ja, es braucht etwas, um in ZBrush reinzukommen, aber ich finde es persönlich immer noch wesentlich einfacher als Maya oder andere 3D Programme. Werd da auch mal einen Kurs zu machen. Du kannst einfach so viel und so krasses Zeug mit machen :D *fangirl
Antwort von: abgemeldet
07.11.2019 10:28
Ich wollte grad schauen, wo ich zBrush herbekomme, weil ich es endlich mal ausprobieren wollte. Aber 900€!? Wow. Das ist mir echt zu viel. Schade. .__. Dabei scheint es echt Spaß zu machen... Außerdem arbeite ich nur noch am iPad und da scheint es das nicht zu geben.
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
07.11.2019 10:31
Es gibt auch andere Wege *hust* aber ja, 900€ muss man erstmal haben. Dennoch sei angemerkt, für 3D Programme ist das ein absolutes Schnäppchen: Maya kostet über 1000€ ... jährlich! Man muss sich immer wieder, jedes Jahr die Lizenz kaufen. Zbrush hat man hingegen lebenslang. Schon ein Unterschied :D
Antwort von:  Ling_Ling
07.11.2019 11:21
ja, es ist wirklich unfassbar, wenn man sieht, was mit ZBrush eigentlich alles möglich wäre. Leider sahen meine... äh... "Skulpturen" immer ein wenig... stümperhaft aus. Und ich hatte irgendwie Probleme, wenn man von dieser "groben" Oberfläche auf "feinere" Ebenen wechseln sollte... bei mir hat es oft so ausgesehen, als würde mir die virtuelle Knet-Masse ausgehen XD

Mein damaliger Versuch, bei einem Kopf ein Auge einzusetzen... endete damit, dass das Auge nicht da bleiben wollte, wo es eigentlich hingehörte XD

Auch diese ZShperes um die Grundgerüste für Modelle zu bauen, erschlossen sich nie so meiner Logik =/

Ich müsste mal gucken, ob ich mein ZBrush updaten könnte... und dem ganzen dann vielleicht nochmals eine Chance geben. - Aber ich bräuchte wahrscheinlich eher so einen Dummie-Einsteigerkurs XD
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
07.11.2019 17:41
das ist gut möglich, aber da brauchst du dir überhaupt keine gedanken machen, dass es an dir liegt. Da sind einfach Programmfunktionen notwendig, die nicht intuitiv ersichtlich sind. Das ist leider nicht so wie bei Paint oder Photoshop wo man den Pinsel sieht und denkt "ah ja, damit kann ich endlos malen". Bei Zbrush muss man dafür ein paar Rahmenbedingungen erfüllen. Aber wenn man die erstmal verstanden hat, ist es wieder einfach und intuitiv :D wie gesagt, ich werd einen Kurs machen haha
Antwort von:  Ling_Ling
07.11.2019 20:21
Wo machst du denn deinen ZBrush-Kurs? Ich hab mich eben vor längerer Zeit auch schon nach Kursen umgeschaut... Aber nur ein sündhaft-teures Studium gefunden, welches ich aus Zeitmangel und Kostengründen einfach nicht machen kann =(
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
07.11.2019 20:40
Also der wird dann entweder auf udemy oder / und auf meiner Website erscheinen (allerdings zu normalen Preisen und nicht diesem Ramsch von 10€). Außerdem gebe ich auch privat in digitaler Kunst Unterricht (vor Oert, wenn in der Nähe oder meistens Remote über Skype). Bei Interesse kannst du dich gern bei mir per Mail melden (Sandra.suesser@web.de) :) Der Kurs wird noch eine ganze Weile brauchen, weil ich wohl auch erst zu Photoshop einen machen werde.
Von: abgemeldet
2019-11-06T11:56:05+00:00 06.11.2019 12:56
Wow, echt nett gesculpted. <3 Ich bin froh, dass du das auf Animexx veröffentlichst, weil Sculpting hier immer noch verpönt ist. Dabei ist es in der Unterhaltungsindustrie heutzutage ein vollkommen normales Vorgehen.

Das Design finde ich klasse gemacht. Diese Mischung aus offener Haut, sichtbarem Muskelgewebe und dennoch gesundem Erscheinungsbild macht das Portrait sehr appealing. Mr. Glass ist sowieso eine interessante Filmserie. Und du hast dessen atmosphärische Stimmung gut in diesem Bild umgesetzt.
Gern mehr davon. :)
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
07.11.2019 10:25
Vielen Dank ^^. Das stimmt. Animexx ist da noch ziemlich hinterher, was das digitale Arbeiten anbelangt. Möchte das bisschen mehr pushen, damit die Leute überhaupt auch sehen, das so etwas möglich ist.

Freut mich sehr, dass das Bild die Atmosphäre für dich so gut überträgt <3.
Antwort von: abgemeldet
07.11.2019 11:24
Ups. Ich hab unter dem falschen Kommentar kommentiert. Sorry Ling_Ling!

Du hast Recht. Animexx ist da noch ein wenig eigenwillig. Auch der Gedanke, dass traditionelle Medien über den digitalen gestellt sind, ist hier noch weit verbreitet. Ich finde das ein wenig rückständig. Auf jeden Fall akzeptiere ich auch traditionelle Malerei und Zeichnungen. Sie sind super! Aber das heißt nicht, dass ich ein Medium über das andere stelle. Finde ich schade, dass man hier teilweise auf Ablehnung trifft, nur weil man ein bestimmtes Medium verwendet.
Antwort von:  Sadako-xD
10.11.2019 16:07
Ja, ich finde einfach auch, dass alle kreativen Medien gleichberechtigt sein sollten. Nichts besser oder schlechter.